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Everything posted by xxxxx

  1. Thanks Tyson. I'll try to re-create the issue as soon as possible. I'm certain the the account in question did not have any credit.
  2. Thank you I'd appreciate the votes when it comes time to judge
  3. Thank you I'd appreciate the votes when it comes time to judge
  4. Thanks pal. Not sure we're on the same page. As I said, I keep my Enom account topped up. I'm not reselling Enom accounts, I'm selling Domain Names only. Basic issue, it's registering domains before a Blesta client has paid for it.
  5. Not sure we're talking about the same thing haha. Let me clear this up. 1) I created a Blesta test client (£0.00 credit on that account) 2) I logged in to Blesta as that test client. 3) I used my Order form to order domain and hosting but ABORTED BEFORE making payment. E.g. Got to the "Pay with PayPal" graphic and simply closed the window. 4) Received an Enom email, confirming registration of the domain which SHOULD NOT have been registered as the test client DID NOT pay for it. I hope that makes it clearer. Essentially, as a host, I'm out of pocket as a domain was registered by Blesta, via the Enom API, without confirming that the Blesta client had paid or had the appropriate credit on his account.
  6. Thanks, but the thing is, there was no credit on the test client's Blesta account. It was a new test account which had no credit whatsoever. I signed in as that user, went through the order process and stopped on final page, with the PayPal button, and never went any further. A minute or so later, I got an email from Enom notifying me of the new registration. Very worrying. I would hope that expected behaviour is not to interact with the Enom module at all until the Blesta account has appropriate credit. Just to make it clear, the issue isn't with Enom credit, I keep it topped up, it's with Blesta not taking client payment before purchasing the domain via API.
  7. And...it looks like it was CloudFlare as suspected. I imagine it messed with the IPN response and caused it to malform, throwing an "INVALID" response. The IPNs just shot through using the link with the "/1/". http://accounts.hosthallam.com/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ Now, I'm still worried about the issue where an Enom domain was registered without me even attempting to make a payment, any idea?
  8. Just disabled CloudFlare for the 'accounts.' subdomain. I've been playing with the order forms, but I've set the default now, thanks.
  9. Also, regarding the Gateway logs, this is taken from the PayPal API site: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNIntro/
  10. Urgh ... So I changed it, and it doesn't seem to take any effect. Even having Disabled and Re-enabled IPN.
  11. Thanks mate, have done, I'll just wait for PayPal to retry IPN so fingers crossed. I appreciate your efforts and I will reply ASAP.
  12. Thanks mate. Below is what I have, looks fine to me. The funny thing is, after payment, the browser redirection to the Blesta "Your payment is being processed" page is fine. My other settings, as per your second screenshot are pretty much identical. Notification URL http://accounts.hosthallam.com/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ Message delivery Enabled Maybe unrelated: I just had a worrying issue, where using a test account, I went through the order process and it provisioned an Enom domain before any payment attempt :/
  13. I appreciate your help, but unfortunately I can't allow Teamviewer on this network. If there is anything which would help diagnose the issue I'd be happy to provide it.
  14. Please see attachment. Thanks. The payment was not applied to the client account.
  15. Hi, I've been having issues trying to get PayPal IPN talk back to Blesta 3.2.0 to actually apply payments to a client's account. Please see the below screenshot. As far as I can see, the Callback URL, etc, are set correctly. I thought this may also be an issue with CloudFlare blocking the IPN callback, but I've added the relevant rules (as far as I can see) to prevent this. I did have this issue with Blesta 2.5 too, but that was a while back and I'm not sure this is related. Any tips or support would be appreciated. Thank you.
  16. Missed that one! Thanks, I've also opted to do that
  17. Ahhh that's the one. Updated as per above! Thanks.
  18. I can't find the "Mark Solved" button, but I submit this to the competition.
  19. Venustas (Latin) - loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty. I came up with this to match my company colour scheme, it could probably use a few tweaks as I will do as and when but here's my submission anyway (json attached). I hope you like it, and any suggestions are welcome theme-hosthallam_client_1.json.zip
  20. I can't find the "Mark Solved" button, but I submit this to the competition.
  21. Venustas (Latin) - loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty. I came up with this to match my company colour scheme, it could probably use a few tweaks as I will do as and when but here's my submission anyway (json attached). I hope you like it, and any suggestions are welcome theme-hosthallam_staff_1.json.zip
  22. Thanks Paul, I definitely will do. Hope I'm in the running, I could use those Amazon vouchers Keep up the good work, Blesta 3.2 is stunning.
  23. Needs some tweaks, but this is what I have so far
  24. Thanks Paul, I appreciate your support. Is this a bug? Is there no way to resolve this without having a duplicate package laying around?
  25. I used The Import Manager to import a 2.5 installation in to 3.2. Unfortunetly, attached to my ENOM package there are now many duplicate, unremovable packages. I used the match to existing packages option, which otherwise has worked fine. Please see screenshots.
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