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  1. Hello, I am very new to Blesta, so far I really like the software, nice job. Unfortunately I have a problem to add existing hosting services to Clients. I have 60 hosting accounts on one server, that the Blesta should manage in the future. But I cannot add existing services to client. I am getting error: "An internal error occurred. The module row is unavailable." every time I am trying to add service to client. What I do: 1) I have Installed cPanel module, and added one server. 2) Then I created new packages for this server. 3) I am navigating to Clients page, opening needed client and clicking on "Add Service" link, to add new service to this client. 4) On next window I am selecting Package and clicking Continue 5) Then choosing Term, Status: Active, unchecking 'Provision using the cPanel module' because hosting account is existing. Then in cPanel Options entering domain (existing account domain), and username (existing real account username). I am leaving password fields untouched and clicking Continue. 6) On next, confirmation page, I am clicking on Add Service, and that's it, that will return error: "An internal error occurred. The module row is unavailable.". What I already tried: 1) Re-adding all packages 2) Reinstalling cPanel module and re-adding all packages 3) Re-saved all packages, server groups, servers (if for some reason some field would not be saved correctly). 4) Changed cPanel remote access key and re-added server with new key. Under cPanel module management page, I can see that Blesta had connection to my server as it show that I have 60/∞ accounts, that I actually have on server. So I believe Blesta was able to connect to server. I don't know what else to try. Can you please help with some advice? What else to try? I have: Blesta Version 3.6.2 Thank you!
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