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Posts posted by joshin

  1. On 3/10/2024 at 8:18 PM, exception0x876 said:

    I have upgraded to 5.9.3 today and discovered a bug in the upgrade step components/upgrades/tasks/upgrade5_8_1.php

    The query that fails there is ALTER TABLE `contact_permissions` CHANGE `client_id` `client_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL


    I have fixed this error by running the following query manually

    delete cp.* from contact_permissions cp left join contacts c on cp.contact_id=c.id where c.id is null


    This fixed it for me going from 5.8.0-b1 to 5.8.3

  2. Hi Paul,

    I'm aware of the difference between a deprecation warning and an actual error I should worry about. That's why there were 28 releases to PHP 7.4 before I got around to commenting about it here. :)

    I'll worry come December when PHP 7.4 is no longer supported.

    Thanks for adding it to the list. ??




  3. PHP incompatibility warning -  Deprecated function "get_magic_quotes_gpc"

    general.NOTICE: E_DEPRECATED: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated {"code":8192,"message":"Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated","file":"/***/htdocs/plugins/phpids/lib/IDS/Monitor.php","line":325}

    general.NOTICE: E_DEPRECATED: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated {"code":8192,"message":"Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated","file":"/***/htdocs/plugins/phpids/lib/IDS/Monitor.php","line":329}


  4. While I may not have the specific terminology down, I understand the concepts Paul (and thanks for chiming in).


    None of that explains why recurring invoices can't be set up with the same option for PP subscription payments that services are.


    Why not have something along the lines of:

    If recurring invoice and not auto payments set up

      if paying by PayPal allow magic for subscription to be set up


    In my case, adding the flexibility to the manual addition of services that I bring up in a different thread would solve my issue.


    Payment accounts are for merchant gateways only, and do not work with non-merchant gateways like PayPal.



    The PayPal gateway supports both one-time and recurring options if configured to accept both. The client can choose whether to make a one time payment or a subscription.


    With PayPal subscriptions, the payment schedule is set on order and controlled by PayPal. Using their IPN, they notify Blesta when a new payment has been made. The process is separate from Blesta after initially set up, aside from the notification to Blesta. As such, payment accounts are irrelevant.

  5. I didn't say it last time, but thanks for the help.


    I don't think that would work since we often do one-offs that aren't recurring. I need to be able to do both individual payments + subscriptions.



    They can, if you set-up a subscription, on the PayPal gateway select: Subscription payments only and they can only do that. To set it up all they need to do is make a payment.

  6. We'll often customize our services for clients who need a small one-off on the initial deployment of service. Normally we'll set up a recurring invoice instead of adding a service.


    However, recurring invoices don't seem to allow for PayPal subscriptions. If it's not possible for recurring invoices to do PP subscriptions, how about expanding the admin Add Service feature to allow us to do the following:
      1) Change the setup fee

      2) Change the effective start date

      3) Directly set the subscription price


  7. Hey All,


    I was having a problem with the "Pay Now (No Login Required)" link being broken when using the default email templates.


    While the documentation says to use the full filesystem path for the "Root Web Directory", that causes the URLs in my invoice emails to include the full file system path in the URLs.

    See here: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/System+%3E+General -> "Root Web Directory

    The full server path to the web directory where Blesta is installed."


    Other searches in the forum seemed to confirm the use of the full server path.


    Am I alone in seeing this? If not, how has everyone else solved this? If so, any thoughts on what I might have done wrong? My Blesta setup is quite close to stock.




    After burning too much of a day on understanding what's going on and wrestling with mod_rewrite, I have a workaround. I'd still like to find a proper fix, but at least my clients won't be confused by being sent to my Blesta main page.


    Posted here so others who encounter this can save some time and headache.


    Add to .htaccess

    # Fix broken Pay Now Links
    RewriteCond %{Request_URI} ^<FILE SYSTEM PATH>/client/pay/method(.*)$
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^<FILESYSTEM PATH>/client/pay/method/(.*)  /client/pay/method/$1 [R=301,NC,L,NE]


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