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Gareth-Host Red Dragon

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Posts posted by Gareth-Host Red Dragon

  1. Have you ever seen prices excluding VAT in a brick-and-mortar shop in the EU that caters to consumers?

    Why do webhosters think things are different online?

    Actually, yes I have. There is a timber store (chain of them actually), that sells to both businesses and consumers, that displays it's prices excluding VAT. And that's just one example.

    We charge consumers the same total price inclusive VAT, regardless where they live.

    That the VAT rate differs is not their problem, it is ours. If they live in a country with a higher rate than the Netherlands we pay more VAT and have slightly less gross turnover, if they live in a country that has a lower percentage we make a little more. It all evens out, and we do not gain or lose from it.

    But if you do not want to do that, you are free to prompt the customer for his country the moment he enters your site.

    No need to wait for that until he registers, you don't need his full address for it....

    I'll be carrying on displaying my prices excluding VAT on my site. The customers see the total price when they place the order, and they are welcome to decide whether they wish to proceed or not.
  2. Good, glad it helped.

    Seems like your solution works.

    I've pipe mailer@subdomain.domain.com where my blesta cpanel is located. Then I went to my main domain cpanel and forward example support department support@domain.com to support@subdomain.domain.com

    I am receiving updates on Support Tickets now.

    I do not have to create an email account on subdomain.domain.com which is wonder too. All the emails are still on support@mydomain.com

    Not sure this is the best solution or just a hack work around but it works.

  3. If your main domain and sub-domain are on separate cpanel accounts then you will not be able to pipe department@domain.com to your blesta installation.

    What I did was create a hidden support department (mailer@subdomain.domain.com) then create the pipe for that (in the cpanel account for your sub-domain). I then created the support departments in blesta like normal (example Support Department support@domain.com), and then create a forwarder for support@domain.com to forward to mailer@subdomain.domain.com

    This seemed to work ok, blesta accepted the email, and assigned it to the correct department.

  4. How are we meant to know if the person who is signing up is a business or a consumer until they sign up (ie enter that information)?

    How do we know what vat rate to charge them until they enter their country?

    I for one will be continuing displaying my prices on my website excluding vat, as the majority of Web hosts do (UK anyway).

    If you are in Switzerland -which is in Europe, but not part of the European Union- you can have your own rules.

    But for the 28 countries that do are part of the European Union that is simply not the case.

    All EU directives have to be implemented into the local laws of all EU member states. Your country can essentially have more rules, but not less.

    And displaying pricing inclusive all taxes -when selling to consumers, not being companies- is definitely a hard requirement demanded by the EU consumer protection directive.

    DIRECTIVE 2011/83/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights

  5. add a .htaccess into the admin directory with the following code:

    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from
    of course put the IPs you want in it, multiple IPs can be separated by a single space on the same line (no commas)

    Thanks. Does Blesta have an actual admin directory though? Will have to check when I get home.

  6. I was waiting for a few more features to come available in blesta before I moved over from whmcs, but after this recant fiasco with whmcs I have moved over.

    Done the import, and just going though setting everything that wasn't imported up.

    At this stage with whmcs I would rather do the whole thing manually than have to constantly worry about the security of my clients.

    It is a sad day though. I have used whmcs since about 2006/7, before that I used modernbill from 2001. I'd forgotten how long I have been in this industry, starting to feel old now:(

  7. I take it cpanel has added the # .

    /usr/bin/php (or wherever you have php file installed) to the top of the pipe.php file?

    Check that it has not added any new blank lines or a space.

    Had this problem before when dealing with sessions (not blesta), and it was caused be a space at the top of the file.

    Might not be related, but my piping is working.

  8. I thought MariaDB was suppose to function identically to MySQL? :blink:

    Actually, I suspect they will slowly begin to head down different paths. Currently MariaDB is not officially supported, though I think it's a project that has tremendous potential and may be where things are headed. I'd like to get this issue resolved, but it's going to take some debugging and we don't have a MariaDB server up and running (yet).

    Right now, I'd probably suggest running MySQL instead if it's a critical issue, and we'll take a deeper look at this when the dust settles.

    I don't have MariaDB on my client server, but I do have a reseller account with it. I can let you have an account if it will help.

    Let me know if you want me to set it up for you.

  9. $99 for presales is the worse


    I think Blesta should implement this.


    While their at it:

    • $99 for presales
    • $75 for bug reporting
    • $150 for other support/billing tickets
    • $25 per forum thread
    • $5 per thread reply

    Blesta will become millionaires overnight :rolleyes:  :D  

  10. WHMCS Security Advisory for 4.x and 5.x

    WHMCS has released new patches for the 4.5, 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 minor releases. These updates provide targeted changes to address security concerns with the WHMCS product. You are highly encouraged to update immediately.

    WHMCS has rated these updates as including critical or important security impacts. Information on security ratings is available at xxxxxxxxx.


    The following full-release versions of WHMCS have been published and address all known vulnerabilities:


    The latest public releases of WHMCS are available inside our members area at xxxxxxxx

    PLEASE NOTE: The 4.5 series reached End Of Life as of June 30th 2013. WHMCS is aware that some customers have not moved to an LTS version due to the newness of the LTS policy. The related 4.5 patch release published along with this Security Advisory is provided as a courtesy to those customers. From this point forward, there will be no more patches provided for 4.5 or any other release that has reached EOL.

    Security Issue Information

    The resolved security issues were identified and reported by

    Vlad C. of NetSec Interactive Solutions http://safeornot.net

    Rack911 https://www.rack911.com

    FastVPS Eesti OU http://fastvps.ru

    WHMCS development team.

    There is no reason to believe that these vulnerabilities are known to the public. As such, WHMCS will only release limited information regarding the vulnerabilities at this time.

    Once sufficient time has passed to allow WHMCS customers to update their installed software, WHMCS will release additional information regarding the nature of the security issue.

    These Targeted Security Releases and Patches address 9 vulnerabilities in WHMCS versions 4.5, 5.0, .5.1, and 5.2.


    Here we go again, what is going to break now.?????


    oh and 


    These Targeted Security Releases and Patches address 9 vulnerabilities in WHMCS versions 4.5, 5.0, .5.1, and 5.2.


    Really thinking about going live with blesta right now, rather than wait to the 5 august

  11. I'm on some medication for some sciatic never pain which keeps me awake, so my doctor gave me some Ambien to help me get to sleep recently. Right?


    Last night, I decided I wanted a few beers. I didn't get "wasted," but I had a few to get a good little buzz going.. You know, a good Friday night.


    I wake up this morning and I've got emails from Amazon.com about some orders I placed last night. About $50 worth of total merchandise.


    I've checked my email outbox and had to call one of my employers (he's a good guy and laughed about it), but I apparently sent several emails last night too...


    I really do not recall any of this! I'm not some addict or anything, I just wanted to enjoy my Friday night!


    I do not ever recommend mixing Ambien and alcohol!!!


    That is all :)

    Haha :D


    Hope the stuff you ordered from Amazon was what you wanted.


    A friend of mine did something similar. He was on medication, had a "few" drinks, and woke up in the morning to find about 10 emails from ebay informing him that he had won the bidding(s), and please make  the payments.


    It was alright though, it only totaled around £600, and it was his girlfriends ebay account :D  He's still suffering for it :lol:

  12. Alright, so I figure I'd bring this up here instead of elsewhere because you all seem very intelligent and may have experience in this department.


    I've been working on some stuff for a client of mine's in-house web-based app (remotely hosted).


    We have people registering through their website, which dumps data into a database and then it gets picked up and is accessible through the web app (think of it kind of like a CRM).


    The issue I am running into is my client has zero knowledge of PCI compliance laws and he wants me to take credit card details and store them in the database (type, name on card, card number, exp date, cvc). While I am wrapping it in json_encode and encrypting the string using asymmetric encryption I still don't feel safe doing this, and it's a real worry of mine. The server it is hosted on is their own. I manage it for them and maintain security updates and it's locked down fairly tight.


    I personally use Stripe, and love their tokenization storage. I'm curious if anyone has ever come across a service that ONLY does tokenized PCI compliant storage that is not a merchant/processor. He has all of his merchant stuff set up and I've spoken with the company they deal with and they do not offer any tokenized solutions.


    I'm thinking like a simple API that I can push/pull data from via curl using the token and never store the information on the server that processes this clients information.


    I've done some googling and I've come up with Auric System's PaymentVault: http://auricsystems.com/products/paymentvault/


    They don't list any pricing but I'm just curious if anyone has come across what I'm looking for.


    Has the card aready been charged? How long is the data retained?.


    Storing cvc numbers is explicitly against MasterCard and Visa terms. If your client is caught storing them (regardless of whether they are encrypted or not), MasterCard or Visa could ban your clients merchant account. 


    Technically, once the card has been charged, the cvc code should be destroyed, and if it is stored in a database, then it needs to be securely erased.


    A quick search on google, did show some saying that you can store it if you do batch processing, but once you have run the batch, it has to be securely destroyed, others saying you can not.


    Personally, I would avoid storing it at all.

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