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Everything posted by kpmedia

  1. I have no idea who this is, otherwise I'd suggest it to him. Maybe you can do that, since you apparently know him?
  2. Son of a .... "If it's not blue with an underline, it's not a link." I just fell for that. "Record Payment for Invoice #4, instead" = link
  3. It would be nice to have a feature that can merge replies.
  4. Blesta Offline payments is installed. In the admin, I would go to pay it when I get a check. But I can't.
  5. Client > dashboard (Invoice) > Pay ... then nothing. See attached. I don't understand the "instead" message. And I can't click the radio button. Continue is just an error: You must select a payment method.
  6. I see it: https://github.com/anzenehansen/BlestaPlugin-multi-account-login Hmmm ... I don't think that's the same thing. It looks for a primary email account, not the secondary contact.
  7. Okay, that's a passable workaround. (Though still not ideal.) user = john-site1 email = johm@me user = john-site2 email = john@me Thanks.
  8. Actually, I don't like the KB -- neither the official one, or the unofficial one. They have horrible styling. I'm going to use a Wiki instead. So I'll be using the Support Pro as-is. Keep up the good work.
  9. Nope! My attempt for integration failed. Not sure what's wrong. The "available" screen is blank, so I can't even test it.
  10. Yeah, what people see is what matter most -- I don't really care what it shows in the db.
  11. OT: Yeah, I saw that on Christmas. It's what I expected -- silly. Although I've coded sites since the 90s, and dev'd php since the 2000s, I shun the idea that I'm an expert in any way. However, I may be able to bring some of what I do know to Blesta. The deeper I look, the cleaner and easier it looks. Although I've griped a lot lately, it is clean code -- I'l give them that.
  12. Actually, I may have it done tomorrow. We'll see. If it works, I'll share the code with you. I may try to expand a few things as well. Some of this doesn't look too hard. I'm still figuring our how the code works.
  13. That is somewhat funny. I ran into similar issues with forums 10+ years ago.
  14. DIdn't know that. I've not paid attention for at least 6+ months here because the main feature I needed wasn't available yet. But now it is, so here I am. Hopefully he beats me to it, but I'll be looking at the code to see what I can find.
  15. Well, yeah -- removed as in "removed from the features" (not the exact code). When I re-write something, I don't leave anything out that was already there. Assuming it's not intentionally left out. (And I doubt this was left out due to lack of demand. It was simply put off until later -- and later never came.) I know they're not super devs. I'm not either. But it's also frustrating that I bought 3 based on 2, and was told of "coming features" -- not "lost features". It took a entire year for the promised feature (prorata) to finally appear. I wouldn't gripe as much if this were open-source software. But it's not -- it's payware. Let's not forget that. However, that said, I think it does have the best community (because of people like you), and therefore find it more appealing than others. I'm not all that fond of WHMCS (security issues, money-grubbers selling $hitty addons), nor ClientExec (sparse, unanswered posts), nor Parallels (so many unanswered questions!) At this point, I tend to wonder if PauloV can at least code the 'service list' into his Support Manager Pro plugin. I'm 100% unfamilar with Blesta code right now, otherwise I'd help him. (Maybe later I can.)
  16. This was in the Support Manager Pro plugin all along -- but nobody has ever mentioned it. In support_managerpro\language\en_us\support_managerpro_tickets.php // Priorities $lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.emergency'] = "Emergency"; $lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.critical'] = "Critical"; $lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.high'] = "High"; $lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.medium'] = "Medium"; $lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.low'] = "Low"; There's 5 priorities that can be changed to 5 common issues. While that's not the ideal solution, it's better than nothing (for now). I wonder if this plugin can add that function? Hmm...
  17. Is this no longer updated or supported? The knowledgebase is missing in the Support Pro. In fact, it seems the only difference between pro and regular, aside from the KB, is the little bubbles. That should be simple to implement into core. I mean, it's already done!
  18. I don't understand. How can it have nothing to do with clients? Client1 ads contact. Yay it, works. Client2 want to add the same person as a contact. Boo, it doesn't. ^ That's the 1st issue. The 2nd issue is the selection of the affected service for the ticket. CORE-450 confirmed what I remembered, that it was part of Blesta 2. Not sure why it was removed. Now take issues 1 + 2. The secondary contact person need to be able to select a service as well, so the support person knows which account is affected. That explanation is easy enough, I think. I hope. The actual implementation shouldn't be that difficult either. These are fairly minor code addition/edit/tweak compared to something like a SolusVM (or whatever) integration with those APIs. It's not a total ground-up code write.
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