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    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Structured Wiring My House   
    I finished the project a while ago, though there is still some tidying up that needs to be done.
    The power I ran is feeding a zyxel 1U 24-port gigabit switch, my router, cable modem as well as a security camera dvr.
    I have plans to also power the directv swim box, just haven't relocated it yet.
    Also thinking of adding something like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004OG94VW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_oog5ybFTT0BAA to track power consumption. Ideally I would run a rack mountable surge protected network managed power supply, but they're expensive and I have no room left in my rack at the moment.
  2. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Developer License   
    If you have purchased multi-company you may request multi-company for your dev license as well.
  3. Like
    Cody got a reaction from brianlv3 in Release 3.0.6   
    Version 3.0.6 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area.

    This is a patch release that corrects issues with 3.0.0.

    Patching Blesta

    See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.

    Release Notes - Blesta Core - Version 3.0.6
    ## Version 3.0.6 2013-11-13 ### Bug * [CORE-611] - Logicboxes Module: Add order-id field to Manage Settings * [CORE-844] - Copy contact information when paying as an unauthenticated client does not work * [CORE-845] - Service pagination results in 404 * [CORE-846] - Client Group 'Allow Clients To Cancel Services' setting is unused and defaults to the company setting instead * [CORE-847] - Subsequent addon services use the qty value of an addon service added before it if one does not exist * [CORE-854] - Plesk: Service plans may not be fetched if using a reseller account * [CORE-856] - Cron: Service renew date may update if add invoice fails * [CORE-858] - Recurring coupons are not applied * [CORE-859] - Currencies::add() should always return void * [CORE-860] - Import Manager: Blesta 2.5 migrator creates error if currency already exists * [CORE-863] - Resetting password shows success message when no username is given * [CORE-864] - Cannot delete a pending or in review service from the billing section * [CORE-865] - Order plugin: Order form package WYSIWYG descriptions inheriting invalid styles for OL, UL * [CORE-866] - Adding service with a coupon resets coupon used quantity to 1 * [CORE-868] - Coupon discount not affected by service quantity * [CORE-869] - Create Client Group missing "Suspend Services Days After Due" select values * [CORE-870] - Authorize.net gateway does not set x_invoice_num * [CORE-871] - Transactions::getTotalCredit() lists $currency as optional * [CORE-872] - API fails to return false equivalent values * [CORE-875] - Delete client group always reassigns clients to group ID 1 ---
  4. Like
    Cody got a reaction from brianlv3 in Release 3.6.1   
    Version 3.6.1 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area.

    This is a patch release that corrects issues with 3.6.0.

    Patching Blesta

    See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.

    Release Notes

    See Blesta Core - Version 3.6.1.

    See all Change Logs.
  5. Like
    Cody got a reaction from kikloo in Force Ssl + Htaccess   
    Forcing HTTPS.
    Since you made the redirect a 301 you might need to clear you'll probably need to clear your cache to see the change.
  6. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Shyuan in Install Your Extension With Composer   
    We've recently released a Blesta extension installer so users of composer can install Blesta extensions into their Blesta installation.
    This makes it super easy to install open source Blesta extensions, or your own customer proprietary extensions using a private composer repository (such as satis).
    This installer supports the following extensions:
    Plugins Modules Merchant Gateways Non-merchant Gateways Invoice Templates Reports  
    See the instructions for usage in the README.
    Note that for Plugins, Modules and Gateways, the installer simply makes these extensions available in Blesta. You still need to complete installation in Blesta, like you would normally, for each of your companies.
  7. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Support Term Commitments (Contracts)   
    I'd go with "1 Month @ $12.95 USD for 1 Year". That's how I find it usually phrased for digital services with minimal terms.
    Secondly, we should definitely use the cancellation fee. The obvious limitation of using the cancellation fee field is that the cancellation fee can only apply if cancelled before the end of the contract term (e.g. after the contract period, cancellation is free).
  8. Like
    Cody got a reaction from aaronfitz in Support Term Commitments (Contracts)   
    I'd go with "1 Month @ $12.95 USD for 1 Year". That's how I find it usually phrased for digital services with minimal terms.
    Secondly, we should definitely use the cancellation fee. The obvious limitation of using the cancellation fee field is that the cancellation fee can only apply if cancelled before the end of the contract term (e.g. after the contract period, cancellation is free).
  9. Like
    Cody got a reaction from activa in Support Term Commitments (Contracts)   
    I'd go with "1 Month @ $12.95 USD for 1 Year". That's how I find it usually phrased for digital services with minimal terms.
    Secondly, we should definitely use the cancellation fee. The obvious limitation of using the cancellation fee field is that the cancellation fee can only apply if cancelled before the end of the contract term (e.g. after the contract period, cancellation is free).
  10. Like
    Cody got a reaction from ariq01 in Blesta Api Python Version   
    Being that there are hundreds upon hundreds of possible requests, the best reference would be the source docs for all Models in addition to the API docs.
  11. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Force Password Reset   
    There's already a simple solution for this in the event that your database is leaked. You run the following query on your database:
    UPDATE `users` SET `password` = ''; ALL Users will now be unable to login and MUST request a password reset.
    We're unlikely to build this into the system because this is such an exceedingly rare case, and I feel that since it is such an important decision to make, that it ought to be done by someone with direct access to the database already.
  12. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Rodrigo in Analysing Blesta Database (Useful Mysql Queries)   
    These can also be added to Blesta as Custom Reports, which is super cool, and would even allow you to customize them across dates or status values, etc.
  13. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Help Me Please With Migrating From Whmcs Licensing To Blesta Licensing   
    You can't store data like that because you're not going to be able to write to it that way. Try this:
    <?php require_once "path/to/license.php"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: ONE-TIME SETUP //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get license key from user and write to file file_put_contents("path/to/license_key.txt", $_POST['license_key']); // Initialize to fetch public key $server_url = "https://domain.com/path_to_blesta/plugin/license_manager/validate/"; $path_to_phpseclib = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "phpseclib"; // The path to the phpseclib library $license = new License($path_to_phpseclib); $license_manager->setLicenseServerUrl($server_url); // Get public key from license server and write to file file_put_contents("path/to/public_key.txt", $license_manager->requestKey()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END: ONE-TIME SETUP //////////////////////////////////////////////////// <?php //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: FETCH LICENSE DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////// $server_url = "https://domain.com/path_to_blesta/plugin/license_manager/validate/"; $license_key = file_get_contents("path/to/license_key.txt"); // The client's license key $public_key = file_get_contents("path/to/public_key.txt"); // The client's public key (if they have one) $shared_secret = "your-secret"; // A random shared secret value that exists for this Licese Module product $path_to_phpseclib = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "phpseclib"; // The path to the phpseclib library $license = new License($path_to_phpseclib); $license_manager = $license->getManager(); $license_manager->setLicenseServerUrl($server_url); $license_manager->setKeys($license_key, $public_key, $shared_secret); file_put_contents("path/to/license_data.txt", $license_manager->requestData()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END: FETCH LICENSE DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: VERIFY LICENSE DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////// $server_url = "https://domain.com/path_to_blesta/plugin/license_manager/validate/"; $license_key = file_get_contents("path/to/license_key.txt"); // The client's license key $public_key = file_get_contents("path/to/public_key.txt"); // The client's public key (if they have one) $shared_secret = "your-secret"; // A random shared secret value that exists for this Licese Module product $path_to_phpseclib = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "phpseclib"; // The path to the phpseclib library $license = new License($path_to_phpseclib); $license_manager = $license->getManager(); $license_manager->setLicenseServerUrl($server_url); $license_manager->setKeys($license_key, $public_key, $shared_secret); $ttl = 1209600; // Amount of time local license data should be valid for (60*60*24*14 = 1209600 = 14 days) $data = $license_manager->validate(file_get_contents("path/to/license_data.txt"), $ttl); print_r($data); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END: VERIFY LICENSE DATA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  14. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Help Me Please With Migrating From Whmcs Licensing To Blesta Licensing   
    Documentation on the License Manager can be found here.
    If you're using flat files, simply file_put_contents for the license key, license data, and public key. So, you'd have 3 files. Then you would just file_get_contents and assign them to the their respective variables.
  15. Like
    Cody got a reaction from ariq01 in Code Assistance   
    I think by module you mean plugin, right?
    You can load the models of a plugin directly, and then use them in your plugin, like so:
    from a controller:
    $this->uses(array('PluginName.PluginModelName')); $this->PluginModelName->modelMethod(); from a model:
    Loader::loadModels($this, array('PluginName.PluginModelName')); $this->PluginModelName->modelMethod();
  16. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Code Assistance   
    I think by module you mean plugin, right?
    You can load the models of a plugin directly, and then use them in your plugin, like so:
    from a controller:
    $this->uses(array('PluginName.PluginModelName')); $this->PluginModelName->modelMethod(); from a model:
    Loader::loadModels($this, array('PluginName.PluginModelName')); $this->PluginModelName->modelMethod();
  17. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Cron Not Running Unless I Manually Do It.   
    Configuring a web server is outside the scope of support we can provide. The community of web hosts here may be able to help you with that, but it sounds like you might be better off getting your hosting from a web hosting company.
  18. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Replace Exec Mysqldump With A Pure Php Mysqldump   
    I can't see this happening. We're talking about backing up a database. It's a critical process that should be executed as fast and as efficient as possible.
    Someone could create a plugin that uses this slow, and not very well written, library if they wanted to avoid using exec commands. But the penalty is not worth the gain in my opinion.
  19. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Cron Not Running Unless I Manually Do It.   
    If you say you're using XAMP then you already have MySQL bundled and should use 'localhost' for your database connection. That would definitely speed things up. Blesta runs pretty well on a Raspberry Pi so it's not likely your machine slowing things down. But if you do run your database from localhost and you still experience slowness, then there's definitely something going on with your server. Like maybe you're infected with a trojan mining bitcoins or sending out spam.
  20. Like
    Cody got a reaction from PauloV in Preauth And Capture Of Payments   
    We do have plans, in the future, to add an option when adding an order form, to choose whether to authorize only and capture when approved, or authorize + capture when checking out. However, as others have pointed out, authorize will only work for gateways that support it. So others would still need to process the capture immediately.
  21. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Preauth And Capture Of Payments   
    We do have plans, in the future, to add an option when adding an order form, to choose whether to authorize only and capture when approved, or authorize + capture when checking out. However, as others have pointed out, authorize will only work for gateways that support it. So others would still need to process the capture immediately.
  22. Like
    Cody got a reaction from activa in Analysing Blesta Database (Useful Mysql Queries)   
    These can also be added to Blesta as Custom Reports, which is super cool, and would even allow you to customize them across dates or status values, etc.
  23. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in View Pdf Invoices From Within Browser   
    Downloads work differently depending on your OS and browser. For example, on Windows with Firefox, you are presented with a dialog to either open the file in Firefox or save it. You can also tell Firefox to do this automatically. If you check that then every time you download a PDF it will open in your browser.
    With Chrome on Windows, the PDF is automatically opened in Chrome using Chrome's PDF viewer when you click the download at the bottom of the window. Again, you can select "Always open with system viewer" and it will automatically load in your browser when you download it.
  24. Like
    Cody got a reaction from PauloV in Analysing Blesta Database (Useful Mysql Queries)   
    These can also be added to Blesta as Custom Reports, which is super cool, and would even allow you to customize them across dates or status values, etc.
  25. Like
    Cody got a reaction from Michael in Additional Contact Has "billing" Permission -- Primary Email No Longer Receives Invoice Notices!   
    I admire Fantasma's passion. Closing as not a bug though, because it's not a bug. I encourage you to open a feature request to allow the community to discuss your proposal.
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