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Everything posted by TechDaddies-Kevin

  1. No. MD5 is strictly one-way. I think the best route is to simply reset all passwords on migration and send a mass email to your client base advising them of the change.
  2. I think that would be the safest bet, to be honest. I've noticed issues in our imported support tickets, as well.
  3. No, it doesn't look like it. For our cPanel accounts, they have a $0 price (Though the transactions are there and correct). Am I looking in the right area? I click "Manage" for the service. The weird thing is that SOME prices did come over. For example, our hosted email accounts brought the price over as $120/year, which is correct. But our server management (Which uses the same module) came over as $0.
  4. There is only one staff user for this installation and logging out and in makes no difference.
  5. We really need the functionality offered in the Quantum Vault gateway. We use this gateway for 90% of our transactions every month and the lack of it is stopping us from moving to Blesta today. There is another thread at http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/925-quantum-gateway-vault/?hl=quantum+vault asking for this functionality as well.
  6. Add our vote to this. We run a lot of money through Quantum Vault every month and right now the lack of Quantum Vault in Blesta is all that's keeping us on WHMCS.
  7. Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but it appears that the prices for our hosting (cPanel) and email (Universal) didn't get moved over. Curiously, the price for our domain registrations did get transferred.
  8. I'm seeing html entities in pretty much everything moved over. Example: One of our invoice lines contained "-->" which was transformed into "-->" on migrating. Also, after migrating, the number of accounts on our servers was "0". But by editing and saving each server in the module setup area, it seems to have recounted.
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