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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Tyson

    Language Files

    No ETA yet on nightly exports, but in the meantime, I've regenerated the v3.0.0.b1 exports, and added v3.0.1 exports for download on the translator.
  2. I don't think this issue arises during normal use, considering it will only happen if you have no white-space in a long word, but it should probably wrap anyway.
  3. Tyson

    Wrong Url For Tags

    A new setting has been added in CORE-712 because of this issue. I briefly described it here.
  4. I assume by "poll" you mean POP3/IMAP. If so, I'm unable to duplicate. This password works just fine: !@#$%^&*(){}"'<,>/=_; Where are you trying to pull tickets in from? Maybe the server doesn't like special characters in passwords.
  5. Fixed in CORE-704 for v3.0.2.
  6. I'm not sure why that tag would be blank for you. Which email template are you using that causes this? "Ticket Updated"? If you can test this, add this debug statement to your email template and send in a ticket: {% debug %} This will display a list of all variables and their values available to the template. But since you mentioned this only happens when the email is sent via cron, this may be related to another issue where incorrect URLs were set for tags in emails sent out via cron. That has been fixed for v3.0.2, but I would still expect your tag to output something.
  7. This has been added in CORE-622 for v3.0.2.
  8. Variables should be checked to exist: <?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->Html->ifSet($system_company->hostname)); ?> The second parameter of "true" preserves tags (i.e. < > " ') which may or may not be what you want to do, depending on the context.
  9. Fixed in v3.0.2. For more details: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/809-payment-url-template-field-not-the-correct-url/?p=7444
  10. This issue is system dependent. Some servers do not allow certain $_SERVER fields to be set when running in CLI mode, which is how Blesta determines the install directory. Because of this, the directory your installation resides in is impossible to determine. CORE-716 adds a new system-level setting in v3.0.2 to store the path to your root web directory which will resolve this issue. When installing or upgrading Blesta, the value of this setting will be set automatically, however, if you install/upgrade via CLI, it will not be automatically set. In this case you must set the root web directory setting manually.
  11. While $this->Html->_() escapes HTML content to avoid introducing XSS vulnerabilities, I think you should continue to use $this->Html->safe() for wrapping custom URLs. Using $this->Html->_() several times is not as clean and readable. Also, these statements are equivalent: <?php $this->Html->_($variable); echo $this->Html->_($variable, true); ?>
  12. The user_id is a unique field per client. You can call Clients::getByUserId() to fetch the client. Something like the below may be what you're looking for: <?php ... $user = $api->get("users", "getByUsername", array('username' => $_GET['username']))->response(); if ($user) { $password_matches = $api->get("users", "checkPassword", array('password' => $_GET['password'], 'stored_hash' => $user->password))->response(); $client = $api->get("clients", "getByUserId", array('user_id' => $user->id))->response(); if ($password_matches && $client) { $api->post("clients", "setCustomField", array('field_id' => 5, 'client_id' => $client->id, 'value' => "my_new_value")); } } ... ?>
  13. Tyson


    It sounds like you're set to confirm existing translations, which means to translate terms that other contributors have already translated, and that you have already completed that. To continue translating the rest of the terms, go to [Account] and change the "Show Terms" field to something other than "For confirmation". Then you'll be translating your remaining terms themselves rather than only terms others have already translated.
  14. Tyson


    Russian was added to the translator recently, but a new round of exports haven't been generated since. Until exports are done automatically, unfortunately there will be some wait time for updated exports, but we'll get to it shortly. Probably within a couple days.
  15. CORE-711. This applies to plugins installed after languages have been installed.
  16. Is the email template, Ticket Updated, enabled? Are there any logs related to it under [Tools] -> [Logs] -> ?
  17. Go to [settings] -> [system] -> [General]. The uploads directory path should be shown there, and should be writable. You can change it whatever you like, but by default we recommend having it above a web-accessible directory, so if Blesta is installed at /home/user/public_html/billing/, then the uploads directory can be at /home/user/uploads/ and the system directory where you place the GeoLiteCity.dat file would be at /home/user/uploads/system/
  18. Tyson

    Language Files

    It may be that the 15% it calculates is considering definitions translated after the exported zip was already made. Since the exports for v3.0.0.b1 were created a couple weeks ago, anything translated since has yet to be added to the export, or would be in a v3.0.1 export. We're working toward some automatic nightly exports for the translator, but haven't been able to get to that yet, so I'll see if we can generate another round of exports soon.
  19. Adding the newline would make it look similar to: X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.27 Content-type: text/html Attempting to run all tasks for My Hosting Site. Attempting to renew services and create invoices. The create invoices task has completed. Attempting to apply credits to open invoices. There are no invoices to which credits may be applied. The apply credits task has completed. Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery. No invoices are scheduled to be delivered. The deliver invoices task has completed. Attempting to provision paid pending services. The paid pending services task has completed. Attempting to unsuspend paid suspended services. The unsuspend services task has completed. Attempting to process renewing services. The process renewing services task has completed. Attempting to update exchange rates. Exchange rates were updated successfully. The exchange rates task has completed. Attempting plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders. Finished plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders. Attempting plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets. Finished plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets. Attempting to clean up old logs. 0 old Gateway logs have been deleted. 0 old Module logs have been deleted. The clean logs task has completed. All tasks have been completed. Attempting to run all system tasks. Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed. Attempting to backup the database to AmazonS3. The backup completed successfully. The AmazonS3 database backup task has completed. Attempting to backup the database via SFTP. The backup completed successfully. The SFTP database backup task has completed. All system tasks have been completed. Of course the language files will need to be updated after each upgrade of Blesta, as these files will be overwritten.
  20. Can you consistently duplicate this with other services?
  21. You can modify the language used for these actions, and add "\n" at the end of the "The <action> completed successfully." definitions.
  22. What duplicate user data are you referring to?
  23. We need more information as descibed in How to Report a Bug. The Universal Module was unaltered since v3.0.0, so if this is a bug, it was likely in that release.
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