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Everything posted by MLG

  1. MLG

    Schedule Emails To Clients

    So if I understand correctly I can do it and it will be automatically sent weekly or how ever I set it up but I have to do it for every customer? Thanks for your help.
  2. I have Blesta but haven't set it up yet so please forgive me if I should know this. Can I schedule emails to go out to customers on a selected plan say every other week or whenever? Thank you for your time.
  3. MLG

    Var Account

    Yes it was the same email address. Not yet but I will get one.
  4. I would like to get the pricing for a VAR account, I sent an email on Sept 19 and have never received a reply. Thanks for you time.
  5. I see a few of you have Blesta from the sale that they offered before the new version came out. If you got it to make a few bucks or just don't needed it any longer please let me know how much you need for me to take it off your hands. P.S. Branded or Unbranded it doesn't matter to me.
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