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Everything posted by lighttouch

  1. Hi. I downloaded cookiecttr from Blesta Add-ons and went to install it in my Blesta 4.7.0 To do this I downloaded the zip, then put the plugin zip in /plugins folder... I then extracted the zip from my server's control panel, file manager. I then went into my Blesta admin/settings/plugins. There it was ready to be installed as the INSTALL button was there under "Available" plugins. It 1/2 way installed and my browser window went white with the following URL: https://lighttouch-server.com/admin/settings/company/plugins/installed/ So now when I go to settings/plugins, I get the above URL and nothing on the page but links.... css/theme appears to be broken. I can go to Available... but unable to go to Installed tab... does nothing. Seems like a blesta/plugin incompatibility.... ok.... but how do I get my plugins functioning working right again in my Blesta admin? Any help would be great. Thanks. Attached is the screen I get when I go to settings/plugins in my Blesta admin. Jeff.
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