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Found 2 results

  1. It's looking like the beta will be starting next week as we have a few things left to do to wrap up 3.2. If you're a direct customer, you will be able to participate in the beta as soon as it starts. 3.2 will have a total of 5 order templates you can select from, including. - Standard (The order form shipped with Blesta 3.0-3.1, converted to Bootstrap) - Ajax Boxes - Ajax Slider - Wizard Boxes - Wizard Slider The new ajax order forms are essentially a one-page order form (for the most part) and come in two package selection options, boxes and a slider. The new wizard order forms are essentially the ajax order form as a multi-step, and it support both the boxes and slider package selection options. The overall designs are basically the same. Here's a screenshot of the ajax boxes, and ajax slider order forms. We look forward to your feedback, especially during the beta. We want these new order forms not only to look great, but to work great too. IP Board scaled down the full size screenshots for some reason, so they appear a little blurry. They are smaller than the maximum size allowed, so not sure why it's doing that.
  2. Alright, so I know that 3.1 isn't even officially released yet, and the guys are focused on that.. but I've been cranking on markup for 3.2. It's a work in progress, but I think it's coming along nicely, and I thought I'd share and get your feedback. Here's 3 screenshots.. they were taken on.. 1. Macbook Pro 2. iPad Mini Retina 3. iPhone 4s This is just the dashboard, which has the most going on, but pretty much all the client area pages have been created. Bootstrap 3. Tried to stick pretty closely to the current design with improvements wherever possible. So, what do you think?
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