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HostingMaster last won the day on February 20 2023

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  1. Hello i discovered a bug in smart search. Smart search does not search service fields because of this code: on "app/controllers/admin_search.php" line: 342 $services = $this->Services->search($search, $page, $pagination); should be $services = $this->Services->search($search, $page, true); because service search function last parameter is search_fields not pagination ( $search_fields If true will also search service fields for the value )
  2. When ordering a domain XXXX.com someone can easily change the hidden domain field ( Using Chrome Inspect Element ) in the Config form to another domain name and extension and order the domain XXXX.io for the same price of XXXXX.com in LogicBoxes or any other registrar that supports both. Is it possible to encrypt or make these hidden fields session only?
  3. If a customer is logged in and visits this page: /order/config/preconfig/domain it gets this error: Uncaught TypeError, code 0 in /home/....../web/...../public_html/plugins/order/lib/order_types/domain/order_type_domain.php on line 273 Message: Cannot access offset of type string on string in line 272 replace: if ($language_setting && array_key_exists('value', $language_setting)) { $language = $language['value']; } with if ($language_setting && array_key_exists('value', $language_setting)) { $language = $language_setting['value']; } to fix the error
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