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Daniel B

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Everything posted by Daniel B

  1. I didn't even think about that, lol....sorry...just posted a generic fix for htaccess IP blocking I'll let someone else come along and chime in on this one, as I've never really messed with this on a rewrite level and wouldn't want to help you screw it up
  2. +1 for someone excited about it...since I use wordpress for every site that I make...saving me a bit of integration would be nice
  3. I haven't checked out limestone much, gonna do that now. I know BurstNET is cheaper...but the amount of support and extra stuff that comes with Singlehop is just amazing...they've got like 10 pages of information to go through just to get a feel for what all their reseller program can offer.
  4. There is already maxmind support, which is more than sufficient for screening fraud. Of course I don't speak for the Blesta devs...but I think they have quite a few better things to do with their time instead of trying to duplicate something that is already supported by a dedicated fraud system like maxmind.
  5. I think this would be nice as well. And could probably just be incorporated into the knowledgebase that is already being planned...just have a staff only section.
  6. First, if anyone knows of some other awesome reseller programs (vps/cloud/dedicated/etc), let me know...even if it's your own ... Second, I've been looking around for a dedicated/vps/cloud reseller account for a while now...and Singlehop, from what I have seen...pretty much blows everyone out of the water...their system just looks awesome. But...right now, although they do have a whitelabeled control panel (that I will be using once they get around to actually signing me up), they only have integration support with WHMCS and Ubersmith. So I figured, if you awesome Blesta Devs wanted to....you should contact them and see if they'd be interested in working on integration with Blesta...would be awesome. Just a thought while I sit here at work, trying to figure out what reseller I'm going to go with.
  7. While this is a neat idea...I don't think a paid module is the way to go with this (of course that's just me speaking...there's no way I would pay for something like this, as neat as it is...I'd rather just create my own training mechanism for my employees). Included in the core and I'd be all for it though
  8. add a .htaccess into the admin directory with the following code: Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from of course put the IPs you want in it, multiple IPs can be separated by a single space on the same line (no commas)
  9. Looking good so far, I will have to say though that you'd probably have better luck offering it for free and taking donations...since Blesta has already said they will be working on an official blesta tcadmin module...unless your's it's better than theirs, there won't be much reason to purchase it. (except of course for the time between when you release yours and they finish theirs) Is what you are working on aimed at just allowing an interface between blesta and tcadmin to create the accounts, or will clients be able to actually control their tcadmin services via blesta?
  10. I would love this, and I think it really is the way to go...specially since either way I'm guessing the KB will be coded from scratch...might as well push forward with technology and create a wiki based platform . I'm pretty sure I posted a detailed explanation of why a wiki would be an awesome way to go during beta, but sadly I don't think that thread made it over to the live forums .
  11. I'm going to take a guess and say that your username is not actually "user"...you need to update that.
  12. First, this isn't a hosting company...it's a software company...8 hours isn't a very long to wait for a response for a software product...just sayin' Secondly...what does Tools > Logs show? Any errors anywhere? Can you tell us exactly how you have it setup, etc? You didn't give very many details with which to help you.
  13. yes, yes...but it still doesn't mention OpenVZ at all on their main page...if something doesn't mention what I'm looking for (specially a main feature like that) on the front page...I don't always see much reason to dig any further... And since their main page specifically states KVM but not OpenVZ...it was a pretty logical decision for me to just move along
  14. I've avoided Proxmox for a long time because it doesn't mention OpenVZ support anywhere on their frontpage...it specifically says KVM...lol. Guess I'll actually have to give it a look now (I like to use both for different things)
  15. As far as I know, Proxmox only works with KVM machines...so I would hope the module supports it...
  16. hmm...I guess in that case I'll stop working on my super sekrit bootstrapped Blesta > Joomla bridge...until 3.2
  17. yup, that's pretty much what I'm thinking...except list them in order of most recent by default, not most votes...because just like the cpanel list...a lot of good feature requests get buried on the last page just because they are new and don't get very many votes because of that.
  18. First...remember that if you make this change, you will most likely need to redo the change after updates, as this is editing a core plugin file that could be altered with new versions of Blesta. You will need to edit this file: plugins/order/views/templates/standard/types/registration/main_signup.pdt Find: <?php $this->Form->fieldRadio("username_type", "email", ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->username_type, "email") == "email"), array("id"=>"username_type_email")); $this->Form->label($this->_("Main.signup.field_username_type_email", true), "username_type_email", array("class"=>"inline")); $this->Form->fieldRadio("username_type", "username", ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->username_type) == "username"), array("id"=>"username_type_username")); $this->Form->label($this->_("Main.signup.field_username_type_username", true), "username_type_username", array("class"=>"inline")); ?> Replace with: <?php $this->Form->fieldRadio("username_type", "email", ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->username_type, "email") == "email"), array("id"=>"username_type_email")); $this->Form->label($this->_("Main.signup.field_username_type_email", true), "username_type_email", array("class"=>"inline")); ?> This will simply remove the username radio button, so the only option is to choose email.
  19. I think the default should actually show the newest suggestions...and then be able to sort it by the most votes. If it's defaulted to the most votes...there's a good chance that newer suggestions that haven't had time to get votes will be buried at the bottom of the list and never get seen.
  20. that's a pretty good point, with the way they are treating it right now, it's like a huge gray area with what's allowed and what isn't...specially with the fact that it's not even written down anywhere. I'm going to sit down later today and write up an email to send to my google apps rep and see if I can get some sort of decent response.
  21. I haven't used cpanel extended yet, but it's shocking that it can't do it...seems like a pretty basic/standard feature for an extended module +2
  22. What specific type of documentation are you looking for? What's missing? I've always considered their documentation to be quite detailed. You are using: http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Overview?
  23. It should be there, did all of your files upload correctly? Might want to try reuploading to see if that fixes the issue.
  24. I have used Magento quite a bit, and I'm with Tyson in his opinion. If it is just for a smaller website, I would go with something else...while Magento is a very nice, and highly customizable option..it is VERY bulky, and if not optimized correctly can bring even the best server to it's knees. (unless they've changed this, I haven't used it in about 3 years now...) I normally go to Opencart or Prestashop...I like them both quite a bit.
  25. something along the lines of "because we said so" The person I spoke to (not my official rep) was very blunt about it and didn't really seem interested in explaining why even when asked.
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