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Everything posted by Ken

  1. See what you get for fixing the bugs? Now they want to find more.
  2. +1 as it'd be nice to quickly create a custom package for a client.
  3. I'm curious what they consider a hosting company anyway. Anyone that provides remote data services... even SaaS companies?
  4. I agree and actually thought the same thing. The features with the most votes go to the top of the list. As well as a bug tracker.
  5. What is their official reasoning for those who have spoken with them?
  6. That's more of a Microsoft tactic. Companies like Google and Amazon let small businesses build the marketplace so that they can swoop it up later without enduring the cost of building it themselves. They'll always beat us on purchasing power.
  7. I've noticed one thing around here and that is that everyone seems to have the a module, plugin, importer, feature that they need. Sometimes there is this insinuation that the devs aren't doing enough or list of things which they 'should' be doing. They can't just drop everything on focus on just one client with their specific needs alone (show me one company that does?). Mind you that it's a client management and billing system. It has an open modules/plugin system which means you can develop or have someone develop your modules. You can also have your own importer build. But if you're going to wait around for the complimentary modules and importers that come at no cost to you then a little patience are in order. Especially if your going to critique them about their so-called 'behind-the-scenes problems' as someone described it. If it was so easy and you want get migrated so badly why wouldn't you just build it yourself? Nothing is stopping you. Blesta is build with quality in mind and this takes time. The community couldn't be more helpful. I don't mean help this topic run away but good grief! It had to be said.
  8. Not to mention he wouldn't be on the internet right now.
  9. LOL! You are incredibly naive. There is no point in even responding to this.
  10. Awesome! Keep in mind, if you don't know this already, but files may and probably will be overwritten when you do updates.
  11. Ken

    Rasberry Pi?

    Next Marketing Buzz: Cloud Sprinkers! brought to you by Cody. Gotta love Pi's community and market share.
  12. Ken

    Rasberry Pi?

    This is definitely an awesome idea and I'd love to see it done! I was just looking at the BeagleBoard Black today as a matter of fact. I love it's form factor and how it doesn't have a bunch of ports hanging off of it that are worthless to me.
  13. How can you do custom development in core without maintaining it on every release? That sounds hectic.
  14. Let's see how many GlobslSign partners are out there because if there's enough and Blesta doesn't get to it GlobalSign might be willing to write one.
  15. Very nice, and thank you for submitting the details to add it. If this is required by law it probably should be added as a feature. You might want to submit this as a feature request.
  16. Ken

    Rasberry Pi?

    Nice! You've got me eyeballing the XU now. Could I justify the cost though? Hmmmm
  17. What state and law out of curiosity? I'm not familiar with a 'fiscal code number' requirement as I'm in US. Is this specific to your company or per client? Custom client fields can be added by going to Settings > Company > Custom Client Fields Invoice templates can be edited If you require something special to be added. One of the devs can help you out there and it may be a good feature request if more companies from the same location require it. Being that it's the weekend you will probably get an answer at the beginning of the week if you don't hear from anyone by tomorrow.
  18. This is not a bug and I've confirmed that it's working fine. Did you set your VAT number up at: Settings > Company > Taxes If you create an invoice and look at the PDF it should show up above the invoice number on the right.
  19. Ken

    Rasberry Pi?

    Now we're talkin... I'm going to check that one out as well. That sounds like more of what I'd be after. My only concern about running media on the Rasberry Pi was 1080p. I watched some youtube videos which is not always the most accurate source of info but the comments can be revealing sometimes. It appeared to run 1080p without any problems but only if the hertz was dropped down to 24 or something to that effect. What are you running yours at? Also another thing I don't like is the RCA video and analog audio port. The only thing I'd ever need is ethernet, USB, and hdmi w/audio pass through. Very cool that Blesta geeked out on one and posted a video already.
  20. Electric makes a valid point.
  21. Ken

    Rasberry Pi?

    That's what I was interested in using it for. Other than just a toy I can't think of any other use for it. Are there any other alternatives or is Raspbmc the only one?
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