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Everything posted by Michael

  1. how come you have /blesta/4.1.2/ ?
  2. Because Blesta have it planned but it's not a priority because people want other things first can't have everything at once haha. 3.0.0 was a full re-write so it's not like a competitor who has been building on the same core for years.
  3. more domains on the english one bud: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Provisioning_Protocol
  4. It's working fine for me chaps but if you want to buy the plan click the available here on Blesta Addons signature and click buy.
  5. Haha very true in deed, I'm hoping to have special permissions built in so you could use it as a support area as-well as tickets, as you could set a forum to staff and the poster can view the threads.
  6. Thanks mate need @GosuHost to help me get the forum id's now as I'm lost haha I know I need to get it working in the main controller as it's /forum/{id}/ so hopefully when we've got that sorted we can do the threads
  7. So I've got the edit pages up and running as-well as creating forums and categories. I just need @GosuHost to allow us to grab the categories from the database automatically so we don't have to edit and add every category to the add and edit pages :D. Video teaser: https://screencast.com/t/bzYFSCB1GKn
  8. Perfect will do mate just still got a bit to do but we want to do a QA and beta when we have something which works at the moment I've managed to get the admin area up and running a bit need Mike's help to get the Category name from the ID and then try and get the threads working on the frontside so we can get it all connected.
  9. I've been working with @GosuHost all night and so far this is what we've got: If you would like to be a Beta tester when it's live please post below and we'll PM you a trial key when it's usable and working as it should.
  10. We've created a public roadmap for our customers to follow: https://atlantis.plutio.com/p/blestaforums Feel free to post feature requests here and I'll add them to our feature request section if I think it's do-able.
  11. You want just the content from the header's bottom to the above the footer. You can use the Admin tools from Blesta Addons for a free plugin. BlestaCMS is a paid plugin and Blesta Addons has a CMS Plugin coming soon which will be part of their tier'd system.
  12. That's because you pasted the html into the portal box
  13. Michael

    PayPal refunds

    Must be that I'll give it a go and close the thread for now I missed a . on the api signature so we'll try that if not I'll re-open Thanks guys.
  14. We have finally opened our roadmap to the public: https://atlantis.plutio.com/p/blestacms This will show the versions with have been done and also the backlog of public tasks we have planned.
  15. If you have Blesta in: billing.domain.com or domain.com/billing/ you'd put the html files in domain.com public_html. Or you can use the BlestaCMS or Blesta Addons CMS plugin which allows you to make pages and you can copy and paste the content from the html files to the page html and do it that way.
  16. I had it on our docs website but it will be in the new readme. Maybe @GosuHost can help us add it in 1.2.6 as a setting? Open: plugins/blesta_cms/views/default/main_category.pdt Find: foreach ($entries as $entry) { Replace with: foreach (array_reverse($entries) as $entry) {
  17. open the zip does it have a folder called app? if so upload it to the root of Blesta, if not.... upload the files to /app/views/client/ Then go to Settings > Look and feel > left side menu click templates, select it from the dropdown menu.
  18. the blesta is the blesta files, the html is if you have it for your website.
  19. Michael

    PayPal refunds

    From Blesta, so if you click edit on transaction and click refund and save it doesn't work so that's my log output, but payments etc all work fine.
  20. Michael

    PayPal refunds

    Can anyone replicate this error when issuing a refund do you get this in the logs: output 22:23 https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp a:9:{s:9:"TIMESTAMP";s:20:"2018-02-12T22:22:54Z";s:13:"CORRELATIONID";s:13:"12de9xxxx375c";s:3:"ACK";s:7:"Failure";s:7:"VERSION";s:4:"51.0";s:5:"BUILD";s:6:"000000";s:12:"L_ERRORCODE0";s:5:"10002";s:15:"L_SHORTMESSAGE0";s:14:"Security error";s:14:"L_LONGMESSAGE0";s:28:"Security header is not valid";s:15:"L_SEVERITYCODE0";s:5:"Error";}
  21. I don't believe they did I had a load of customers using cards but only the old ones before I checked that box. I could be wrong though I use Square now.
  22. It's not tokens yet but Blesta doesn't store information on the installation if you check the box. You don't need to be PCI compliant as it worked fine for me before when I used it.
  23. I've edited the title as it's not really helpful in it's current form as you have another thread with the same title.
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