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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. We get brush fires often, especially in this summer heat. But these are usually in the hills where homes are not lined up in rows, like in the cities. Being in a city, the threat of a fire is nil, and extends mostly to whether you left your stove on or not. But either way, the fire departments get on them so fast there really isn't much to worry about.
  2. While a plugin to add nav/subnav items to the menu would be possible, it still wouldn't handle the conflict with other plugins adding nav items to the menu, like the Support Manager, so a Wordpress-like menu system wouldn't be attainable without core support. Again, something that needs to be better thought out.
  3. I believe Paul was referring to Payment Accounts in Blesta, as they do not save payment account details for Nonmerchant Gateways. And as Paul mentioned, it would be helpful to us to see documentation from gateways that accept these fields.
  4. Well, we know something is going on with themes now. Does the client theme load in the client interface/portal? You might also check the `company_settings` table in the database for the "theme_admin" key and set it to a value of 1 if it's not already. If you view the source of any page in the admin interface, look for /admin/theme/theme.css and check that it contains valid CSS, particularly for color hex values. If you changed the theme routes in /config/routes.php, it's likely it's not loading the theme CSS because of it.
  5. Do the other tags work properly? The ticket system executes the same code whether done through the interface or run via cron. So I don't see why you would experience this behavior.
  6. Tyson


    It was added to our list a few days ago, and we'll get to it shortly.
  7. I'm all for making Blesta easier to use. As for the OP about adding links to the nav, we'd have to think about that some more as it becomes quite easy to break the nav with a few more links. And plugins can tie into the navigation as well, making this kind of feature more difficult to manage. I can't tell you how many times a project has been delayed or broken because someone copied and pasted code and tried to compile and run it. This is a HUGE problem, which spans to programmers as well (I know many that do this). Like signing a contract, you need to read it and understand it before you commit yourself to it.
  8. Tyson

    Paypal Ipn Url

    The callback URL is set automatically by Blesta. IIRC, the PayPal setting for a callback URL is only used if one is not given. If your Blesta installation is not on the Internet (i.e. on your local network), PayPal cannot communicate with it, and so Blesta will not receive any callback notification. If this is not the problem, is there any log information under [Tools] -> [Logs] -> [Gateway]?
  9. Yes, we do, and thanks for noticing that button. Assigned to CORE-704. It may be simple for some to edit a line here and there, but then they have to merge them with every Blesta upgrade to persist the changes, because it's a core file. I can see it being a pain, and honestly, tons of people already have trouble searching Google, or even their own computer for information, and so I doubt their competency in finding where to edit a template in Blesta.
  10. This is common if: You are using an older version of Internet Explorer (I think IE8 or older) If you are not using a theme (this appears to be your problem) To fix: Go to [settings] -> [General] -> [Themes], choose a theme and save it.
  11. You can't send email templates out manually to a client. You would need to perform an action which invokes the particular email template to be sent, like creating a new pending service, suspending a service, making a payment, etc., as mentioned on the Email Templates page.
  12. It helps to have a test client in your system that you can use. But other email templates that use that tag probably have the same issue. It just saves us time from looking around if you can point out the troublesome templates to us explicitly. And saving us time means we have more time for other fixes/features in the next update! Who doesn't want that?
  13. Assigned as CORE-699. Like the other report, it would also be helpful to know any and all email templates this affects.
  14. Assigned as CORE-698. It would also be helpful to know any and all email templates this affects.
  15. We haven't implemented a fix yet, so I couldn't tell you how to patch it yourself.
  16. This bug is not fixed in v3.0.1 since CraigA reported it just before we released the patch, but it should be in the next patch.
  17. Thanks for the video. Have you noticed this applying only to order forms, or to any services created (e.g. 'Create Service' for a client from the admin interface)? Added as CORE-696.
  18. Tyson

    Tickets Help

    You may have already covered this, but just to reiterate, make sure that for your staff member under [support] -> [staff] -> "Edit", your schedule is filled in. You won't receive email notices if you're not "on the clock" when that ticket was created/updated. Likewise, the ticket email statuses should be checked for each status of a ticket you wish to receive an email about. And lastly, as you said you've already done, your staff account needs to belong to some departments to view tickets assigned to them. What's interesting about your screenshot is that it shows you there are 30 open tickets, but you can't view any. The ticket count is an accurate representation of the number of tickets your staff member can view, so this does seem rather strange. What is the URL to the ticket listing? It may be referencing a page of results that doesn't exist. For example, this page would say there are no results yourdomain.com/admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/index/open/4 but this page should have results yourdomain.com/admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/index/open/1
  19. This is fixed in CORE-669 for v3.0.1. This has also been added to it.
  20. Tyson

    Namecheap Error

    Glad you were able to figure out the issue, and thanks for sharing.
  21. Moved to Support forum.
  22. Awaiting Reply is a ticket status that is awaiting a reply from a client. Is that what you would like to show? I would think the Open status might be better for admins.
  23. A login link will be in there with another update to the module and has already been assigned as CORE-622.
  24. I think we were already aware of this issue, but I don't recall a CORE number for it.
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