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Everything posted by kpmedia

  1. Yep. Read the drama here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voat#History The OP's link now shows:
  2. In \components\gateways\nonmerchant\paypal_payments_standard\views\default\process.pdt is $button_url = $recurring ? "https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_subscribeCC_LG.gif" : "https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/bnr/horizontal_solution_PP.gif"; How can this be replaced with a plugin? $button_url = $recurring ? "https://my.site.com/img1.gif" : "https://my.site.com/img2.gif"; The plugin doesn't even need any admin GUI. To change the image, just upload the new one as img1 or img2. I've read all the documentation, but am not seeing how to do this. Any ideas? FYI: This is done because core updates would overwrite the file with that code line. Related conversation: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5091-change-paypal-button/ I don't see a way to change the views to custom, meaning a plugin is the only way. Quite a few things that I want to do could be easily solved with this method. But I'm not sure how to start.
  3. LET / LEB owned by ColoCrossing, and tons of shenanigans goes on there. Most of the (often still young) adults went to vpsBoard, but even that can get out of hand at times. Even many "reputable" providers on those forums are complete jokes, and not professional hosting companies in any way. At best, most of amateurs that treat it the extra income as "gas money" or "beer money". (The one that surprised me most was where BuyVM confessed to using a NON-DATACENTER home basement to host client servers, using a residential ISP line. That explained a lot.) On the other hand, I don't see anything overly wrong in that thread, at a quick glance. Are you really a teenager claiming to have DDoS-proof professional hosting, are incorporated, yet hide your whois? If so, then you probably deserved to get called to the carpet.
  4. There are sadly almost no options right now, and never have been. - The best theme to date is the ones that Michael has released, based on a free Bootstrap and the for-pay WordPress ThemeForest theme version. But I'm not sure if he made that, or paid somebody else. (He says he's not a code, but he seems competent to me.) I've taken to theming it myself, and trying to fix UI/UX issues myself. But I keep running into roadblocks with the core code being unfinished or undocumented. I made a half dozen posts in the support forum last night, trying to figure out some of these issues. - The best element to date is a replacement login screen, which I'll use. I wish more elements existed, either as plugins, themes, templates, code swaps, etc. I bought it about 2 years ago, and never used it. But now I want to.
  5. This is why I never rely on third-party plugins, mods and themes -- especially anything paid (and ESPECIALLY anything obfuscated). I learned that lesson a decade ago. The whole "not releasing it, hmpf" attitude is a major reason why. It reminds me of a child: "If I can't have it, nobody can!" So it's nice to see a developer realize that open-sourcing it is needed. Otherwise the dev is really just screwing over existing clients.
  6. I've never liked OpenVZ. It has always handled RAM poorly, and is not really true VM isolation. Xen is better if you want templates.
  7. kpmedia

    Blesta Design

    I dig the Hostbill clone look.
  8. You think we can make a plugin for this simple action? Specify a button name/location (domain.com/img.gif), then simply upload the desired image into it. The problem is, however, that I'm not seeing that a simple "replace X code in X file" is possible. In this case, that line of code in the payment confirm page. The plugin system seems to be very narrow in scope. But that just can't be right, as other plugins do more. So some things are just undocumented? Make manual changes are every update is annoying.
  9. I see that the support manager plugin has its own views folder. Great! Now how can I change it to use another language?
  10. That Paypal Standard button is terrible. There's too many things in Blesta that are not obviously "CLICK HERE" type actions. The UI needs work. I see that \components\gateways\nonmerchant\paypal_payments_standard\views\default has process.pdt and in it is $button_url = $recurring ? "https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_subscribeCC_LG.gif" : "https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/bnr/horizontal_solution_PP.gif"; Great! I can change it. But at next update, will it be overwritten? I assume so. So how can "default" be change to something not default? I don't want it to be (template/theme) overwritten.
  11. Created invoice. Logged in as client. "Make Payment" Leave alone. Continue. Select Paypal Standard (only option), Review and Continue ... now what? The only button is "Edit Payment", and creates a loop. Where's Paypal? EDIT: It seems that "subscription only" does not work. I would think that the idea of "subscription only" is to force a subscription, rather than manually allow payments each time. But if that's not it, what's the purpose?
  12. kpmedia

    New Theme Error?

    Nevermind. "template", not theme. I left this in case somebody else makes the same dumb mistake. ___________ I copied the default bootstrap client theme. Inside "config.json", I added a few characters to the name. "name": "Bootstrap", is now "name": "123 Bootstrap", Zipped it up, uploaded it. The error is "Please enter a theme name. Please enter a valid 6-character hex code for each color." So what's wrong here?
  13. kpmedia

    New En_Us Language?

    Since only en_us is included (and thus overwritten), adding another overwrite-proof language is as easy as adding "en_gb", yes? This assumes that language is overwritten on updates. Is it?
  14. I didn't want to, but it seems I may have to. My issue is lack of time, not lack of skill. And if I create something others can use, I'll release it here.
  15. Does Blesta want to be better, or just more of the same?
  16. Need more demos. Otherwise very nice.
  17. I just want good UI for both customers and admins. - The ability to remove or customize anything, due to it being unneeded or confusing (or both) for the customer. Honestly, the admin area needs it as well (WITH DROPDOWNS!), as not all "staff" has the same permissions and needs. - Mobile theme for both admin and customers areas. Blesta is nice, because it's simple. But it's also "simplistic" (not a good thing). It's 2015, yet Blesta acts like a script I would have expected back in 2008 (not quite 2010, not quite 2005). Sadly, because of this, it's not really usable for many. So we're forced to deal with ClientExec and WHMCS. Those aren't perfect, no. But the UIs are much better. Admins can take care of basic tasks much quicker. The Blesta UI hasn't changed in years. That's just not acceptable. So what ever can be done to fix this, I'm all for it.
  18. And yet: "" This website is coming soon "" Blesta Theme "" Blesta Theme - Blesta Integration - Custom Blesta Web Design It's just really disappointing to see that nothing ever came of this. If it's still vaporware after 6 months, it probably will be in another 6. The reason that I'm not more supportive or optimistic is because it doesn't matter. A theme developer who wants to develop a theme will do so. Same for plugins devs. But there is a huge online problem, and has been for many years now, of people saying "look at me, look at my undone stuff, isn't it great?!", only to do nothing and let others down. I've been online a long time, and learned long ago not to put faith in anything "coming soon".
  19. No there's not. What we have now is this odd sub-nav menu, and getting it to not jump around is like playing a video game. Reminds me of Mega Man. Worse yet, the admin area has no mobile theme. I think the emphasis on billing software should be to appease the users of it first, not the their customers. Granted, both are important, but our usability should come first.
  20. I have looked at the code in about 5 months. So going from memory. If the admin is not bootstrap, then it's the client side, correct? (But I though the admin WAS Bootstrap.) Any ideas where the could be customized? I remember looking at the code, and even the smallest tweak would break it entirely. I made some good headway on client side customizations, but I did it without considering responsive design. Oops. So I have to redo it all.
  21. Is it just for clients? I'm selfish: I want it for admin. Clients don't matter, as they'll get emails. But an admin will live in this thing at times.
  22. I don't use anything now. I can't stand playing "mouse boxing", and it takes extra clicks. A drop-down would solve that. I'd do it myself, if I knew how. However Bootstrap is complicated, and I just do not have the energy to learn it.
  23. I think I was using 3.4, and it did not work. Does this plugin simply add the bubbles? That's what I want (and not replace Support Manager). I'll try again with the current version soon.
  24. I'm not yet sure what this is. Does Blesta now have (core?) "CMS" functions? I missed that.
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