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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Whats your PHP from and are you using a control panel?
  2. Hi there I think I spoke to you on our Live chat system we offer a 14 day trial of the software which you can download straight from our website at the bottom.
  3. .panel-blesta h4{ } for the title but the styling in that section. The icon colour can be done via: .panel-blesta i{ }
  4. there's a third party one but yeah not yet idevaffiliate (https://www.idevdirect.com) is the third party.
  5. Have you got the config/blesta.php you need that as it has the encryption / decryption key.
  6. Maybe modules can inject pre-made welcome email templates by default soon @Paul
  7. Blesta has a Enom module called: Enom (ver 2.3.1) but it only does domains. if you want DNS / etc that is coming in the new domain manager Blesta are working on which requires a whole revamp.
  8. It will work but you have to upload the full files and then run /upgrade/
  9. Our 2017 Christmas deal for the BlestaCMS is a massive saving off the BlestaCMS. This means you would never have to pay for support and updates after 2 years for less than the Owned license. Owned license: $150 or £112 Lifetime license: $350 (Now: $100) or £220 (Now: £70). Use coupon code: VOU-XMAS offer expires on the 28th of December 2017.
  10. he said to add it into blesta as part of the core
  11. I'm hoping to have this in BlestaCMS 1.3.0.
  12. they can't just take it without permission from blesta addons.
  13. You're welcome glad it worked bloody ghosts.
  14. ok in the db go to the services table then check for "in review" turn them to pending
  15. Billing > Services > in review then click manage.
  16. Blesta.Store's reseller module will allow you to resell Blesta licenses and Blesta addons straight from your own Blesta installation. Our developer is working hard to get this set up, and it will be here shortly :).
  17. change the font I assume you are on dejavu or something font. That makes invoice sizes massive due to supporting every language like Arabic and ç ć č à â etc
  18. No update on the multi-currency support but any chance of Apple Pay? https://docs.connect.squareup.com/payments/sqpaymentform/config-apple-pay-web
  19. have you checked the mail logs on the server? is it in junk?
  20. check if you are on a blacklist. and if you mean gmail / hotmail they have their own blacklists.
  21. well then they'll have one when they have time as Paul said it's a big project to do a built in one which has advance features when people are moaning about a new domain manager and other things. Can't have everything at once.
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