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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, Is there away to remove/disable the cPanel login link from inside the client area that is shown under active services when the client clicks the service the link is then shown? Thanks!
  2. The API document provides this example for adding invoices, how do I add clients via curl / API? curl https://yourdomain.com/installpath/api/invoices/add.json -u username:key -d 'vars[client_id]=1' -d 'vars[date_billed]=2013-11-20T16:43:00-07:00' -d 'vars[date_due]=2013-11-20T16:43:00-07:00' -d 'vars[currency]=USD' -d 'vars[lines][0][description]=Line item #1' -d 'vars[lines][0][amount]=5.99' -d 'vars[lines][1][description]=Line item #2' -d 'vars[lines][1][amount]=3.75' -d 'vars[lines][1][qty]=2' -d 'vars[delivery][0]=email'
  3. I don't use the account email feature as much as I should because I can't access more than one email address via the drop down. I would like options to send emails by.... All contacts on an account. Contact Types (support, billing, etc.) Add rows that let met BCC, CC additional contacts via dropdown. manually add addresses for people not in the database and assigned to the account.
  4. Hey, I really need this for my hosting. I want to send an email to all clients, but cant find it. Pls add it. - donleo123
  5. I need import from other database my customers list to clients in blesta, but i want do it from API, how can i do it? (I'm sorry, but I know a little english)
  6. Hi there, How can I import my existing clients with their details from WHM into Blesta clients list? Thanks
  7. Hi ive been trying to add a client but noticed that West Yorkshire has been left off the list of states/regions is there away i can add to this list so that it is selectable? cheers
  8. Hey Happy New Year to you all btw. I'm leaning towards a very simple user registration approach for my site/Blesta setup e.g. "Enter your email address to get started" (+ a standard confirmation email) - So they can register as simply as that - then upon their next login we ask them for further details e.g. "Please complete the following fields to complete your profile..." Why? - Data capture, and getting people through the front door quicker so we can then market to them potential (via the Mass Mailer which is coming) and also increasing the likely hood of purchasing from us. Is such a feature currently present to do this? Or another way of looking at it is: Putting a user through the purchasing process, I want as little as info as possible presented to them, as to not distract them/or disade them from purchasing... So if paying via PayPal - We could get the address etc from that right? (Appreciate CC etc will need billing info for fraud checks etc.) - and that's fine. But if using PayPal, all we'd need is: Name: Email: Total: $15.99 [pay now with paypal] Then once purchased, any further details we need, they are then prompted to enter before they can get int their account e.g. /clients/ Thank you for registering, before you can access your account, please provide the following information: Alternative email: Telephone: etc etc... Just a thought anyway, before I go specing up the pages I wanted to see what would be possible or if this is something you think you could incorporate?
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