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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Tyson


    Yeah, 20 seconds to load the site is too long. Try to cache some data, remove some of the javascript if possible, and use smaller thumbnails rather than resizing large images.
  2. I'm not yet convinced all of the ticket data is correct except for the last reply user. I would expect some other fields to be incorrect. Can you update /plugins/support_manager/views/default/admin_tickets.pdt and add to the top of the file: <?php print_r($tickets);?> Then visit the Support Tickets page in the admin area and view the page source to compare each field with what you know to be correct. Feel free to paste the results here. If you're using the same data in MariaDB and MySQL, lets see the results from both to compare the differences.
  3. Updates are not made to set whom the last reply was from, but rather the last reply is calculated on the fly. I'm curious though, if you compare the results from MySQL and MariaDB for that page, is everything identical except for the last reply?
  4. Generic errors are often displayed when an error is unknown, or in this case, when it may contain sensitive information. Looking at the gateway, I can see you encountered two errors: the first was the authentication issue with the gateway, and the second was that the amount charged was less than 50 cents. The authentication error message that would have been displayed had it not given you an "Oh noes!" error, would have been generic.
  5. That error should be fixed in the gateway, but the cause is an authentication issue. Double check your gateway settings are valid.
  6. It's only a one-line fix to both invoice pdf templates. Added in CORE-580 for v3.0.0.b6.
  7. You can still use the Form component: $this->Form->fieldText("search", "", array('class' => "search", 'x-webkit-speech' => "x-webkit-speech", 'placeholder'=>$this->Html->ifSet($search_options[$this->Html->ifSet($default_search_option, "smart")])));
  8. I used to play on HomelanFed servers, but they banned me for "cheating". When you play the same map for so long, you pick up on a lot of things, and apparently shooting enemies through walls when you hear them back there is "cheating". Ever since then we had hosted our own CS servers. Turned into a great community, but slowly died down after Source came out.
  9. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive I'm not much a fan of CS:GO. I prefer the older versions from 5-10 years ago.
  10. Tyson


    Just a note that loading CSS from javascript doesn't work in some versions of Internet Explorer.
  11. Tyson


    Here's an example of each: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // Load CSS (taken from SolusVM module) $(this).blestaSetHeadTag("link", {media:"screen", type:"text/css", rel:"stylesheet", href: "<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->view_dir . "css/styles.css");?>"}); // AJAX request (taken from admin_packages_add template $(document).blestaRequest('POST', '<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "packages/moduleoptions/");?>', $('#module_id').closest('form').serialize() + meta_values, function(data) { if (data) { $('#module_options').html(''); $('#module_email_tags').html(''); $('#module_options').html(data.module_options); $('#module_email_tags').html(data.module_email_tags); } }, null, {dataType:'json'} ); }); </script>
  12. Tyson


    If I recall correctly, the module does not have access to do this through AppController::setMessage(), which would be: $this->setMessage("message", "Success!"); So you would need to fetch the message template yourself and set it in your widget template: // Untested code to fetch the message template, set your success message, and set it as the variable $message in your template $this->set("message", $this->partial("message", array('message' => "Success!"))); Then call it from your widget template: echo $this->Html->ifSet($message);
  13. Tyson


    Let us know what you think about the translator. It will be updated with new features as time goes on, with being able to export translations currently near the top of the list.
  14. Xbox One and PS4 are doing strange things when it comes to having to be online, their policy toward used games, backwards compatibility, etc., turning me off from consoles even more so than I already was.
  15. Did you test that to work? I believe it should be Dear {client.first_name} {client.last_name},
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