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Daniel B

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Posts posted by Daniel B

  1. 4 minutes ago, Licensecart said:

    But you can't half pay for something you either pay it off fully or you don't pay for it. That's like going to a shop, saying I want to part pay for this shopping, but never turning up to pay the second, the company if they did that eat the rest or if they know where you live send a debtor out to get the rest.

    Exactly, they eat the rest...but they do have the first part of the payment.  You can pay for half of something (as in this instance that's exactly what happened).  Voiding works as a work around, but accounting wise voiding an invoice doesn't really write it off, voiding means it was never owed in the first place...which isn't true in this instance (at least in my differentiation of the words).

  2. 4 minutes ago, Licensecart said:

    nope :) it's back as account credit.

    yeah, that's what I thought happened.

    While that works as a sort of work around, I'm thinking a new feature request (not really super important though since this doesn't happen often) to have the ability to write-off the remaining balance of an invoice for tracking/accounting purposes.  The client paid part of the invoice so technically it's not a voided invoice (hence the reason you can't void an invoice with a transaction in the first place).  Having an actual method to do it instead of a work-around would certainly be an added bonus were it to be added :)

    So @op, you should make a feature request :).

  3. 6 minutes ago, Licensecart said:

    Click edit and then void. If it's got a translation click the row of the invoice and click unapply remove the transaction from the invoice and then click void.

    I don't think this is the best method of doing that looking at his requirement.  The client appears to have paid a part of the invoice, so the transaction should really stay on it since it's directly related to that invoice.  Might be worth a feature request to void remaining invoice balances.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Paul said:

    There is a known issue with installation on PHP 7 that we're looking at for a resolution in beta 2. You may be able to install on PHP 5.6, move your install to PHP 7 and do further testing. There may be other issues.

    I'll be doing the php 7 testing on a separate testing server just for this purpose, so I'll give it a shot :).  Are you saying install on php 5.6 and then upgrade php to 7, or move a blesta install from php 5.6 over to a php 7 server?  Guess either one gets the same results.

  5. On 8/26/2016 at 4:20 PM, Paul said:

    We have a Mumble server we host and use when we play games, that we could potentially open up. Tried Discord, seems interesting, but it never caught on in our circles.

    I use mainly Discord and Slack depending on what I'm doing...Discord is actually really nice once you get used to it...and removed the mess of having to host your own stuff.  I might have to join that Mumble though if it gets opened up :).

  6. 8 minutes ago, AnthonyL said:

    Oh, okay, we're talking about the same thing, but not voicing it the same way. I didn't phrase it correctly when i said cost to you. It's what you charge the customer, and then credit the customer. Your toothbrush example is exactly right. On the receipt, it'll show $2.00 for the toothbrush, and then -$2.00 for the credit. And then those transactions are placed in the accounting software to balance things out 

    ah, gotcha.  Yeah, in that case I'd like that functionality as well :).

  7. 40 minutes ago, AnthonyL said:

    I'm confused. For my accounting, the billing software needs to show that 1 - the domain had X cost initially, and 2 - it was credited with X amount. 

    It's not just about your cost :) both parts of that transaction should be shown. It's a paper trail. 

    I'm not sure of any billing software that shows what your cost is initially...at least not the ones that only handle billing.  Accounting and Billing are two different things.  You get the cost of your domains from your domain provider, not your billing software.  Your domain cost comes from them, and your $0 charge for it is in the billing.  Both of those are then input into your accounting software and reconciled.

    Paper trail is maintained, domain cost is on the invoice from your provider, your price is on the invoice to the customer.  I've never received a receipt with what it cost walmart for the toothbrush that I just bought on it.

  8. On 8/22/2016 at 5:41 PM, AnthonyL said:

    so how does your accounting work? The domain costs you money, but Blesta is reporting it as being worth 0? 

    Sorry guys for the tangent discussion! 

    Accounting isn't handled by Blesta, it doesn't know how much the domain costs in the first place...so not sure how that's related at all.  Your cost of the domain should be included in your accounting software.

  9. I just realized that's me in that quote, lol, I never even went back to read the reply (I guess I don't get email notifications from LET).

    I don't really feel either way about it.  I do have to admit that progress on the domain module has been super slow, so he's got a point there...but I've seen plenty of response from Paul and gang to criticism as well, so that point isn't really that accurate (at least in my opinion).

  10. Is it possible to blacklist signups from specific email domains?  Someone posted a list of temporary email providers over on WHT (I know, I know), and it made me think it would be nice to be able to add that directly to Blesta to block signups.

  11. After meeting with technical staff . A clustured dns is not a solution for us at the moment .

    Every server should have it own name servers .

    We will try to see what we can do in our custom order form .

    But from others competitors , They have this already out of the box !!!!


    I wouldn't think it would be that hard to get this feature added (or custom developed by someone).  Each server already has it's own nameservers set in Blesta, so all that would be required is for the domain module to check and see if that domain is already assigned to a service, if it is it should pull the nameservers of the server that the service is provisioned on.  I haven't really gotten into that much of the development side of Blesta...but it doesn't "sound" that hard from an outside point of view :).


    Maybe something to include with the Domain revamp coming.

  12. Yes I sure did. But doesnt the first post suppose to be fixed. How pro does that look ? Ive even gone to great lengths to UNlike it.


    This was a contest submission, not a "use my theme" submission.  Contest is over, really no reason for him to update it if he doesn't want to :)

  13. We could make a disclaimer, but I think we may need a signature from the author assigning rights to us for the contribution.


    What type of license would you be releasing it under?  If you'd consider releasing the modules under the MIT license, this wouldn't be an issue.  Though you'd also be giving up complete control as well.  But if it's just the modules and not the Blesta core, that might not really be an issue since you would need Blesta for the modules anyway.

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