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Posts posted by Ken

  1. Per the issue we had here; is it possible to issue a partial refund?  It looks like we can modify the transaction and refund the whole charge but between the waiting period for refund and then reapplying a payment with the right amount it's going to create a ding on their credit card for a few days.


    I'm assuming not but I thought I'd ask.  

  2. And my uploads folder is outside of my docroot.


    I just tested the symlink and it works but it depends on where the file is stored.  For example if I put it in something like /root/geo/GeoCityLite.dat and give it proper permissions it doesn't work.  If I put it in /geo/GeoCityLite.dat it works.  So whatever directory you have it in Blesta isn't being allowed permission to access it through symlink.

  3. Indeed, I only pasted the end of the path





    GeoIP Path



    The upload folder is reachable since I was able to upload a logo there.


    Interesting.  I'm going to try this after a bit and report back to see if I have the same problem.

  4. Cody and I were actually discussing the possibility of supporting file based HTML email templates in the future. This would add a drop down on the email template page that would let you select a pre-made email template.


    Please and Thank You.  :)


    Instead of having to maintain yet another GeoIP installation, I symlinked the location given by Blesta to the already installed file.


    I get a green box when updating my settings, but Blesta still gives me an error message

    dom.com/uploads/system/GeoLiteCity.dat does not exist.


    This path doesn't look right.  What is your uploads path setting?  Make sure it's the full system path.  (ie. /home/dom.com/uploads/system/)

  6. It's not that we mind the image being there it's that it doesn't look like a button unless you hover your mouse over it and get a cursor.  It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that it's a button, it's just not your typical submit button that end users are familiar with.   Example:  http://screencast.com/t/NieEnkM7iTxn


    So even if there was the classic submit (like the one when you pay with CC) above it.  I think that would be uniform.  I'm even thinking about putting the PayPal logo on the prior screen where you select which account you want to use.  That seems more appropriate since that's where the decision to select a payment type is made.


    Edit:  Just noticed my example was different from the original.

  7. Well that's a start.  I see where to change it but am still unsure on what to change it to, especially with a disclaimer like that.  If you or Cody find time to make a suggestion it'd be appreciated.  Ideally it'd be nice if I could just shorten that registration URL down to /registration or /signup and then shorten the order URL down to /order/product-name. If that won't work then I'm open to other possibilities. I mainly just want to get rid of words like "plugin" and "index".

  8. I suppose you can via .htaccess code, not sure how however I don't mind personally because they get the job done lol ;)


    It's not something a can live without but a matter of preference.  I'm curious what that .htaccess code is without breaking anything.

  9. I kind of wish we had cleaner URLs.





    plugin, main and index all seem unnecessary for the purposes of the URL.  Obviously it's part of Blesta's code structure but I'm just curious if we can remove these parts of the URLs?

  10. /index.php/callback/gw/1/_2checkout/

    a:35:{s:14:"middle_initial";s:0:"";s:3:"sid";s:7:"1936995";s:3:"key";s:32:"CD940710A6E8CBE34CE14AC010DEEB18";s:5:"state";s:1:"B";s:5:"email";s:22:"nico_88_57@hotmail.com";s:8:"submit_y";s:2:"28";s:12:"order_number";s:10:"5148010180";s:7:"cart_id";s:12:"4-1386116475";s:13:"currency_code";s:3:"USD";s:4:"lang";s:2:"en";s:8:"invoices";s:76:"YToxOntpOjA7YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtpOjQzO3M6NjoiYW1vdW50IjtzOjU6IjE0Ljk5Ijt9fQ==";s:10:"invoice_id";s:10:"5148010201";s:5:"total";s:5:"14.99";s:21:"credit_card_processed";s:1:"Y";s:3:"zip";s:4:"5881";s:5:"fixed";s:1:"Y";s:11:"cart_weight";s:1:"0";s:6:"submit";s:18:"Pay with 2Checkout";s:9:"last_name";s:6:"Alaniz";s:4:"city";s:5:"Merlo";s:14:"street_address";s:11:"ruta 5 2390";s:13:"cart_order_id";s:12:"4-1386116475";s:7:"country";s:3:"ARG";s:17:"merchant_order_id";s:0:"";s:10:"ip_country";s:9:"Argentina";s:4:"demo";s:1:"N";s:9:"client_id";s:1:"4";s:8:"submit_x";s:2:"79";s:10:"pay_method";s:2:"CC";s:13:"cart_tangible";s:1:"N";s:5:"phone";s:25:"542664401614 542664401614";s:15:"street_address2";s:15:"Rincon del Este";s:18:"x_receipt_link_url";s:70:"https://clients.elysiumservers.com/index.php/callback/gw/1/_2checkout/";s:16:"card_holder_name";s:15:"Nicolás Alaniz";s:10:"first_name";s:8:"Nicolás";}
    Status:  ERROR


    You shouldn't post that error as it has your customer's information in it.

  11. CubicWebs' solution has a number of syntax errors, which is why the page failed to load.


    IIRC, using the email address as the username is the default behavior, so I would think you could simply remove the <li> and the radio buttons altogether, but I haven't tested this.


    If you remove the radio buttons the username text field is displayed.  If you remove it as well and submit your client registration it will give you an error saying you need to specify a username.  The way I have it set now works fine.  I guessing the ability to select a default (as in not letting client have the choice) is going to be a built in function in the future so what I have now is fine.


    Not tried this so not sure:


    remove the PHP code replace it with:

    <input type="hidden" value="<?php $vars->username_type, "email") == "email"), array("id"=>"username_type_email"); ?>" id="username_type" name="email">


    It just breaks it and returns a blank page.  In the meantime I just did a "display: none;" in the <li> so that'll at least accomplish what I want aesthetically.

  13. Actually I'm curious if Tyson or Cody has a slightly cleaner method.  Daniel's method just removes the option to select Usernames which works perfectly but I want the radio button gone completely if possible.  Is there a simple code edit that I can make to accomplish this?

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