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Everything posted by EidolonHost

  1. Lucas is unable to see either via the client dashboard or the admin panel the domain that they want to work on. Maybe edit renewal date, add new years, whatever. But they're not able to, as all they're seeing is a package named .com. I don't think they're doing anything wrong there, as that may need some more work. Basically it sounds like Lucas is expecting to see domain.com as the service package for the client both as client and admin. Does that help?
  2. I'm sure there will be questions about when this module will be ready for production use. I do not know when the module will be ready for production use, but I'm doing my best to get it into production ready state. With that said... I'm not a professional module developer. Thusly, if you spot issues and the like in the module, please either post about it here or open a Github issue and I will get right to work on fixing the issue or ask for help in fixing the issue. Also, my response times will be somewhat slow for some time, until July at the latest, as I don't have reliable internet access right now. So keep that in mind! Right now, I'm working on figuring out how the validation rules work. And for the love of god, I need to figure out how to safely remove the nodeid crap. It's making it difficult to reliably edit and add servers. I also have not yet figured out how to ensure the password seen in screenshot #5 :U Is it even a good idea to have it set that way? Maybe use an SSH key for Linux servers instead? I have no idea what the equivalent is for Windows Servers and stuff, so... suggestions on this would be great. Also, as far as the Type option for the servers go, I was thinking of moving it to the Add Server screen so that the admin can set it as Windows or Linux when adding the server to be assigned to a customer. Thoughts on that?
  3. Posted thread with the DSM module. NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USE but... here you go: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4633-dedicated-server-module/
  4. Hi, So, I created this module because of Ravza's thread, found here at Is Blesta an Option for Dedicated?. This module was based on SolusVM module from Blesta's devs. As such, there are lots of SolusVM functionality still in this script. I'm working on removing them and cleaning up the module. I'm still wrapping my head around the validation rules that're presenting a major stumbling block. I'd be happy to have people submit code via Github and help with testing of the module via a development Blesta copy that they have. GITHUB LINK: DSM, also known as Dedicated Server Module THIS IS NOT SUITABLE FOR PRODUCTION USE YET What this module can do: 1. Create a Dedicated/Colo Server Group 2. Create servers for either group 3. Edit servers for either group 4. Delete servers for either group 5. Assign servers to customers. What this module CANNOT do: 1. OS Reloads 2. IP Management for Dedicated/Colos What needs work and may not work reliably 100% 1. Adding client's package, either via log in as client by admin, or via admin backend. 2. Editing client's package, either via log in as client by admin, or via admin backend. What DOES work and works reliably 100% 1. Installing module 2. Uninstalling module 3. Editing module details 4. Adding Server as a ackage 5. Editing Server as a package 6. Adding Servers via the Manage section of the module 7. Editing Servers via the Manage section of the module Screenshots galore! http://imgur.com/gallery/l63Wq Documentation Since this module makes use of Configurable Options, please see the Configurable Options for further details on how to add HDD, RAM, CPU, etc to your packages when configuring this module. If you wish to donate to support development of this module, you can do that. In the event you decide to, I'd like to offer you my sincere thanks for supporting my efforts in creating this module for everyone. You can do that here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=TXNSFKMTPKJ76
  5. Sure. It's here. The WHMCS module did work very nicely. At least, before bullfrog on the WHMCS forums abandoned it. Stuntnmore took over development of the module and has gotten it updated to work with the latest WHMCS. Sure. The Ubersmith module that I've got with ModulesBakery is capable of the following: * Create Dedicated Server * Assign Dedicated Server to customer * Utilize Ubersmith OS Reload capability, if available [Not available for QuadraNET Ubersmith implementation currently, still being worked out from what they stated to me.] * Allow IP delegation/editing via Ubersmith API. * Allow nullrouting/enabling of IPs via Ubersmith ... And some stuff. I can't view the ModulesBakery dashboard at the moment because apparently my account doesn't exist there now... Yeah. They expanded it. When? Not sure, but v2 of the API does all of this and more, iirc. Whoops, looks like version 3 is out now... Also, had a look at the WHMCS module and basically noped when I realized that it was using direct SQL queries. I'll make a thread of the DSM module I'm working on... it actually works to some degree but some major work is still needed to make it work fully as requested here.
  6. I recently manually generated an invoice for another client. It didn't get sent out, but telling Blesta to send it out worked perfectly fine. Does creating a manual invoice from the admin screen of the client page for that client still have the invoice be sent out automatically at a set time? Sidenote: Looks like the system sent out a second e-mail after I sent the invoice manually. Looks like at least that works fine... as the system logs say the e-mails were sent. But automated invoices to be generated and sent out such as from InterWorx module... not sure if that works yet. We had one client that didn't have an invoice automatically generate and be sent out... but that one won't be due until next month. Any way to troubleshoot invoice generation for that?
  7. Talk to ModulesBakery.com and they'll give you a quote for how much you'll need to pay to have that done.
  8. Hi, How would one confirm invoices are being correctly generated and sent out via e-mail? I'm having a slight amount of trouble in making sure invoices are being reliably sent out. E-mails send out just fine, but most recently an invoice was not generated by my InterWorx module. We'll see if next month the invoice is being generated correctly for normal clients but I wanted to know what I could do with my test client account to confirm such things?
  9. Not necessarily, no... but some form of ensuring our e-mails are actually verified and not being spoofed... or any other thing, much like the recent WHMCS price change e-mail would be nice to have. Just my 2 cents.
  10. There was a Dedicated Server module for WHMCS... I think I even have a copy of that script, but it's an extremely old copy. Hmm... maybe I should convert it to Blesta? I'll look into it and see if there's anything that can be done. Honestly, the closest thing that comes to managing dedicated servers would be NOC-PS's NOC-PS module, but that's mainly for OS reloads and stuff. Ironically, I have a project right now with ModulesBakery that's currently on hold for developing such a module. It ties into Ubersmith... well, the providers that utilize Ubersmith such as QuadraNet have enabled Ubersmith's APIs. If you'd like to have access to such a module that makes use of the Ubersmith API for dedicated servers... I'd be happy to get it open-sourced instead of copyrighted and locked to our company only. Edit: Looks like the module for dedicated servers was abandoned. And a new version of the module has been released for WHMCS. I'll take a look-see at it and see if I can help with getting it converted over.
  11. Don't think so. But the client can do this themselves. If you find you have to, you may need to use the admin Log in as Client function to do that.
  12. Well, no. Of course it isn't, but it at least adds one more method of verifying that the e-mail is coming from the source. We shouldn't make it mandatory but... I think it should be optional. Make it so that if a customer wishes to get PGP/GPG signed e-mails from us, that the option is there and we're able to do it. We'll be adding this to our e-mail set-up as soon as Blesta gains the capability to do that. I really like where Facebook is going with this. Besides... you'll be getting more and more tech-savvy users. They'll start wanting to see this as soon as the option is available. Or at least, I'd like to see this available. Just as others want to see Two-Factor authentication support added for other providers. What about SSH keys? Would that be a better option?
  13. So, it was reported that Facebook is now adding the option to add GPG keys to verify Facebook E-mails by ArsTechnica. I thought that was such a good idea that I wanted to make a feature request to add that option here. Anything to ensure that we can verify to customers that our e-mails are legitimate. More often than not, we've received WHMCS e-mails that looked fake but turned out to be actual e-mails from WHMCS. Such as the recent price raising e-mail that was delivered to WHMCS customers not too long ago. Something like that would've been nice to be able to immediately verify. What do you guys think? SHould it be per-department GPG key or should all e-mails use the same GPG key?
  14. This is already possible via the Contacts page in the client dashboard. The client simply adds a secondary contact and designates them as a billing contact. You can do the same thing as a support contact, so the options you're asking about is already there.
  15. So I checked each department's e-mail settings. There's no option to override the global systems default in Mail Settings. Well, there is the option to override the e-mail address as set in Mail Settings. But there is no option to give each Department a username and password to use via SMTP in each Department. Just the system-wide Mail Settings one which is not exactly an ideal solution. Can we add a password field to the Support > Departments section so that those who use Google Apps or some other SMTP solution can specify the username and password whilst using the global system-wide default Mail settings for system e-mails? ie, for example, in Mail Settings, I'd have the system-wide e-mail be set to: SMTP host: smtp.gmail.com Port: 465 Username: systems@eidolonhost.com Password: herpaderp (not a real password) Then in Support Departments: Technical Support Assumes by default uses system-wide SMTP host, else provide different host field? username: support@eidolonhost.com password: herpaderp (not a real password) and so on and so forth?
  16. Really? ... I'll have to check because I don't recall seeing those... well, either way, I'll check.
  17. ... And from there, use the PHP/SMTP settings as the global default for all accounts in use via Google Apps. Basically, what I'd like to see is to have Blesta be able to use each google apps account directly. That is, I'd like for each department to have a defined Google Apps account where Blesta can log in and pull down tickets. I don't know how difficult this would be, but I imagine it might be a bit harder to do. Just have the account selection tool in the Department set up screen and then have the global SMTP settings set up in the usual SMTP setup place?
  18. So, it turns out the suggestion you made was already in place... I didn't notice this was why it kept breaking until I read the code more closely and went, "Wait a minute, I didn't put that there, Michael did!" So it's pretty much done now. I actually modified the way you had ours set up so that it just showed the dashboard and nothing else, if logged in... but I felt like that was a bit too much white. So I put it back to the way you had it set up and it's much better. Looks like we're set... except maybe for the dropdown menus up top where they should be working... but I don't know if that'd work or not... Edit: Here's some eye-candy!
  19. The ability to do articles a la WP, I guess? Also, Markdown support. That would be just... beautiful to have.
  20. It's quite alright, I definitely understand. Late nights do tend to have an effect on the make-sense meter. Makes sense as with your example. It just seemed odd to me on a mostly default setup for our products... does the confirmation page allow you to add other things or is that in the product configuration page? I'll probably be playing with the pages on our development system...
  21. Isn't that usually on a product configuration page rather than the confirmation page? Also, till sellers is probably point of sale what you're looking for. I've obviously set up my company's website to link directly to the configuration page, step 3 for each of the products in our shared hosting options... reseller and other hosting options're up next.
  22. ... Indeed. I will have to remember to do that... I keep forgetting to do that. Thank you for being so patient with me. I'm sure sometimes you want to bap me over the head.
  23. ... Well. Now I feel stupid, ha. This has been a rather educational experience, dealing with the site code. And not one I'm likely to repeat, though... it's too much of a pain in the arse for me to wrap my head about. The only thing I have trouble with is implementing your suggestion re: the header stuff. I mean, I get how you did it, but my implementation seems to usually either result in a white page or a hilarious broken mess... lol I chuckle now because right now, it's a working setup and I'm not too far inclined in fixing the header issue at the moment but I'll probably take another stab at it. Thank the gods in having multiple duplicates and a development system to mess with rather than a live production server!
  24. Aye, I said as much in my post. I'm not talking about that. Specifically, I'm talking about the confirmation page. Why have it there? It seems unnecessary, since you already know what you've selected, the product configuration page states what you're configuring the product for. The summary page states what package you're getting, how much you'll be paying for. It just seems... redundant.
  25. Freshly installed nginx/apache2 setup on eidolonhost.com; nope. Frontend and backend links work A-OK.
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