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Gareth-Host Red Dragon

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Posts posted by Gareth-Host Red Dragon

  1. Thanks.



    And the main thing in question you know the  http://ajax.googleap...2/jquery.min.js replace it with:  https://ajax.googlea...2/jquery.min.js so you get the green padlock  :D


    I knew there was an issue with http somewhere, just forgot to look in the header :blink:


    Quick question for you:


    On your order form when it displays the products it is showing Disk space: xxx Bandwidth: xxx under the product name. How did you do that? Have I missed a setting somewhere?

  2. I had to go set one up to see what you meant. And I get it. That could be a problem. Would this be a situation where Captcha or AreYouHuman would work maybe?



    In v2 we actually had an option to enter the spamassassin binary path, and we would run everything through spamassassin first. I don't think many people used it though.


    Using re-captcha or areyouhuman here is probably a good idea.


    Captcha or AreYouHuman would help against bots posting to the helpdesk, but I have had instances where "a human" would submit a "SEO offer" (every other day), got annoying real fast.


    If you could ban email addresses/domains/IP it would cut down on this type.


    Even had a hosting/domain firm offer me a domain reseller account at "fantastic prices", yeh right, the prices they offered me to buy domains from them was higher than what I was selling them for on my site. /fail 

  3. I don't see it being v


    Wouldn't this be better handled at the mail server level? Since it's the mail servers job anyway.

    Only if it was received via email.


    If they submit it via the portal then it does not use the email system

  4. Do you find most attacks originate from the same location or email address? I can see an internal blacklist being useful for that 1 pesky person who won't stop opening tickets or placing fraudulent orders but most of the time the stuff we see is distributed.

    It would be handy to have 3 options:

    • Ban email address (less effective for general spam as it is often fake (but helps when some idiot of a company decides to submit a "seo service offer" to your support department))
    • Ban domain (like above, is less effective for general spam, but stops you getting any email from a certain domain (SEO service offers etc)
    • Ban IP (Handy if you get a lot of spam from a particular IP or range)
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