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Posts posted by mrrsm

  1. That makes some sense to me, I would like to verify my understanding though.


    If I create an invoice right now and set the billed date to tomorrow.  

    Next I add a credit to the account.


    Tomorrow comes and the cron runs.


    Would the credit be applied before or after the invoice is sent out in this case?

    What if I created the credit before the invoice?

  2. Everything I have that has an interval (sans Exchange Rate update) has an update time of 5 min.


    In my situation I created an invoice and had the date Billed set to Tomorrow.  I was unable to set that credit (earmark it for example) to the invoice because it did not yet actually exist as an invoice yet.  When the invoice was sent it did not have the credit applied on the pdf version although the credit was applied sometime after because it did have the credit when I logged in to check it in the afternoon after it was emailed to the client.

  3. I am curious if I am able to apply a credit to an invoice before the invoice is sent to the customer?


    This only came up because in a previous system I created an estimate for some work for a customer and received a partial payment.  When I moved this to blesta I credited them with that partial payment.  When I sent the final invoice I would want it to show that credit applied to that invoice. This would then show the subtotal, credit, and total at the bottom of the invoice.

  4. I noticed this as well. If I had two services that renewed on the same date I wold rather it send them one invoice with multiple items on it.  Or if I create a single invoice and set it to ship on a day when another invoice is set to ship I would like to be able to send these as a single invoice.


    I can see the reason for not doing this as well but maybe have the option when you create invoices for them to be eligible to batch together or not.

  5. Hi There,


    Thanks for the reply.


    Yes I understand that clearing customer data can cause issues with history, etc, however we shouldn't have to create custom SQL scripts just to clear databases when testing.


    This is 2014.



    I think that having these scripts for testing makes perfect sense personally.  I would not want that functionally to be available in my production code as I would not want any of my data deleted if I can help it.  This is where one off scripts help solve these problems.


    On the same note can't you extend the api via a module to add those features in for yourself if you need them?

  6. Does Blesta cancel Paypal subscriptions when services are cancelled?  This is exposed by the Paypal API so wondered if it was implemented here.

    I recently canceled a subscription (done through paypal) and it did not cancel it for me in paypal.  It would have been nice if it did though.

  7. There is plenty of guides for Blesta as far as upgrades go, but I have a different question.


    I am running 2.5.4 on a server that has php v 5.2. but my host is now forced upgrading the server to php 5.4

    This means I will need the 'other' source guardian version of Blesta. for php 5.3+


    My question is, what do I do here? Do I just copy some files across and this updates the Source Guardian installation? Or is there a more major difference between them?


    Jeez why did I not just choose ioncube to begin with.


    Just like you thought, all you have to do is overwrite the current files with the ones encoded in the version you want.  I had to do this a while back and didn't have a problem.  As there are only a couple of encoded files not much is really going to change.  As always though, make a backup just in case.

  8. Package Info:
    Blest version 3.0.6
    PHP 5.3.27 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Oct 25 2013 10:24:08)
    Copyright © 1997-2013 The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright © 1998-2013 Zend Technologies
        with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.4.4, Copyright © 2002-2013, by ionCube Ltd., and
        with Zend Guard Loader v3.3, Copyright © 1998-2010, by Zend Technologies

    OpenSSL 1.0.0-fips 29 Mar 2010


    curl 7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2
    Protocols: tftp ftp telnet dict ldap ldaps http file https ftps scp sftp
    Features: GSS-Negotiate IDN IPv6 Largefile NTLM SSL libz
    URL: /admin/settings/system/backup/upload/
    The error I was receiving was:
    error: SSL: certificate subject name '*.s3.amazonaws.com' does not match target host name [bLESTA INSTALL URL]'
    The easy fix was to use a bucket name without the period in it but it still should be able to use any valid bucket name which would include the period.
    A similar problem was reported in Drupal https://drupal.org/node/1673888
  9. Believe it or not I absolute 100% agree with all your statements, this, I wasn't aware.  Oh by the way, there not many hosting companies in my country, that i am aware of, that use appropiate hosting techniques, the majority they don't even provide a hosting panel.


    So, i do not pretend to do things the incorrect way,  when I was trying to force http, it was 5am in the morning after 48hs of working without sleeping, I was exhausted and you know what happens when you're exhausted.



    Aside from all this.  I don't know if I did it wrong but I toke a certificate from namecheap,  ComodoSSL.


    Is the StartSSL any better, should I use StartSSL ?

    The SSL Cert from Namecheap is just fine to use.

  10. Where would I find them? Don't see them on the docs or the demo.

    If you go to the modules section in the settings and click on available (this url: /admin/settings/company/modules/available/ ) you should see the modules.

  11. An idea I have that would be cool to be built in, is if blesta has git integration for revision control on files. This would allow easy diff/merging of updates to templates without overwriting customizations.

    No reason you can't do this yourself. 


    Every time there is an update I add the patch to my version control which allows me to see what the diffs are as well as manage any conflicts. 

  12. You get a list of the cron tasks and can set times for them to run on this page: /admin/settings/company/automation/


    I would like to be able to click run now on any one of those tasks and have it run by itself on demand.  

    Mainly this would be useful, for me at least, when I am testing some changes on my demo install or when I make some change that I don't want to wait 24 hours for some task to happen if I could just start it again now.

  13. I like the idea, and I think conditional upsells have been largely ignored.


    This would need to be part of some type of "Upsell" feature, integrated with the order plugin. Can you think of any other use cases besides x% off for x term?

    Not just upsell with a discount but other suggested items with no discount would be nice as well.  That way you can just suggestive sell based on the service they chose.


    Having rules would be needed as well such as show X upsell when Y item is in cart and Z item is not in cart. (Just reread your post and it seems like you covered that)

  14. That's right, currently only domains support. We will make another pass and add SSL support to domain registrar modules that support it later. We are planning to build a couple SSL only modules next, and revisit SSL support for registrars after that.


    Is there a rough time frame, along the lines of weeks or months?

    That will determine how I will proceed (waiting game or extending the module and completing the TODOS)

  15. After installing the namecheap module I can go to create a ssl product.  

    What is strange to me is none of the options from domains switch to ssl options (which type of ssl cert it would be maybe?)


    As I was a bit curious I took a peek at the api code and saw a few TODO's for the NamecheapSsl class in the modules namecheap.php file. 

    Are ssl's supported with the module currently and maybe I am just missing something?


    It would also be nice to see what is supported by the module in its docs if possiable (http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/NameCheap)


  16. Absolutely no change. Module log is empty as well.


    I did something similar to what Tyson said and just did a var_dump($response); right after the curl.  My problem was that my server's ip that was doing the curl request was different from the shared ip that my site was on and I was getting an ip rejected error.


    On that same note, that would be a nice thing to see in the module log in the admin.

  17. Hi,


    We gave the module to Blesta with all the documentation files and screenshots so there should be no problem with docs.

    We have a dedicated developer who will provide support for everyone who purchased the module from us, so no worries.



    Exactly Ken.


    Is it possible for the people who purchased it to receive an un-encoded copy of it through the Module Garden site? This way I can attempt to fix any of the issues I was having while I am waiting for the module to be re-released from Blesta? 

  18. @Paul That is exactly what I am doing currently as I don't need Interfax. 


    @Tyson  I saw the mod released but have not tried it.  I will probably wait until delivery modules are supported and then properly write a module for metrofax.

  19. I am attempting to add another delivery method for a different fax provider (MetroFax).

    I currently have it setup as a drop-in replacement of the interfax method but I feel like to properly integrate it I have to edit a lot of the "core" files so I could (in theory) use either interfax or metrofax.

    Is there a way for me to add another fax method without having to modify the core files which could break on an upgrade?



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