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Everything posted by John

  1. I'm talking about the people who already store credit cards. Also, it would just be an option for those who want it.
  2. There should be a way to force auto debit (per client group). How this would work is that the card would be automatically saved upon payment, and if there is more than one card on file they would have to choose one for auto debit, but they could never select none. Would anyone else like this feature?
  3. Check out Stripe or PayJunction - they are both compatible with Blesta.
  4. John


    Don't forget the Domain Manager!
  5. Wait.... Our clients start at 1, and we have had no issues with staff. Do you think that there could be something going on behind the scenes that will cause an issue in the future?
  6. 1 Year - Does it need to be set for 12 months? Thanks.
  7. It would be nice if the LogicBoxes module actually processed domain renewals - as it is right now when a client renews we have to go in and manually renew the domain. Is this possible?
  8. Can we make a tag for the clients name for ticket recieved and ticket updated emails?
  9. Maybe have an option in the client area "Send me X type of emails" X being a certain email type. This could include Promotions Server Maintenance Security Anything else you want Also, there would be an override to send mail regardless of the opt-in, in case of an emergency. This option would be a separate ACL so only certain staff would be able to "override" the clients preferences. What do you guys think?
  10. What a great plugin! I plan on installing it later today! Thanks for making this
  11. Agreed, I wish Blesta would look into this issue. You are welcome!
  12. I also tried to fix this on my install, but to no avail. Instead, I simply added this to the .htaccess file at the root of the domain: Options +FollowSymlinks -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^client/(.*) https://example.com/BLESTA-SUBDIR/client/$1 [R=301,NC,L] Hope this helps.
  13. It's not wanting to work with me, it's giving me a blank page. Does it still work for you?
  14. Is it just me or does the download link not work anymore? I would like to use this.
  15. I don't think that feature is currently available. If you want to suggest it, ask in the feature request forum!
  16. John

    Release 3.2.0

    All you need to do is open a support ticket with them and tell then both IPs. They will update the license for both. This happened to us earlier this year, and they fixed it very fast.
  17. John

    Release 3.2.0

    heh, for some reason it was fun!
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