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Everything posted by clamhost

  1. Not sure if this is possible yet or not. But instead of setting the welcome email individually there should be a option to set it gobally for each module. and also a override from within the Actual Product configuration. It would make it a lot easier to manage Blesta.
  2. There should be a fix or a feature that can automatically update all the email template emails. from the global email address set from within Blesta. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2074-wrong-email/
  3. clamhost

    Wrong Email

    There is but it does not update the email templates. I'll be requesting this as a feature now.
  4. Blesta should implement a cron to auto close tickets without response after x amount of time. Including automated response that the ticket is being closed as no response has been made or the client has not responded back. This feature might have already been implemented not sure.
  5. Some type of adjust from within blesta would be cool
  6. How about being able to adjust the refresh time?
  7. clamhost

    Wrong Email

    When ever our billing system sends a email its sending it through the wrong email. billing@subdomain.domain.com when it should be. billing@domain.com Looked all over the Blesta Settings under System but unable to find anywhere where I can change it.
  8. I think Blesta needs some type of auto refresh for the Support Ticket Section. As its a good way to see if a client has responded to a ticket. Instead of having to constantly refresh the tickets page.
  9. clamhost

    Release 3.1.2

    As every developer will tell you. One bug fixed / feature implementation = one new one generated somewhere else.
  10. The second option sounds good. Just we recently migrated our billing system from W*M*S to Blesta. and we had this feature enabled.
  11. You should implement PayPal's API * Show Balance * under the main admin page.
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