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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, Because my email server is hosted on a different server than Blesta I have to setup remote email piping. I will of course use SSL, but I’m trying to decide if I choose POP vs IMAP. From my understanding IMAP is a modern protocol and has the advantage of keeping all emails stored on the email server. Using POP emails after piping would be deleted from the email server. This can be a bad thing in terms of wanting to keep multiple copies of the emails, but can be an advantage in terms of security because a hacker with access to the email server will not have access to the emails. What do you think? What are you using? Would really appreciate any advise. Thanks!
  2. I'm back again Im trying to get ticket email replys through to my support manager. I presume as i'm using the IMAP option, the email piping threads don't apply to me, at least the documentaion suggests this. In my department settings I have added an email and IMAP settings for an email i control; (the root domain, but not my blesta subdomian) for exapmle support@mydomain.com My blesta install is at hosting.mydomain.com I assume as IMAP settings don't not care what the domain is, so long as the settings are correct. Is that right? So assuming my settings are correct... I use zoho for the email in question. Email: support@mydomain.com Username: support@mydomain.com Pasword: *************** SSL (port) 993 Host (IMAP server) imap.zoho.com The settings work on a client. so im sure it not a settings issue. However cron never works, just the same since I started testing my support manager setup. The 5 min cron for download tickets has never ran, all other cron tasks are fine, but this just keeps trying to run and the little animation keeps whirring around. When i look in cron logs there is nothing there about support emails. any ideas? PS I have deleted all the database entries in cron_task ID 19 as per this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4168-support-department-imap-not-working/?hl=imap%20support But still not working.
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