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Posts posted by PauloV

  1. Hello Blestars :)

    Once again free content for all :P

    This time one of the best Banking gateway in Europe, SOFORT Banking - https://www.sofort.com/

    Teaser 1:


    Teaser 2:


    Just set your merchant acccount https://www.sofort.com/, create a "Project" and set your URL's, copy your "Configuration Key" of your "Project" and your are done!

    How to Install

    1º- Download the Sofort Payment Module here: updated 05-09-2015

    2º- Uncompress, and upload the folder "sofort" to blesta /components/gateways/nonmerchant/ directory.

    3º- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Payment Gateways->Available and it will list the "Sofort" module, just Click on "Install"

    4º- Now Add your Sofort.com Config Key, and select your Currency.

    5º- Got to your Order Forms in Packages->Order Forms and edit and select your new Payment Sofort, below.

    How to Upgrade

    1º- Download the Sofort Payment Module here: updated 05-09-2015

    2º- Uncompress, and upload the folder "sofort" to blesta /components/gateways/nonmerchant/ directory and replace all files.

    3º- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Payment Gateways and it will list the "Sofort" module, just Click on "Upgrade"

    4º- Now test it

    How to Uninstall

    Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Payment Gateways and it will list the "Sofort" module, just Click on "UNINSTALL"

    Any problem just say :)



  2. Sent you a PM with the debug output.


    Sorry about the late reply, I have PM you but for everyone else, the error code "485" on new registration, shows that the domain was taken, maybe you have executed directly on OPENSRS or you executed two times, or someoneelse have regestry the domain before you.




    Question:  How should the Transfer service be used?  If I set up a package for Transfer, should I set an annual term, or should it be a One-time fee?  If set to annual term, once a domain is transferred, will the module renew the domain when the term is up, just as it does with Registration?


    Thank you.


    If you apply the patch to be able to set diferent prices for diferent types, you have to create a domain package for "transfers" and "Rewnew" for the term you want, 1yes, 2, years etc.., If you set the renew to anual, and you have in the package set to 1 year, yes it will renew  for one year (after payment confirmation).






  3. I have tried in 2 situation but no luck, I can retive sucessful retive a valid token in the 2 situations, to bypass the token check, but still shows erros validating the view:


    Situation one using curl, like this:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html dir="ltr">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>Domain Form Exemple</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
      <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/modernizr/2.7.1/modernizr.min.js"></script>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//www.weblx.pt/js/css3-mediaqueries.js"></script>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/respond.js/1.4.2/respond.js"></script>
      <style type="text/css">
        div.c1 {margin-top: 50px}
      <div class="row col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 whois c1">
            $blesta_order_form_url = "http://[your-blesta-order-form-url]";
            function Get_Domain_Contents($url){
            // get the html content from the blesta order from
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
            $data = curl_exec($ch);
            // fectch the input token from the html content
            $pattern = '/<input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="(.*?)" \/>/';
            preg_match($pattern, $data, $matches);
            //return only the token string
            return $matches[1];
            // initiate the call to the function to get the token from blesta order form
            $token = Get_Domain_Contents($blesta_order_form_url);
        <form method="post" action="<?php echo blesta_order_form_url;?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="<?php echo $token;?>" />
          <div class="well well-order">
            <div class="form-group">
              <input type="text" name="domain" value="" placeholder="yourdomain.com" class=
              "form-control input-md">
            <div class="form-group tlds">
              <label class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".com"> .com</label>
          <div class="search btn-group">
            <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="lookup" value="1">Check Availability</button>
            <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="transfer" value="1"> Transfer</button>
            <a href="<?php echo $blesta_order_form_url;?>/?skip=true" class="btn btn-default"> Skip, Order Other Items</a>

    Situation 2 using this method to get the token (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1107-login-and-redirect-client-user-from-custom-website-to-billing-website/#entry9077) also no luck:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html dir="ltr">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>Domain Form Exemple</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
      <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/modernizr/2.7.1/modernizr.min.js"></script>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//www.weblx.pt/js/css3-mediaqueries.js"></script>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
      <script type='text/javascript' src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/respond.js/1.4.2/respond.js"></script>
      <style type="text/css">
        div.c1 {margin-top: 50px}
      <div class="row col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 whois c1">
            require_once "api/blesta_api.php"; //your blesta api sdk path get from here https://github.com/phillipsdata/blesta_sdk
            $blesta_order_form_url = "http://[your-blesta-order-form-url]";
            $user = "[your-blesta-api-username]";
            $key = "[your-blesta-api-password]";
            $url = "http://[your-blesta-order-form-url]/api/";
            $api = new BlestaApi($url, $user, $key);
            $token = $api->get("custom.custom_api", "getCsrf")->response(); // this is a custom plugin just folow this steps to implement 
        <form method="post" action="<?php echo $blesta_order_form_url; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="<?php echo $token;?>" />
          <div class="well well-order">
            <div class="form-group">
              <input type="text" name="domain" value="" placeholder="yourdomain.com" class=
              "form-control input-md">
            <div class="form-group tlds">
              <label class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".com"> .com</label>
          <div class="search btn-group">
            <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="lookup" value="1">Check Availability</button>
            <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="transfer" value="1"> Transfer</button>
            <a href="<?php echo $blesta_order_form_url;?>/?skip=true" class="btn btn-default"> Skip, Order Other Items</a>

    Blesta is validating something ele that is missing my eyes lol :P


    The error is still this:

    Oh noes!
    Files does not exist: /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/plugins/order/views/client/bootstrap/message.pdt on line 120 in /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/lib/view.php 
    Printing Stack Trace:
    #0 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/lib/controller.php(197): View->fetch('message', 'client/bootstra...')
    #1 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/app/app_controller.php(0): Controller->partial()
    #2 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/app/app_controller.php(0): AppController->setMessage()
    #3 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/app/app_controller.php(0): AppController->verifyCsrfToken()
    #4 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/plugins/order/order_controller.php(15): AppController->preAction()
    #5 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/plugins/order/order_form_controller.php(38): OrderController->preAction()
    #6 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/plugins/order/controllers/config.php(17): OrderFormController->preAction()
    #7 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/lib/dispatcher.php(102): Config->preAction()
    #8 /home/[my-folder]/public_html/dev/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/order/config/p...')
    #9 {main}

    I have told Richard to implement the easy way, with the disable tokens from blesta.php config file and works great, but with tokens something is missing :blesta:


    Any help Cody/Tyson/Paul?


    Thanks in advance,



    1 minute cron jobs are a bad idea. It's too easy for them to pile up and execute on top of each other.


    If the point is to pull email from SMTP/IMAP server in near real time, create a script that runs constantly and polls the SMTP/IMAP server every 30 to 60 seconds.


    For example:

    while (true) {
        $window = 60;
        $start = microtime(true);
        // TODO: do stuff
        $runtime = microtime(true) - $start;
        // wait until we can run again...
        sleep(max(0, (int) $window - $runtime));



    They only "pile up" if there isnt any verification :) for exemple put a key on database that tell its still running, if so, the cron will execute returning/executing "nothing", to finish and not run in background, and they will not "pile up" :)


    Isnt the way that is working right now? they check the time/date on the cron database and if is not finish the cron will not run?

  5. Hello :)


    Great work Licensecart + ModulesBakery (the A team eheh) ;)


    Keep it comming (free or paid), are welcome, the more the best for all ;)


    P.S- What about a Donation PayPal account ? you deserve (also for ModulesBakery)it also for your hard work on the Forum comunity and also for many, many free stuff you have released :)




  6. I have detected the problem and implementos a fix on my support manager pro (its a core file)

    Try to write this in the Ticket below eheh :P :

    Or not?

    The problem is on markdown , here is the solution :)


    find on line 608:
    return $Block;
    replace (comment that line) with:
    //return $Block;

    And that's it :)

  7. Hi Paulo,


    So, now that the module has been successfully installed... It appears to work quite well for registering new domain names! :)


    However, I setup a second package for domain transfers (I'm attempting to transfer a few hundred domains into OpenSRS potentially), and attempted to complete a single domain transfer multiple times...


    The first attempt gave me a fail response due to what appears to be a locked domain status:


    ";s:5:"_data";a:9:{s:12:"_OPS_version";s:3:"0.9";s:8:"protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:6:"object";s:6:"DOMAIN";s:13:"response_code";s:3:"485";s:10:"is_success";s:1:"0";s:13:"response_text";s:12:"Domain taken";s:14:"transaction_id";s:29:"2015-08-20 20:21:31 23072 101";s:6:"action";s:5:"REPLY";s:10:"attributes";a:1:{s:14:"forced_pending";s:9:"190563879";}}s:9:"_pointers";N;s:20:"_last_was_data_block";N;}}

    OK, that makes sense... So I login to the registrar and unlock the domain.  I delete the service from Blesta and attempt to re-create it.


    However, now there's no log output for any communication with OpenSRS related to this domain.  In addition to that, when I view the service, there is no domain name defined like there was for the regular domain registration. Very odd...


    Any ideas?



    But is there any Input? if so, can you PM me the Log to try to debug?





    Hi PauloV,


    Thank you for the new version, however, there still seems to be missing validations...


    I see a lot of things like this one  : 


    $callArray[$contactType]["address1"] = $this->osrs_normalize_special_characters($client->address1);
    $callArray[$contactType]["address2"] = $this->osrs_normalize_special_characters($client->address2);
    $callArray[$contactType]["address3"] = "";
    $callArray[$contactType]["city"] = $client->city;
    $callArray[$contactType]["state"] = $client->city;
    $callArray[$contactType]["postal_code"] = $client->zip;
    $callArray[$contactType]["country"] = $client->country;
    $callArray[$contactType]["email"] = $client->email;
    $callArray[$contactType]["phone"] = $this->formatPhone(isset ($numbers[0]) ? $numbers[0]->number : null, $client->country);
    $callArray[$contactType]["fax"] = "";
    $callArray[$contactType]["url"] = "";
    $callArray[$contactType]["lang_pref"] = "EN";
    You sanitize with pregmatch in the function "osrs_normalize_special_characters" only address1 and address2, but not address3, and all other fields will send whatever you type.
    The module do not seems to validate what's sent to the opensrs API.
    The validateConnection should be private, since it work as private, and not required to be public.  There is a couple other functions like this.
    I would strongly suggest to review the module before using it.
    I did not verified to see if the domain lock functions got improved, so the customers can see if yes  or no a domain is locked or unlocked, but i may check on this within the next few days and get back if there is still a problem...






    Thanks for helping :)

    I will review the code before the first RC release :P




  9. New problem added on first post:

    Problem: Custummers dosent have a Country Select Box to select "Country Tax" to show on Services and on Checkout (yes, i know after register the VAT is recalculated).
    Solution: Add an option or better yet a BOX to show (wen pro forma is enable in admin) on any Blesta Page wen enterying for the first time, (If not Logged In), to select a Country Flag with a warning telling its to show prices with country VAT.

  10. I have a WordPress site and Blesta is installed in a subfolder. The no login invoice payment pages are not visible and are showing up as 404 pages of the main site. I'm guessing this is due to some security setting - what do I need to do to resolve this? Thanks!



    I think the .htaccess from wordpress directory needs some twicking :)


    Try this solution:


    Open your Wordpress folder and edit the file .htacess  (make a backup of the file first)


    Then remove all content and put this (change [blesta-sub-folder] with your blesta sub-folder name):


    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/[blesta-sub-folder]/(.*)$ [OR]
    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [L]

    Then try it :) hope it helps ;)

  11. Still don't agree with it, you will run into lots of problems but we'll wait for the guys to explain better developer to developer.

    Download tickets works straight away when you use piping as it doesn't use the cron job.



    Yes, PIPE works wonderfull, but wen for exemple you use multi company and/or multiple MX servers you have to use IMAP or POP :)


    Yes, I whant to see a response from Cody and/or Tyson (Paul also eheh) :P

  12. Bad bad bad idea, we spoke about this before I believe in this forum and it would cause a server overload if you run a cron every minute because it does everything from orders, to emails, downloading tickets.



    But if you set Only some tasks to one minute like:


    Download Tickets

    Delivery Invoices

    Provision Paid Pending Services


    (I think are the most important tasks to run quickly)


    The server will not overload, because the outher tasks are "Pending"  and they will not run every one minute :)


    Or at least have a RULE to apply some "time" limits on some Modules/Plugins this way the adverge admin will not be able to set by mistake the one minute task :) of course this will take more time to implement on core files because it will need changes on several core files, in modules/plugins, and maybe database

  13. Hello blestars :blesta:


    Long time I post in here eheh ;)


    My request is simple, and me personally and one client that Im working with, asks for CORE implementation, to be able to set, also, Cron Jobs to run in "Interval", by 1 (one) minute and not by the default minimum 5 minutes, that I think is to hight to check for exemple new Incoming Emails on IMAP/POP Support Manager (Pro also) :P


    Here is the solution to implement on CORE, only 2 lines of code change in 2 files :blesta:


    Edit: [your-blesta-instalation]/app/controllers/admin_company_automation.php
    Find on line: 160
    $intervals = array(5=>5, 10=>10, 15=>15, 30=>30, 45=>45);
    Change to:
    $intervals = array(1=>1, 5=>5, 10=>10, 15=>15, 30=>30, 45=>45);
    Edit: [your-blesta-instalation]/app/controllers/cron.php
    Find on lines 2087/2088:
    // The last run date rounded down to the nearest 5 minute interval
    $last_run_date = date("c", floor($this->Date->toTime($last_run->start_date)/(60*5))*(60*5));
    Change to:
    // The last run date rounded down to the nearest 1 minute interval
    $last_run_date = date("c", floor($this->Date->toTime($last_run->start_date)/(60))*(60));
    Finally, change your server/host blesta CRON task from something like:
    */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/[path-to-your-blesta-instalation]/index.php cron
    Change it to:
    * * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/[path-to-your-blesta-instalation]/index.php cron

    Thanks in advance :P


    Keep it up :)





  14. SImple and beautiful, the best integration I have seen so far (naja7host theme also very, very good)


    I only think in my mind, maybe the top menu bar from blesta where it shows "Dashboard - Payment Accounts - Etc.." something is missing, some color, arrangement or divider.

    Also maybe adding some boarder limit (with very light grey) to all Blocks/Modules will transform also.


    But seriously, its fine like this, you can only try if you like it, I know I like it and I will "Copy" some ideas for our Blesta theme :P


    Keep it up ;)

  15. That is what I did yesterday.  And yet 'Date Renews' under Service Information was still showing the old date.  However, I just tried again and now it is working.   :huh:  I must have done something wrong.  Thanks again for this contribution.  You have a donation coming your way. :)


    Many thanks for the donation :)




    I just got the following error when attempting to update nameservers from the admin side:


    Oh noes!
    Undefined variable: values on line 1573 in /[system-path]/html/components/modules/opensrs/opensrs.php

    This has happened on three occasions.  Each time I was able to refresh the page and successfully set the nameservers on the second try.


    Just tried updating from the client side and got the same behavior.




    Buf fixed, thanks for find it :) Please download the upgraded version on my first post and try ;)



    Thanks for making this module, it is greatly appreciated.  Prior to reading this, please know that I'm 100% new to OpenSRS, and have no current account data so I'm completely open to any testing that needs to take place to resolve the issue, it won't affect anything on my end.


    I'm currently running into an issue with setting up the module for the first time, utilizing my reseller account's username, the API key in the reseller admin porta, and a randomly generated HashKey.  When I click "Add Account", the module returns

    The API Username and Key combination appear to be invalid, or your Opensrs account may not be configured to allow API access.

    The module output I'm getting is:

    O:12:"lookupDomain":24:{s:21:"�lookupDomain�_domain";s:0:"";s:25:"�lookupDomain�_dataObject";O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:4:"func";s:12:"lookupDomain";s:4:"data";O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:6:"domain";s:7:"opensrs";s:7:"maximum";s:1:"1";s:8:"selected";s:4:".com";s:10:"defaulttld";s:4:".com";}s:7:"connect";O:8:"stdClass":10:{s:13:"osrs_username";s:9:"myusernamewashere";s:13:"osrs_password";s:11:"placeholder";s:8:"osrs_key";s:112:"xxxx";s:16:"osrs_environment";s:4:"PROD";s:9:"osrs_host";s:21:"rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net";s:9:"osrs_port";s:5:"55000";s:12:"osrs_sslport";s:5:"55443";s:13:"osrs_protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:21:"osrs_baseclassversion";s:5:"2.8.0";s:12:"osrs_version";s:7:"XML:0.1";}}s:27:"�lookupDomain�_formatHolder";s:5:"array";s:13:"resultFullRaw";a:7:{s:12:"_OPS_version";s:3:"0.9";s:8:"protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:6:"object";s:12:"AUTHENTICATE";s:13:"response_text";s:49:"Could not get credentials for reseller myusernamewashere.";s:6:"action";s:5:"REPLY";s:13:"response_code";s:3:"400";s:10:"is_success";s:1:"0";}s:9:"resultRaw";a:7:{s:12:"_OPS_version";s:3:"0.9";s:8:"protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:6:"object";s:12:"AUTHENTICATE";s:13:"response_text";s:49:"Could not get credentials for reseller myusernamewashere.";s:6:"action";s:5:"REPLY";s:13:"response_code";s:3:"400";s:10:"is_success";s:1:"0";}s:19:"resultFullFormatted";s:0:"";s:15:"resultFormatted";s:0:"";s:16:"�*�osrs_username";s:9:"myusernamewashere";s:16:"�*�osrs_password";s:11:"placeholder";s:11:"�*�osrs_key";s:112:"xxxx";s:19:"�*�osrs_environment";s:4:"PROD";s:16:"�*�osrs_protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:12:"�*�osrs_host";s:21:"rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net";s:12:"�*�osrs_port";s:5:"55000";s:15:"�*�osrs_sslPort";s:5:"55443";s:24:"�*�osrs_baseClassVersion";s:5:"2.8.0";s:15:"�*�osrs_version";s:7:"XML:0.1";s:13:"�*�crypt_type";s:3:"ssl";s:21:"�openSRS_base�_socket";i:0;s:29:"�openSRS_base�_socketErrorNum";i:0;s:29:"�openSRS_base�_socketErrorMsg";s:0:"";s:28:"�openSRS_base�_socketTimeout";i:120;s:32:"�openSRS_base�_socketReadTimeout";i:120;s:14:"�*�_opsHandler";O:11:"openSRS_ops":11:{s:12:"_OPS_VERSION";s:3:"0.9";s:4:"_OPT";s:0:"";s:7:"_SPACER";s:1:";s:5:"_CRLF";s:1:"
    ";s:5:"_data";a:7:{s:12:"_OPS_version";s:3:"0.9";s:8:"protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:6:"object";s:12:"AUTHENTICATE";s:13:"response_text";s:49:"Could not get credentials for reseller myusernamewashere.";s:6:"action";s:5:"REPLY";s:13:"response_code";s:3:"400";s:10:"is_success";s:1:"0";}s:9:"_pointers";N;s:20:"_last_was_data_block";N;}}

    The relevant portion, I believe is:

    Could not get credentials for reseller

    In this process, I've been going back and forth with OpenSRS Support to the point they disabled the requirement for me to provide a hashcode. However, there has been no change to the error output.


    Perhaps someone else has run into this issue and knows how to resolve it?


    Hello :)


    Try the folowing:


    a) Generate a ney APY Key on your OpenSRS Enviorment, and on blesta, insted of "Copy" and "Paste" the Key type one by one, because some times wen you use "Copy/Paste" it adds a blank space in the beginning or in the end of the


    B) Make sure your username is the same username you use to acess OpenSRS enviorment

    c) The HashKey filed on OpenSRS Blesta Module is a random combination of number and/or letters, try someting simple as "abc123" for exemple, you can put your own combination its not any "Hash" given by OpenSRS ;)

    d) Make sure you known that your account username is a DEV/SandBox or a LIVE account, and select the option wen adding the account on Blesta OpenSRS Module

    e) (I dont see any errots, but...) make sure you have added on OpenSRS Enviorment your server/domain IP's as allowed

    f) (I dont see any errots, but...) make sure you have added on your firewall the ports 5500 and 55443


    Any problem just say :blesta:

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