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PauloV last won the day on June 26 2022

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  1. Hello On your logs the comand is completed sucessfully
  2. Hello Domaingood Sorry for the late replies to all on Blesta Foruns and Discord It should work in v4.X > + PHP 7.X > + MySql/MariaDB 8 > Can you send me the error module log to see? Regards, PV
  3. Hello Links fixed. It was because we have migrated all insfrastucture recently P.S- Sorry all Blestars for not updataing "yet" all my Modules/Plugins
  4. Thanks Tyson I Will test it on Monday Have a nice weekend
  5. Hello Blestars Is there a way to add a variable to the Cart Summary wen adding a service to Cart? Exemple, I need to add the Domain Name to the Cart Summary next to the Package Name Thanks in advance PV
  6. @Tyson @MBH2006 @Nahuel Hello We have made some years in 2015 lol, long time ago a tool to map/move services from one module to outher in this case was moving from "Blesta Universal Module" to "OpenSRS Module" We only need the Services ID from Module A (cPanel) and Module B (Direct Admin) Here is the code exemple on the Plugin: public function install($plugin_id) { $sendreport = null; $module_A = array('1','2','3'); // put here the Service Package Id's from Module A $module_B = array('4','5','6'); // put here the Service Package Id's equivalent to Module A to migrate $module_migrate_map = array_map(null, $module_A, $module_B); foreach ($module_migrate_map as &$value) { $upackages = $this->Record->select(array("pricing_id","package_id"))->from("package_pricing")->where("package_pricing.package_id", "=", $value[0])->fetchAll(); $sendreport .= "Module A Package ID = ". $value[0]."\n"; foreach ($upackages as $upackage) { $upricings = $this->Record->select(array("id","period","term"))->from("pricings")->where("pricings.id", "=", $upackage->pricing_id)->fetchAll(); $sendreport .= "Module A Package Price ID = ". $upackage->pricing_id."\n"; foreach ($upricings as $upricing) { $gterm = $upricing->term; if ($upricing->period == "month") $gterm = ($upricing->term / 12); $sendreport .= "Module A Price Period = ". $upricing->period."\n"; $sendreport .= "Module A Package Price Term = ". $gterm." -> Original Term = ".$upricing->term." \n\n"; $sendreport .= "Module B Package ID = ". $value[1]."\n"; $opackages = $this->Record->select(array("pricing_id","package_id"))->from("package_pricing")->where("package_pricing.package_id", "=", $value[1])->fetchAll(); foreach ($opackages as $opackage) { $sendreport .= "Module B Price ID = ". $opackage->pricing_id."\n"; $opricings = $this->Record->select(array("id","period","term"))->from("pricings")->where("pricings.id", "=", $opackage->pricing_id)->where("pricings.period", "=", "year")->where("pricings.term", "=", $gterm)->fetchAll(); foreach ($opricings as $opricing) { $opricingid = $opricing->id; $sendreport .= "Module B Package Price Period = ". $opricing->period."\n"; $sendreport .= "Module B Package Price Term = ". $opricing->term."\n"; $sendreport .= "\n\n---------------BEGINING---------------\n"; $oservices = $this->Record->select(array("id"))->from("services")->where("pricing_id", "=", $upricing->id)->fetchAll(); foreach ($oservices as $oservice) { $sendreport .= "Migrate from A to B Imported Service ID = ". $oservice->id."\n"; $this->Record->where("pricing_id", "=", $upricing->id)->where("module_row_id", "=", "2")->update("services", array("pricing_id"=>$opricingid, "module_row_id"=>"3")); $this->Record->where("service_id", "=", $oservice->id)->where("key", "=", "user1")->update("service_fields", array("key"=>"domain")); $this->Record->from("service_fields")->where("service_id", "=", $oservice->id)->where("key", "in", array("opt1","opt2","pass","user2"))->delete(); } $sendreport .= "\n------------------END-------------------\n\n"; } } } } $sendreport .= "\n\n"; } mail("notify@mydomain.com", "Blesta - Migrate from Module A to Module B Report", $sendreport); } Hope this help someone Regards, PV
  7. Hello Please download on the first post the updated version, replace and test it Make sure you open the port 55443 on your firewall Regards, PV
  8. Hello @Gabriel Gutierrez Let me try to test it tomorow on 4.6 and I will reply with an updated Version Regards, PV
  9. For a dev, all actions have to be able to run pre eventes and after events, thas common sence For me this is a priority one inclusion and its very easy for Paul/Tyson/etc to include in next release
  10. ++1 defenitly must have. If dont we have to make 2 steps like open a Ticket to inform the client the reason.
  11. In Portugal to add Promos ,the product/service has to have an inicial date and end date visible to the client or elese we are fine €€€€ big time lol Yes, I know what your are sayng, and even now in our WHMCS we have diferent prices, but in Blesta we opt to not have diferent prices, for now
  12. I think that could be a WHMCS/cPanel killer in this critical fase on almost alf world is in the same boat For exemple 1 click migrate all from cPanel to Direct Admin or Virtualmin lol Its not hard, the only problem is the Background job, because can take hours, days or even weeks to migrate depending on the hardware
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