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Posts posted by rahul1994

  1. Roll, Camera, & Action, have you heard these words before? You must have heard this word many times by a film director. Whenever a film is shot, the director says this before the scene starts. As much as the hand of the actor and actress is in making any film superhit, as much as the director has, he has to direct the film by thinking in a visionary way. The course of film direction is also not hard, anyone who has the passion to learn can learn. You cannot learn it yourself, you have to join an acting school. Where you have experienced teachers who have given many years in this career, they guide you how you can become a great director. Ice Institute looks for such students who have the passion to learn. His film direction course will make you a great film director and believe me you will learn many new things in film direction. His film direction course is the best Film direction course in Delhi.

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