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Eagerly trying to move to blesta

1. Installed blesta 

2. Import using import manager plug ins

3. Amazed to see that all clients along with all the packages had been imported. 

But only big problem is virtualize. All my packages are using virtualizor module. But the package here in blesta is showing universal module instead of virtualizor. 

4. Installed virtualizor module for blesta. Trying to edit a package but it is showing me that this package is already used by some orders so it can't be changed. 


So finally it is not possible to move to blesta when you use virtualizor module. Or there are some tricks??? Please help. 


P.S Now I am thinking of creating packages in blesta with virtualizor module before importing. That will help? 



3 answers to this question

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As Mike mentioned, you need a mapping file. All this does is map the whmcs fields to the blesta fields for Virtualizor. The mapping file would go in ~/plugins/import_manager/components/migrators/whmcs/5.2/config/. Point the Virtualizor folks to this directory and the existing mapping files (like cpanel.php, directadmin.php, etc) as an example.

Once you have the mapping file and have uploaded it to that directory you'll need to run the importer again (from a fresh Blesta install).

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