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  1. Hi Paul, tks for your reply I´m using a shared hosting and just recieved a notice that they have updated Perl modules, so there might be the cause for this issue. I´m using the last Blesta version 3.1.3, but seems I´m using a wrong cron command, which should I use? tks!
  2. Hello there I´ve started recieving this message from cron deamon today: Cron: GET -t 15m 'http://blesta-install/cron/?cron_key=KEY' >/dev/null Parsing of undecoded UTF-8 will give garbage when decoding entities at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/LWP/Protocol.pm line 114 cron jobs seem to work ok. Any idea about this? Thanks
  3. Sorry, it works. I´ve deleted a {for} line of other loop and was giving me error.
  4. Hi, I'd like to add invoice item details in the email template but doing it wrong, getting error Template parse error: Invalid for loop syntax. This is the code I´m adding to email template (invoice delivery - unpaid) Invoice #: {invoice.id_code} --------------------------------------------------------------- {% for item in invoice.line_items %} {item.description} | {item.qty} | {item.total} {% endfor %} --------------------------------------------------------------- Total: {invoice.total} What I need is to loop {invoice.line_items} and print tha vars I need. Thanks!
  5. I´d like to add a few more details to Paul´s update, maybe it can help someone else: I was not able to get POP3 working, but IMAP worked for me, this is what I did to resolve, in order: 1- disable cpanel cron job 2- check log_cron table, erase support_manager task with end_date = NULL (follow this forum topic) 3- run cron manually, in a few seconds, tickets should be created. I added again the cronjob in cpanel every 5 minutes, but it did not work. This was the command: /usr/bin/php /home/MY-USER/public_html/MY-FOLDER/index.php cron As no error message was returned, I tried a few more times, but no ticket was created in support manager. Finnaly I tried to set a cron job that called to cron URL (see docs). 4- Add cron job to call cron URL, with command: GET -t 15m 'http://MY-BLESTA-URL/cron/?cron_key=MY-CRONKEY' (-t refers to: <timeout> Set timeout value) This worked for me! Side note: I guess my problem has to be related with how I installed mailparse extension. As I´m using a shared hosting, I´ve installed mailparse in my user account root -> '/home/MY-USER/php/ext/mailparse', also had to copy there all php extensions (as I had to change php.ini extensions_dir value). Maybe when running cron job command begining with '/usr/bin/php', as extensions are not there and can´t find them, mails are not parsed. (I´m guessing, not sure). Thanks everybody for all the help.
  6. I´ve just recieved a reply from support, thanks!
  7. thanks for the suggestion. I´ve tryied IMAP and doesn´t work either, I´ll keep testing and see what happens, thanks!
  8. thanks Michael, I´ve opened a ticket. Do you know how much can it take to get a response? I can´t figured out whats wrong, I´m sure the setup is OK. Ticket piping is the last thing I need to setup and go working with blesta, it´s just a little frustrating not getting it work.
  9. I have a valid license but not a login to open a ticket. How can I open a ticket support?
  10. Still can´t make it work. I double checked the settings and are all ok. Mailparse is installed. Is there a log to see error messages? Someone can drop a line to guide me?
  11. OK, I guess for google apps might be 'inbox' in lower case?? don´t really know. Is there a place where I can check the logs for errors? I really need this working. many thanks for your help!
  12. I guess not, what should I setup in Box Name??
  13. thanks for replies! - In settings >> automation, enable pop3/imap: OK, it´s enabled (5 minutes). Also have set up cron job and it´s working. - credentials: are correct, for google apps I´m using: (setup params for incoming email) handling: pop3 security: SSL host: pop.gmail.com user: support@mydomain pass: ok port: 995 (google account has pop3 enabled) In the same hosting account I haver the old Trellis Desk installed and setup with this same credentials and they work. Am I missing something? thanks
  14. Hi Cubic, thanks for your reply. My domain is setup with google apps, I´ve read that I´m unable to setup piping in cpanel when MX records look to external server. (please correct me if I´m wrong!!). Support plugin works ok from the UI, it sends with no problem (I´ve setup pop3 for outgoing messages with same email account). What isn´t working is when a client sends a mail directly to support@mydomain, I´m not able to download them via pop3 or imap. Hope someone can help. thanks!
  15. Hi, I´m staring using Blesta, looks very awsome so far. I´m having this issue with Support tickets: - In Department, I´m setting up POP3 as email handling, but no ticket is retrieved. - I´m sure al params or ok, as I´m using this same account with old Trellis Desk (which I´m switching from) - I´m using google apps for this domain, and have POP enabled. In Tools > log, says: - Attempting plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets. Finished plugin cron for support_manager poll_tickets. Not much info, no errors. And sometimes jus stays for hours with no end date. Hope anyone can drop me a clue or some guide to flloow up this issue. Installation: Blesta 3.0.8, upgraded today to 3.1.0 Cron job: 5 minutes in cpanel License: from my hosting provider site5 Thanks!
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