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Posts posted by a.daniello

  1. By my personal experiences, there are two little but useful improvements:


    1. send notify via email about cron task locked or stalled (staff member can try to fix the problem, if present, asap);


    2. set, in system settings, the number of hours from last time failed (6 hours is, in my opinion, too big, but can be useful set a value based on our needs).

  2. For pagination, Blesta use "pagination" helper (helper/paginations/pagination.php) with its default config, replaced by Blesta configurations (config/blesta.php): in this last file you can find ul class "pagination pagination-sm" as navigation' >

    'surround' > 'attributes' > 'class' for pagination in client view only.
  3. If process takes few time, you can add the "loading image" and its container/overlay in the page and make these hidden (class="hidden"), then show it when ajax call success ( $('#id_of_loading_overlay').removeClass('hidden'); ) or completed (depend on your check code).


    In this case you don't use a JS timer but take control by server side (for example, using https://github.com/ZzAntares/ProxmoxVE).


    This is only an idea, i don't know your code so i wait "this night" to see it!



  4. From Blesta code:

    function startUpdateTimer() {
    				return setTimeout(function() {
    					$(this).blestaRequest("GET", '<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/index/" . $this->Html->ifSet($status, "open") . "/");?>',  null,
    						// Success response
    						function(data) {
    							if (data.replacer == null) {
    							else {
    								$(data.replacer, $("#admin_tickets")).html(data.content);
    								$(data.replacer, $("#admin_tickets")).blestaBindToolTips();
    						{dataType: 'json'}
    				}, 30000);
    			function stopUpdateTimer(timer) {

    Hope this help you


    var interval = 1000; // 1000 = 1 second, 3000 = 3 seconds

    function doAjax() {


    type: 'POST',

    url: 'increment.php',

    data: $(this).serialize(),

    dataType: 'json',

    success: function (data) {

    doSomething();// first set the value


    complete: function (data) {

    // Schedule the next

    setTimeout(doAjax, interval);




    setTimeout(doAjax, interval);

  6. Simply because are two different Company/Client (two address, two vat code, ...): the manager/contact is the same but uses two different account in Blesta, one for each company.


    We have a lot of cases as it, and we have also a case of four Company.


    So it is in Italy and in some european countries. I don't know if this is important also in other countries.

  7. 2- Thanks :) I alredy ask Blesta team to review and add all mods (they alredy implement some of our mods, like multi select tickets, merge, quote, etc..). Well open a Feature Request to see if there are enought members that want, to blesta add it all as core :)  I give full rights to use my mods to blesta :)


    Simply great! For me +1000!


    Please, open now a feature request!  ;)

  8. Usually Blesta uses First Name + Last Name to indicate a client (as in support tickets, as in report, and so on). I'ld like Blesta indicates a client:

    - principally with Company Name, if available,

    - secondary with First Name + Last Name, if Company name isn't available.


    A use case to explain better: i have more clients related to the same contact (one person is CEO of more companies); in tickets we see always his name (eg "Mario Rossi") but the client is a company in some cases (eg "ACME"), another company in other cases (eg "M. Rossi Ltd").  


    This is not a big problem but i think that this can be an useful enhancement, and i'm very curious about your opinion and how you do in your country.



  9. Yes, it is as naja7host said!


    If i set pro-forma ad default document, Blesta sends a pro-forma also for a renewal, also if client hasn't paid yet.


    So client, pay the proforma to renew the service and also to get the related invoice.


    But Blesta now not send this invoice: so, as Paul says, "when proforma is converted to invoice, it should always be re-queued for delivery".


    Proforma and invoice are two different documents: only the invoice is a document with full administrative validity (client can trash proforma, is as a "to pay" document reminder).


    Now, we should re-send manually all invoices affected.



  10. I'm going to move this to feature requests. Category names/descriptions don't support multi-language by design.


    A Knowledge Base not really multi-language, if Blesta is multi-language, make sense? Client can't find any solution/article if search in his language, also if these articles are in his language. This is a paradox!
    So, why i can edit articles selecting language?
    This is not "high priority" task because:
    1. Knowledge Base is a new addition;
    2. Knowledge Base isn't a core functionality of Blesta;
    But if you won't add this to Blesta, please remove also articles as multi-language.
  11. Found problem: in constructor of /components/invoice_templates/[template_name]/[template_name].php, Blesta loads language for this template with second parameter null

    Language::loadLang("komunica_invoice", null, dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "language" . DS);

    But so Blesta load "self::$current_language" (default Blesta language or user's language in current session) and not the client's language.
    Solution is simply replace "null" with the ISO 639-1/2 code of the client's language, but... we don't know how!!  :D


    Waiting for Blesta team, we're investigating on how to get this value.

  12. Licensecart:


    1. yes, we can't change it per department but isn't important: this'll always "only and simply" an "auto-closed" message, so the department is indifferent;


    2. no, we can't do that on responses, because:

    a. the responses aren't multi-language (we group using "category" as "language");

    b. should be more difficult to make "Auto-Close Predefined Response" as multiple selection (one for language), than as a pre-defined email template.


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