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Posts posted by SkylarM

  1. Restored my blank database and ran the import.  Huge improvement.  The packages have prices now, but many of them are incorrect.  This may be because the modules aren't importing the configurable options from WHMCS.


    Quantity still shows as zero for the autorelease modules.  Actually, I'm fine with this.  These are legacy packages that nobody should ever be ordering, as they'll be replaced with modern ones.  Good show.


    So a customer with a $50 VPS and a $20 control panel and a $30 management option is only being charged $50.  Coupons didn't copy over, either.


    WHMCS must have a database field for storing the price, since admins can override the price simply by typing the number in the profile screen (see the "first payment amount" and "recurring amount" fields in the WHMCS products / services tab for a client).  Can you grab the value for the recurring amount and kludge it in as the product price?  That would take care of all the discounting / price override options we've been discussing, since the recurring amount is always the final amount after discounts, coupons, add-ons, etc.  It wouldn't be "proper", but it would work.  I could see how the client would lose that discount if they ever changed packages, but that's how out price grandfathering is going to work anyway.  Keep it till you change it.


    "Addons" as a PROPER addon and not a config option do not get factored into that value you're talking about. Configurable options do, but the actual product addon bit does not.

  2. It's pretty safe at this point to say if it isn't in right now, it likely won't be in for release. AFAIK they are doing a lot of bugfixes and such prior to launch, but polishing features and doing another pass on some modules (cough solusvm cough) will likely come sometime after tomorrow's release.

  3. I think you should take a look at the reports coming in v3.0.0, which will export CSV data for at least a few of the items you listed above, like transaction amounts coming in, taxes, past-due invoices, etc.

    WIll it offer a way to generate reports based on some fields like WHMCS does? Makes easy for ARIN requests if I can just export all IPs and client names ;)

  4. So I've gotten my direct IP allocation from ARIN. I have to use the search function to find clients in WHMCS and swap their IPs out. Search results are bugging and not giving me any results. I have to dig up the new order email in my email history to find the client information so I can actually track down their account.



    I am tired of a known bug persisting for months with WHMCS. Please please please please please have the whmcs importer soon after release I will love you long time.

  5. Could you be more specific? We have not received any constructive feedback from you yet,even though you recieved from us all the modules and all the updates for free in exchange for a very little help.

    You should be the first one to report any specific problems.

    Most of our customers decided to actively participate in creation of the module by reporting problems and sharing opinions.

    If me sending 54 emails over a 20 day time span is non constructive feedback and very little help then I may as well hang myself now.





    Any work on the VNC? The Solus module has VNC support already for what it’s worth.


    Also the client ID it’s generating is a totally random number/letter combo now, it would be nice if I could set it like the solus module has it now where I put in a prefix of “cr-“ and it numbers clients in order. Cr-101, cr-102 so on.




    It uses the login page, it just spits out the json. If I click the button a second time it works:

    Oh and KVM isn’t pulling templates. We don’t use ISO templates, but there needs to be an option for either or as it isn’t pulling any templates at the present time.




    Yeah clients get the same message when they go to click the Control Panel button






    As far as graphs on SSL, that's because my SSL certificate is bound to a subdomain/hostname rather than the IP and the version I have only allows the IP to be used (I tried putting in the hostname into the IP area and it doesn’t function)





    Oh yeah one other request, can you make the re-install page order based on the distribution like the solusVM reinstall does? Right now the module is just showing a list of operating systems in their .gz format and in the order they are added, which is a downright clusterfuck to look at. Look at the re-install page within the solus client area, maybe we can do it that way? Would be awesome.




    Yeah a test server button would be nice, the module within the packages will not load/load slowly but doesn't indicate why. Only place that does is when you go to create a VM.



    Another request, is there going to be a way to tie in rDNS if you have the ModulesGarden DNS Manager module? I like how solusvm just has a button at the bottom labled "network" where you can manage rDNS. Would be cool if that was in the VPS module if you have the DNS Module as well. Just a button on the page somewhere that takes you to the rDNS management.


    Using it in production now in light of the Solus exploits to remove the frontend. Will let you know if clients report any issues.




    A message saying "select block to load ssh console" would be amazing. I kept hitting "Do not block" thinking that it was just being funky and it wouldn't load the console.


    It looks like I'm going to be using the VPS module in live production today.

    Another potential exploit for SOlusVM, gonna just restrict master access to the WHMCS IP and work through this module.





    Sorry for multiple emails. Maybe need to make it very clear that for auto setup to work the server name in WHMCS has to match that of the server name in SolusVM – I was naming it differently which caused it to not auto create.


    Solus usernames are being generated based on the hostname, rather than picking a random number after the identifier that I made “cr-123

  6. My search clients section hasn't worked since .4 I think? Do a search sometimes comes up with nothing sometimes shows the same client id/client 3-5 times for no reason. "Check all" on a lot of pages hasn't worked in forever.


    Please please please get SolusVM additional provisioning features in soon, I want to be done with WHMCS.




    ^ Seriously?

  7. It still needs some pages completed, but the design is totally done. Every time I was planning to make it live, I got sidetracked with other things, doh! I'll make sure it goes up sometime next week, curious what you think of it.

    Well lets see it, who cares if it's still not 100% :P

  8. I got it. If you try to make a payment with an existing account it shows error messages such as "Must be more than 50c. Payment Gateway returned an error" -- why doesn't it do this for new credit cards? Seems better to display error messages rather than spit out a generic error that doesn't make sense to a client if they see it.


    Got this email:



    Hi Skylar,


    We tried to charge your Visa, ending in XXXX, in the amount of $0.33, but the request resulted in an error.


    Error Response: Amount must be at least 50c


    Please verify that the account details we have on file are correct.


    We will attempt to charge your card again once a day until it is successful, up to three times.

  9. That error should be fixed in the gateway, but the cause is an authentication issue. Double check your gateway settings are valid.

    They are valid, I had a space figured maybe it was that but the issue sitll happens when that's fixed. Not sure why >,<.

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