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Everything posted by flangefrog

  1. Maybe you should add a bug/feature request to check for the extension when installing the support plugin.
  2. All domains registered from the client panel should be registered at your registrar when paid. If that is not happening then there is something wrong. Do you have any module logs that appear after a client registered a domain?
  3. Check under the other filters i.e. pending services. Also make sure you don't have "manually review orders" turned on in the order form.
  4. I have had that problem before. I think there can be a few causes, but my problem was something to do with the currencies set up in the package. The reason why Firefox doesn't work while Chrome does is probably that you're logged in on one browser and you're using a different currency.
  5. What issue are you having in Chrome? The template that you select is only for the "other" package groups not the domain package group. For example if you sell hosting and SSL certificates, you can choose a template and it will be displayed after the customer has configured the domain.
  6. Looks amazing. I'm not selling VPSs at the moment but in 6 - 12 months I will be and I'll definitely consider using this. The UX is very nice.
  7. I think you should unassign the Domain package group like Licensecart's image, and set the template to "Standard"
  8. Are you able to try running it from /admin/settings/system/automation/ or from the terminal? If URL rewriting isn't working then try using yourdomain.com/index.php/cron: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-4.SetupaCronJob
  9. If it's just setting a text field or something then it should be fine, as any user input including the field would not be trusted anyway. Edit: of course it should still be filtered for XSS though.
  10. See these two threads: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2186-credit-note/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2028-credit-notes-and-accrual-accounting-reporting/ Mike, the credit note is basically a negative invoice, but it does need to say "Credit Note" not "Tax Invoice" (will be a bit different in other countries). Positive values are also easier to understand.
  11. @excess, would you mind sending me a PM with the prices and extensions for .nz names?
  12. I don't think HSTS should be enabled by default. It's great and I use it myself but it's not something you can just disable if you don't want it.
  13. Do you have statistics for Blesta users? I assume you collect them via the license revalidation but if not then maybe you should. I suspect there would be a lot less Blesta servers running 5.2 or lower compared to other servers. Also a lot of the users on older PHP versions probably haven't upgraded just because their version was still supported. If you force them to upgrade I don't think many users would have problems.
  14. flangefrog

    Release 3.3.0

    Open the ticket with you guys or Licensecart?
  15. flangefrog

    Release 3.3.0

    When upgrading from 3.3.0-b2 I get the following message: Any ideas? I have a monthly license.
  16. flangefrog

    Release 3.3.0

    Wow, that was fast.
  17. I used the link Download latest development version (0.5.x – recommended) from here which downloads the latest dev version from github. https://github.com/tpyo/amazon-s3-php-class/blob/master/S3.php
  18. This vQmod allows you to select Cloudscale as a region in your S3 backup settings. Cloudscale is a New Zealand based cloud storage company which is compatible with the S3 API. Blesta 3.3.0+ cloudscale.xml
  19. I set up S3 backup today with a local S3 compatible provider. My PHP 5.4 Windows dev installation could connect but not my PHP 5.5 Ubuntu server. One problem was CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST which was set to 1 instead of 2 which is incorrect and depreciated. This was not the only issue though, I didn't bother debugging the rest. I solved the problem by upgrading vendors/amazons3/S3.php from 0.5.0-dev to 0.5.1-dev. This corrected the above issue and whatever else was causing the connection problems. This bug is present in 3.2.2 as well as 3.3.0-b2
  20. That's one of the reasons, the other is to hinder the use of rainbow tables. Even if each user has the same salt and therefore the same hash, the salt would prevent them from using any previously existing rainbow tables. They could generate a rainbow table for that particular salt though, which is why having a separate salt per user is better as each user would need their own rainbow table (e.g. plain old brute force)
  21. Found a good overview of bcrypt, it actually has built in salts: http://stackoverflow.com/a/6833165/1595084 Even though the salt is different for each password you should be able to use the hash in the database for a different user since the salt is stored with the cipher text.
  22. Haven't looked into the password algorithms but each password in the DB has the same string preprended to it which I assume is the salt. That said, two passwords which I know are the same still had a different hash. I tried copying the hash from one user to the other and was able to log in though.
  23. You could try copying the password from another user in the database
  24. Unfortunately it doesn't seem that this can be done the proper way - using a plugin to add the menu - as there is no way for a plugin to set a dynamic menu. I'd like it if someone could prove me wrong on this. The vQmod below will add a menu with all of the clients active services as long as they have at least one. service_menu.xml
  25. You'd have to install logicboxes extended, do a find/replace throughout the module and then copy the original module to your installation.
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