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Posts posted by Virtovo

  1. I would be nice to know if a DEV will take this in to provide updates, if not I do not see a point due to eventually a blesta update will make this obsolete. 


    The module is 100% compatible with the Blesta module.  Currently this surpasses the features set of the Blesta provided module.  If at any stage the Blesta module catches up/exceeds the features here you can simply swap out the module.  All current services will still work.

  2. Due to the impending closure of our business we have decided to release our custom developed SolusVM module for free.


    It contains a number of extended features such as: ISO support, PAE, Boot Priority, TUN/TAP


    This is provided with no support.  If you would like a very competent programmer to develop this further and very reasonable rates, you may contact Eric (secforus_ehansen) who helped develop this module


    Download Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!rwRFXRBT!zycC8Stn2Yrjp3fGyDMrtGPxZYiN0kxENMpQ8wFsSug


    We welcome Blesta to include these extended features into the standard module.


    This module is a drop in replacement for the module that ships with Blesta and can be used without any additional changes or modifications to Blesta.  Services created with the standard SolusVM module will work with this module.









  3. I think part of the issue is that there is no warning that the .js is not been used and some think that the module is PCI compliant. 


    Personally, I didn't know until i ran into this post a couple of months back as i was setting up blesta. at this point to be honest I stopped spending money on further site development and decided to wait for bootstrap and hope to see significant changes with this module + the support module that I am to checkout this weekend


    If it doesn't exist yet, a warning should be made on the module of this or better yet update the module to use the .js to make use of this "loophole" while still open and still make the warning if needed + have the option to use the stripe checkout (https://stripe.com/docs/checkout) which will go trough stripe directly.


    Just my 2 cents



  4. I must admit I am shocked this is not clearly stated on the main pages of Blesta's website. I've just spent 2 hours looking through features and comparing Blesta with WHMCS and I was so close to making the switch until I discovered this thread.

    Having the choice to use Stripe.js is a must have feature I am afraid.

    I hope you can implement this change ASAP and rescue lots of unsuspecting users.


    I'm not sure Blesta consider this a priority.  We're not using Stripe as a result and it's actually really frustrating. 

  5. SolusVM support claim its an issue with Blesta:



    "The way the applet is being displayed is the issue. The path in the codebase="/vendors/vnc/" must be incorrect

    Kind Regards,
    Phill Bandelow - SolusLabs Support"


  6. Does anyone here use the SolusVM module with KVM?  We're getting a VNCViewer.class java error on the console tab.  We've followed the steps in the wiki regarding adding the necessary files.  I believe this was working for us and has now stopped.  Does anyone else have this working still?  Are there additional steps beyond adding the required files?

  7. Paulov's suggestion of making it cron based would solve the issue of requiring the browser to be active while sending. Instead, the cron could send and log the message, and the browser would simply make ajax requests to Blesta to display that log dynamically. The downside is that you'd have to wait up to 5 minutes for the message to go out.


    Great suggestions


    Waiting 5 minutes is better than having a mass mailer timeout halfway through (like WHMCS).

  8. Ok, I have had a look at the Stripe module and the thread, and it seems the card details are just stored offsite, but still pass through your server.


    I'm pretty sure all of the Non-Merchant gateways I mentioned use a hosted payment page (as Blesta doesn't support collecting credit card details for Non-Merchant gateways) so you will not be subject to PCI requirements. I haven't used or tested any of those gateways myself though as PayPal is currently the only supported gateway that works in my Country.




    Is anyone from Blesta able to confirm the above?  Or have an ETA when Stripe might support tokenised only mode (no CC to server).

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