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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Just a little bug for you mate: $lang['CashboxPlugin.permission.admin_widget'] = 'Cashbox Widget'; should be: $lang['CashboxPlugin.permission.admin_main.widget'] = 'Cashbox Widget';
  2. that could be you have two Javascripts or something is conflicting try moving the JS up and down.
  3. Hi are you still having issues, if so could you please PM me your teamviewer information and I'll try and help you.
  4. I assume one of them is me mate since I don't like the EU and their regulations they sprout up.
  5. A bug is something which should be fixed it's a feature they changed so it's not a bug, feel free to post it yourself: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/ They can explain why they changed from the first username you registered with (which you can see anyway).
  6. oh you're talking about the Forum I thought you meant Blesta, the forum software does what the forum software developers do can't change that here.
  7. I've now done an article mate linked in my signature to help future people.
  8. Display names? They can choose a Username or use their email address an attacker has to guess what the user is using?
  9. Michael

    Home page css issues?

    you're welcome mate.
  10. Quite like the current system, first name etc.
  11. Michael

    Home page css issues?

    Your bootstrap file isn't loading: http://pay.subportal.io/app/views/client/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css Not found if you linked to mine: <link href="https://blesta.store/app/views/client/blesta_store/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> The CSS will be fixed, so somehow yours is broken.
  12. Managed to fix it today by re-installing CentosWebPanel and installing everything from scratch was an ioncube issue.
  13. have you set the order form to accept PayPal, is the currency accepted on PayPal (ticked the box on the PayPal gateway for the currency).
  14. Good luck but since Blesta uses a secure password hashing called bcrypt there's no way both software can have the same password since you can't decrypt it and then rehash it with WordPress. If WordPress did password hashing with Bcrypt you could use the same system hash but again if a hacker hacks WordPress sets up a password uses that hash for the Blesta admin password in the database then your Blesta is comprised. You can say how cant Blesta do it when Whmcs can and the reason being Whmcs doesn't use Bcrypt probably and it can be unhashed. The only way would be to edit blesta.php and turn on md5 hashing.
  15. +5 I had a custom date of birth but nice to get it as default.
  16. It's a routes don't worry about it and it's a failsafe if bledta's autopost doesn't work due to PayPal being funny.
  17. Please see this post: https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/8302-how-to-setup-paypal/&do=findComment&comment=49553
  18. It looks like you are using a shared hosting module for a package. The module requires a username and password which is why they are showing up. May I ask why you want them removed?
  19. Did you move the uploads folder to? The other bit is the new directory location for the files in download manager you have to update every one.
  20. Welcome you won't regret it
  21. So got a day off today time to work on the forums. First things fixed
  22. Hopefully soon mate just need Beav's help and a bit of time off work haha.
  23. Not yet I'd recommend opening a feature request. There's gamepanel.io and tcadmin.
  24. It should be the ip or hostname for the centovacast server and clients shouldn't need to enter it.
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