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Posts posted by a.daniello

  1. I'm agree with naja7host.


    We selected Blesta to sell other web services.


    After years, we're moving to sell also hosting but objectively there are a few limitations on it: first of all, the way to sell hosting > domain as described by naja7host, especially useful when we want to sell hosting package with a free domain included (as a great number of providers do).


    We tried with a few old clients that wanted buy some hosting plans: at the end... we done a live chat support to guide the user.


    As Licensecart often says, a few clients aren't the rule but my question is: why the majority of hosting resellers do differently?


    Sorry, for my poor english

  2. We use Jira, it wouldn't make sense to use two different issue trackers.


    I know, but i think that you don't understand me. Try with an example.


    Now, if we (Blesta customers) want submit a bug, we can do it in account.blesta.com (but usually you reply and suggest to go to the forum) or we go directly to the forum. Then, in forum discussion, we get notice if you open a related issue in your Jira.


    But the forum isn't the best (for us, users) to track, monitor, collaborate about an issue. So i'm thinking that can be useful use a simply and more efficient system as GitHub: obviously not as your issue management, but only to replace this forum on that job.


    Some project/product, commercial and not, has a forum or a Google group for discussions, and GitHub or a dedicated system to submit issues (bugs and enhancements).





  3. I'ld like very much to see Blesta on GitHub and i'ld like also to use GitHub for issues/ submission and use this forum only for discussion: this will a very good news.


    I think that using a forum for submit a bug or enhancement isn't the best because GitHub, with its friendly an semplicity also if more structured and categorized, do better this job.

  4. PauloV,

    i start by saying that i'm not a MOSS expert but i think that there's a small issue: if invoice has more than 1 row/item, in column "Total Value Invoiced (Excl. VAT)" of report you get only the value of the first row/item and not the total.


    I think that the problem is the join on "invoice_lines" and maybe you don't need to define "total_invoice" as "ROUND(invoice_lines.amount*invoice_lines.qty,2)", but only get "total" from "invoices".


    What do you think about?



  5. Yes! For me too.


    We did several tests and all works fine.


    Sorry for bad submission, but we were confused by a fact: in Tools > Log > "Invoice delivery" we didn't see the invoice delivery as aspected because when a proforma begin invoice, "Invoice delivery" doesn't add a new record on top, but change only the invoice number of the proforma with the number of invoice (this is ok) but show date and time of proforma delivery and not of invoice (this isn't ok). [we have also verified that in "invoice_delivery" db table you store two records, one for proforma and one for invoice, but in "Invoice delivery" reports you show only one record with "date_sent" older).


    Sorry... and thanks,



  6. Tyson, when we created the proforma we also checked for send email: so Blesta sent the proforma.


    Then, users have paid these proforma: proforma began invoices with status "not sent" but... after more then a day these invoices were always here with status "not sent" (also log not reports anything).


    At the end, we had to send it manually.


    I hope that this (and my english ;)) can explain better the case.


  7. If i can, i would edit a point:


    CORE-1561 "Requeue invoice for delivery when converted from proforma" seems work only with proforma generated by an order.


    If i create "manually" a proforma and then send to client, when he pay and record the transaction proforma is converted to invoice as "not sended" (correct, fix the original issue) but Blesta doesn't send the invoice (issue).



  8. I'm playing with the great Admin Tools by naja7host and i need to use in my cms pages something to be translated.


    So i make this simple extension of h2o.


    1. create a file called "translate.php" under "vendors/h2o/ext";


    2. add this code to the file

    class Translate_Tag extends H2o_Node {
        var $lang_key;
        function __construct($argstring, $parser, $pos=0) {
            $this->lang_key = trim($argstring);
        function render($context, $stream) {
            $stream->write(Language::_($this->lang_key, true));
    3. load this tag where do you need (for frontend, in "plugins/cms/controllers/main.php" at line 56) adding this code
    It's all! So you can add a simple h2o tag as you need, for example
    {% translate here_write_language_key_or_your_string_also_with_spaces  %}

    Usually, i'm adding my custom text in languages/[lang]/_custom.php.


    Hope that this can help someone.


  9. PauloV,

    i'ld suggest to use quote for param "nick" in views/default/admin_live_chat_include.pdt


    var LHCChatboxOptions = {hashchatbox:'empty',identifier:'default',status_text:'Admin Chat','nick':"{{nick}}",'disable_nick_change':true};
    So, there aren't problems with nick using single quote (i tried with my full name and i got an error because my last name contains a single quote).
    Then, i'm searching a way to localize chat on Blesta session language. For now, i do it so:
    1. i added a placeholder "{{lang}}" in views/default/client_live_chat_include.pdf, after "index.php"
    po.src = '{{base_uri}}plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/index.php{{lang}}/chat/getstatus/(click)/internal/(position)/bottom_right/(top)/350/(units)/pixels/(leaveamessage)/true?r='+refferer+'&l='+location;
    2. i set this placeholder based on Blesta session "language" (Live Helper Chat uses a 3 chars code for locale, e.g. "eng"), adding this control in "liveChatClientInclude()" of "live_chat_plugin.php"; for example, in my case
    if (!isset($this->Session)) 
        Loader::loadComponents($this, array("Session")); 
    $_lang = ($this->Session->read('language')=='it_it') ? '/ita' : '';
    $blc_include = str_replace("{{lang}}", $_lang, $blc_include);
    Not is the best, but works  ;)
  10. naja7host, always great!


    I think that there's only a little issue, simply to fix.



    - I have two language (english and italian); english is set as default.

    - I go in Languages (.../plugin/admin_utils/admin_languages/) and get following error

    Undefined offset: 0 on line 73 in /home/mykomuni/public_html/plugins/admin_utils/controllers/admin_languages.php


    "If" clause at line 61of controllers/admin_languages.php unsets first item of array $languages, so at first step of "for" cycle the var $languages[$j]->code (with $j=0) is undefined



    I fix simply adding an "else" at line 63, so there aren't jumps in keys of $languages array



  11. @naja7host, finally i have some minutes to play with Blesta.


    I've installed your last version 2.3.0, but please can you clarify me:


    1. Save invoice as PDF file when PAID Totally: it this the option to save in a folder invoices? if yes, in what folder and why only "paid"?


    2. What is "Enable EU invoicing"? I lost something


    3. "Correct Date for new invoice" is already solved with CORE-1605 ("When proforma is converted to an invoice, set date billed to current date")?


    Many thanks

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