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Found 10 results

  1. I've seen instructions for setting up to sell shared hosting with automated provisioning, but it all assumes you are setting this up on a server that you control. Is there a straightforward way to resell hosting? I have namesilo for domains, and eventually figured that out, but their hosting packages aren't in their domain module.
  2. Hi there, I'm using the latest version of Blesta (5.4.1) and I've noticed that the last couple of domain names that I've registered via the admin side don't seem to have WHOIS privacy enabled even though I have checked the box. I am using the Namesilo module. Have anyone else experienced this? I have to log into Namesilo and manually change the setting.
  3. Hi, I have been through lots of docs and forum topics but unfortunately I can't find resolution to following issue. 1. I have installed namesilo module , got API and followed this guide : https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Namesilo I can import multiple TLDs from namesilo as packages to Package group named "Domains" . Then added this group to an order form. Now when I open order form I get this : Feature wise, it working fine. I have used "Domains" package group under "Domain Package Group" and "Package Groups" is empty , please refer image : But as you can see in first image, it is showing all TLDs I have imported so far using NameSilo module, I can't get it to show only few and rest on clicking show more. So, How can do it to show 3-4 tlds and rest on clicking "Show more" with NameSilo module created packages ? 2. If I change "Domain Package Group" on order form to "TLDs Pricing Packages" which is I suppose created by default by new Domain Manager from : Packages --> Domain Options --> TLD Pricing , and here enable few tld's manually assigning NameSilo as module then I get few spotlight TLDs and rest show up after clicking "Show more" . But then from here, I can't use NameSilo module created packages. Further, my Domain order form is giving error "No API key specified" (refer image below) . But I have specified namesilo and its api is working as I can create package etc. as when I change "Domain Package Group" setting to "Domains" Package I have created which is used to store "Namesilo" module created packages, then can connect to Namesilo api as I shown in first image. So, Now do I have to use "Default Domain Manager" , then how to use it to get it list domain packages created by Namesilo module or can I just not use this and use Namesilo created packages but with spotlight TLD feature?
  4. warning shown in namesilo blesta module
  5. NameSilo Domain Module This module is a complete solution for domain registrations and transfers through NameSilo. This module builds upon and continues the work by @NETLINK. He and I will be jointly contributing to this project and we welcome any other contributions on GitHub. An old thread related to this plugin was at https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3399-namesilo-plugin Features Domain registrations Domain transfers Supports all NameSilo-supported TLDs by dynamically listing the available ones to package creation Proper .us/.ca support with necessary fields on order forms NameSilo audits Sync service's renewal date with domain expiration date Register/manage nameservers/hosts Set/change nameservers Update WHOIS details Lock/unlock domain Retrieve EPP code DNSSEC management Check email validation & resend validation email if needed Toggle WHOIS privacy Manually extend registration Transfer status tracking Screenshots Coming soon Installation https://github.com/knownhost/Blesta-Namesilo/blob/master/README.md Upgrading Nothing special is required except when updating from <1.8.0. In this case see the "Other" section below. Known Issues A domain transfer can be ordered for more than 1 year. NameSilo's API does not allow a transfer to extend more than one year so the extra years would be lost if not manually corrected. I'm unsure of how we'll solve this at this point. Future Plans Update for Blesta's new domain management system when release. This will be the v2.0 milestone and will likely be mostly a rewrite of the module. Clean code and remove unnecessary code. Manually extending as an admin should support invoicing/queuing to post-payment. We should be able to do this with the proration logic. DNSSEC management Implemented! Source This module is fully open source and can be found on GitHub. Two repos are kept fully updated with releases currently being built on the second: https://github.com/knownhost/Blesta-Namesilo https://github.com/NETLINK/Blesta-Namesilo Download I will make every effort to maintain the listing in the marketplace at https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/80-NameSilo Module GitHub will always definitely be up-to-date: https://github.com/NETLINK/Blesta-Namesilo/releases Other The version 1.8.0 release is a major update building upon @NETLINK's work. The new auditing features will not work properly until you "manage" and save your NameSilo account settings. Everything else should be fully backwards-compatible.
  6. mukesh

    namesilo bug

    namesilo bug
  7. mukesh

    domain namesilo

    when i change price of .com then .com tld disapear
  8. when i try update new api namesilo but it not update in module. I tried enabling error reporting on blesta config file at that time I received the following error: Something went wrong. The maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
  9. I am posting this "solution" (bug?) in case anyone else had my issue. I realize there are previous threads about this here, here, and here (for example) but I didn't want to further hijack or necro their threads as neither involved NameSilo. In my case, I am using the NameSilo module(s) I tried both the original and the fork: https://github.com/NETLINK/Blesta-Namesilo https://github.com/mrrsm/Blesta-Namesilo I ended up using the latter because it dynamically pulls all the valid TLD's that NameSilo currently supports I did not test any other Domain Registration modules. Issue: It ALWAYS generates a "That domain name is not supported." and does not show the TLD under "Check Domain Availability" Solution: it was because I (intentionally) set the Package as a "Restricted" package -- it simply does not work with the NameSilo Blesta modules(s). Once the Package is set to to "Active", it works. I followed Paul's documentation about "Selling Domains" to the letter I did not find documentation or posts stating that Domains couldn't be Restricted Packages. The documentation simply says "'Active' is the default, 'Inactive', and 'Restricted' are also available." I actually did want to use the module as a Restricted Package to only some existing customers I used "Set Packages" prior to testing the Order so that the appropriate user(s) had access to it I only have a "Domain Package Group" selected and not "Package Group" selected as suggested here. Hope this helps someone else. Thanks
  10. Hi, One of my partner is Namesilo. They provide a plugin for WHMCS, and I hope Blesta can intergrate with this awesome domain reseller. You can find their module for WHMCS here: https://www.namesilo.com/domain_tools.php Maybe this source is helpful: http://pastebin.com/QxnAdecf It should be include: * Domain Management * Cron Job for updating expiry date Thank you,
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