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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Well, now I notice the same issue. Funny that it works correctly in v3.0.0.b7, but is broken now. Added to the bug list as CORE-671 for v3.0.1
  2. The error with those sites indicate the database credentials are incorrect. Is that exactly how your database information appears in blesta.php? The tags (e.g. {database_password}) should be replaced with your database password. If your Blesta installation went so far as to create the database tables, populate data, and created the blesta.php config file, then try to edit it to set your database, host, user, and password.
  3. The theme changes initially, but when you navigate to another page it changes back? Which theme does it change back to? The default Blesta Blue, or the previous one you had selected?
  4. /config/ and /config/blesta-new.php need to be writable. If you install through the web interface, this is a minimum requirement to proceed with the install. More details and a video on how to install Blesta.
  5. The config file included with Blesta is blesta-new.php. Once you run the installation, the database tables are created and the blesta.php config file is created.
  6. The config file could not be created. Make sure that blesta-new.php is writable by the web server. Be sure the /config/ directory is writable as well. If this is a new installation, you should drop the tables it created before running the install again.
  7. The $custom_fields variable, assuming it exists in that template, is likely an array of custom fields. If you want to view the contents, view the array: print_r($custom_fields); Then use that information to determine what fields to display. But I have a feeling that custom fields aren't available to that template. And if not, you'll need to fetch them from the database by updating the controller ClientMain::setMyInfo(). If you're familiar with php, it should be fairly straight-forward. To fetch client fields, you can invoke Clients::getCustomFields() through the client_main controller: <?php $custom_fields = $this->Clients->getCustomFields($this->client->company_id, $this->client->client_group_id, array('show_client' => 1)); ?> If you want the custom field values for the particular client, invoke Clients::getCustomFieldValues(): <?php $field_values = $this->Clients->getCustomFieldValues($this->client->id); ?> You can also view more about these methods in the source docs.
  8. Check that your database information is correct. Is it located on a remote server? If so, make sure the DNS is working and a firewall isn't blocking the connection.
  9. Reported bugs are confirmed and then added to our issue tracker where they are resolved. Members are encouraged to confirm reported bugs by other members, provide feedback, and additional details. Once we add a bug to our issue tracker, we will typically confirm it in the thread it was reported and lock the thread. Before reporting a bug, please search the Dev Tracker to see if the bug has already been reported. To report a bug, please start a new thread for each bug and include all relevant information about the bug. Here's a basic list of information we may need. Whatever you can provide so that we can quickly understand and replicate the issue is much appreciated. Describe the issue you're experiencing. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.) Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". Attach screenshots. Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL.
  10. Documentation @ http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Getting+Started
  11. Some of us in the US still value freedom. Why isn't TOR an option in the poll?
  12. If a ticket is closed, what purpose does that status serve if the ticket can still be replied to? I can see having a Re-open Ticket option available X days after a ticket is closed, and which may be extended to replies being emailed in, but otherwise, I think the Closed status needs to be used as the ticket end-state.
  13. That certainly sounds like it. Closing thread as not a bug.
  14. Tyson


    Currently there is no option to filter which translations you're working on besides changing the order, e.g. "random", "in order", etc. While that is a nice addition we'd like to get in there, it may not be very soon. The only alternative currently would be to translate them "in order" and skip as many of the translations as you can until you get to client, module, and plugin terms.
  15. Tyson


    Croatian has been added to the translator.
  16. Were you able to resolve this issue? If not, have you tried a different version of MariaDB? Seeing as how it is working correctly in MySQL, it may be a bug with your version of MariaDB, possibly related to the subquery that fetches the last_reply information not ordering the replies correctly.
  17. Tyson


    I'll add it to the list, maybe we can get it up there next week.
  18. The Blesta Translator is an ongoing project designed to help translate Blesta into other languages. To get started translating yourself, simply sign up for an account at http://translate.ble...account/create/ and begin translating Blesta to another language. You can now download translations from the Blesta Translator by clicking the download link next to the language you would like to use. To install a language, you will need to: Unzip the contents of the language zip you downloaded; Upload the contents of /public_html/ from the zip to the web directory that you have Blesta installed under (e.g. /public_html/ or /billing/). Log into Blesta and navigate to [settings] -> [General] -> [internationalization] and click Install to install the language. (optional) If you would like to use this language as your company's default language, navigate to [settings] -> [General] -> [Localization] and select it from the Default Language drop-down. Don't forget to save this change. IMPORTANT: Due to caching, the primary navigation will not appear to be using the new default language. You must re-save your Staff Group settings for this to take effect. You can do this under [settings] -> [system] -> [staff] -> [staff Groups] by editing your staff group and clicking to save your settings. If you install and use a language whose definitions are only partially complete, the remaining definitions will appear using English, US. The languages that you download from the translator are updated periodically once per day automatically. New definitions that you translate are not immediately available for download in the language zip for the version you are translating.
  19. This wouldn't work. As shown in that thread, you need to add another element to the array indicating where else it should appear.
  20. The current reports don't have options to select which fields you'd like to include in the report, in what order, etc., although I can imagine that being a nice addition. And I'm not familiar with how WHM** does it, but the reports will be very similar to those in v2. A separate export for client names/IPs could be created, depending on what data you envision the report containing. Reports are also much easier to create, so you can get in there and write your own without needing to update any core code.
  21. Tyson


    I'm not sure what you're referring to? Is this in a different thread?
  22. I think you should take a look at the reports coming in v3.0.0, which will export CSV data for at least a few of the items you listed above, like transaction amounts coming in, taxes, past-due invoices, etc.
  23. Tyson


    If you have photoshop, you can save the images for the web, which optimizes them, decreases their quality (hardly noticable, if at all), and lowers the file size. Some of your images are very large, but are set to be resized by the browser when displayed. Those images load slower than necessary because the browser still must download the full-size image, so you should manually resize the image to the exact dimensions you plan to display them in first. Or if you're going for a more responsive feel, resize them to the largest they need to be so they can be resized down dynamically.
  24. Tyson


    Good improvement. Now the issue looks like your images are too large/unoptimized for the web. Fix those and you may be around 0.5s. Of course, I'm almost on the other side of the world from where that site is hosted, so it takes ~3-4 seconds.
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