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FRH Dave

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Posts posted by FRH Dave

  1. I haven't checked out limestone much, gonna do that now.  I know BurstNET is cheaper...but the amount of support and extra stuff that comes with Singlehop is just amazing...they've got like 10 pages of information to go through just to get a feel for what all their reseller program can offer.


    Limestone's support has been great.  Their back end is pretty impressive too, with bandwidth pooling and virtual racks and whatnot.  My only gripe about Limestone is that they're very thorough with IP blocks.  I've never been denied needed IPs, but they take their time and require details of all your other IP allocations elsewhere.  I suppose that's going to become the norm as the IPv4 shortage looms, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.


    Otherwise, they've been great to work with.  They were one of the few companies at HostingCon that actually sought us out and really wanted to meet us, tiny company that we are.  If you chat with them, tell them Dave from Fresh Roasted Hosting sent you over!

  2. Your wiki suggestion raises a question, of which the answer may be obvious to some.. but I think it's important to discuss. What features do you see as a minimum requirement for a Blesta wiki based KB? How do you envision this looking & working in Blesta?


    I'm imagining something like "DokuWiki with Blesta integration".  I think the only real integration is when someone submits a ticket, it searches the wiki for relevant terms (just as a KB would be searched).  The rest of the "integration" could be as simple as adding a link to the portal page and client area.  Maybe also the ability to display a random article (title + first ___ words) in the client area.

  3. I'll have to take another look at Singlehop.  We use BurstNET and Limestone for our dedicated servers.  BurstNET is cheaper unless you start to load up on configurable options, then it's usually Limestone.  Reliability and support from both are outstanding.  We used to use BurstNET for our VPSes when we were first starting out, but nowadays we run our own Xen nodes.

  4. I would love this, and I think it really is the way to go...specially since either way I'm guessing the KB will be coded from scratch...might as well push forward with technology and create a wiki based platform :).


    I'm pretty sure I posted a detailed explanation of why a wiki would be an awesome way to go during beta, but sadly I don't think that thread made it over to the live forums :(.


    There are lots of arguments I can make in favor of a wiki.  At the core it boils down to this:


    If you want a traditional Q&A / FAQ KB, it is VERY easy to make a wiki behave like one.

    If you want a wiki, it is VERY difficult to make a traditional Q&A / FAQ KB behave like one.


    So the wiki gives the best of all worlds.

  5. Great.  I think I might set up a simple wiki for now.  Crude but effective.


    Speaking of, what are your thoughts on a wiki-driven KB?  It would still have the same article structure as a regular KB, and it would be easy to set up category / list pages so that it behaved like a conventional KB, but I think the wiki format encourages more reading.


    Either way, as long as it hooks into the support system, I'm good.

  6. I don't have a WHMCS install at the moment so I'm not sure what the actual table/column is so you will need to change those to the correct name...but this should work:

    update tablename set clientemailcolumn = your@email.com

    of course test this on the test database, and not the live database :D


    and this isn't always an issue, but depending on your database/phpmyadmin settings...if it doesn't allow you to use that (some settings prevent using a query to change all records in a column), use the one below that will make it think it's not affecting everything even though it actually is :)


    update tablename
    set clientemailcolumn = your@email.com
    where 1 = 1


    Thanks!  I'll give that a shot.

  7. Doesn't APF/BFD have issues with virtual servers? We use to use it and switched to CSF/LFD because of it if I recall. Maybe we can nudge Interworx towards CSF/LFD.  :D


    I'm not sure if it does or not, but we're deploying an InterWorx cluster on dedicated colo hardware so virtualization concerns aren't a big deal ... unless it's going to cause trouble with CloudLinux's LVE.


    That's one of the areas where InterWorx has room for improvement:  brute force protection for client accounts (there is none).  Other than that it's a swell panel.

  8. I'm about to try a test run with live data to remedy the credits discussion from the WHMCS beta importer thread.  It occurred to me that an excellent failsafe would be to mass set all email addresses to my personal address.  This would not only ensure that no clients get emails, but would also allow me to execute tests to see what happens (our payment and module gateways are disabled for testing).


    Is there a quick and dirty database hack to mass set all client email addresses?  I'll be re-importing the client database before going live, so data corruption isn't a concern here.

  9. I tried to void the invoice, but Blesta won't allow it because "a payment has already been applied to this invoice".  After further review, this is another case where the client overpaid an invoice and the amount was credited forward:


    Original invoice amount:  $5.00

    Account credit applied:  $4.99 (after this transaction, account has $0.00 credit)

    New balance due:  $0.01

    Payment received:  $5.00 (PayPal subscription)

    Invoice satisfied, account now has $4.99 credit


    For this particular customer, this pattern repeats from February 2012 to August 2012, when they finally used the credit.  However, in Blesta, only the February and March invoices show as open.  Shouldn't the rest show as open too?

  10. That makes it look like you didn't start off with a fresh database. As of b5, the migrator decodes department names, so that department predates your latest import. I actually ran into a similar issue with my test environment because I made a back up of the database after I ran only select migration routines.


    That's very strange, because I took a SQL backup immediately after installing Blesta.  After my last trial run I restored that database.  I'll delete the databases, reinstall, and try again.  Hopefully that's all it is!


    EDIT:  Sheesh.  That was it.  So much for my mad cPanel skills.  Everything is fine, nothing to see here.

  11. Another weird thing:  I have multiple support departments in Blesta with the same name.  I started from a blank database, but now I have three copies of each support department, all with the same name.  Except for "Sales & Billing", which has one "Sales & Billing" and two "Sales & Billing".


    EDIT:  Most tickets are being duplicated.  Sales & Billing tickets seem to all have three copies, some with incorrect usernames (same substitution as before).  Surprisingly, my first (newest) four tickets do not appear to be duplicated.


    EDIT 2:  When a ticket is duplicated, the first ticket is usernumber+1, the second ticket is the correct usernumber, and the third ticket is usernumber+1.

  12. Found another crossed ticket.  Same as before:  The user showing in the ticket is correct user's usernumber + 1.  This was also originated as an email.  However, I found other tickets opened by email that did not have this issue.


    I suggest looking at tickets specifically immediately before and after this one. If something shifted, it's likely that one and everything after it would be wrong.


    Just checked, and they are fine.

  13. Does this affect all clients, or just these two you mentioned? The migrator grabs the tbltickets.userid and maps that to the imported client ID. If it was wrong for one client I'd expect it to be wrong for all.


    Definitely not all clients.  Some tickets have correct information.  So far this is the only one I've seen, but with thousands of tickets, I haven't checked them all.

  14. If you've got the skill to develop a solid business around Blesta plugin/module development, then go for it.  There's lots of good coders that will work for a reasonable price. 


    Believe me, I've thought about it.  I have three major projects on the front burners right now.  After that, who knows?

  15. This is new.  I just checked into an old ticket, and the client name / profile was wrong.  In Client A's ticket, the client shows as Client A in WHMCS but Client B in Blesta.  Client B and Client A have no relationship (authorized contacts, etc).  Not all clients are impacted and I am unable to see any correlation between these two clients at all.


    If I log in as Client B, I can see the ticket.  This has obvious security implications.  What info do you need from me?


    EDIT:  The only "relationship" (and it's not) is that the clients are adjacent.  Client A is client #43, Client B is client #42.  Maybe Douglas Adams is hacking my server.

  16. Have you checked the database (support_tickets) table? Only staff members imported from WHMCS are assigned to staff departments, and thus have access to tickets. The user you use to import will not be given access to those departments.


    Just logged in using my WHMCS credentials, and yikes -- looks like every ticket since day one is open including tickets which have been long since closed.

  17. At the moment, during my relauch, I'd love to be able to give 75% off the first 3 months, or 20% off for life...something like that...but as the system stands...I can't do that.


    Good points, but the "20% off for life" not working, I'm not clear on that part.  If you create a coupon, set it to "apply when service is added or renews", type = percent, value = 20, why wouldn't that work?


    I haven't played with the coupons much so I may be missing something.

  18. Very nice!  We're moving off cPanel and into InterWorx, so unfortunately this doesn't help us much.  But if you make something to facilitate BFD, we're definitely interested.


    Keep up the good work, and thanks for contributing!  Blesta is an open gold mine right now.  It would be very easy for the right coder to come along and establish their company as "the" Blesta modules company.  If only I knew PHP.

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