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CubeData Reseller System for Blesta

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Hello, have you ever wanted to be able to allow the resell of the licenses you provide through your Blesta using the Blesta License Manager?
if so, this plugin by CubeData is for you.

This was just one of the many plugins and modules CubeData has had in the internal pipeline for Release.

Thanks to Blesta's New Extension Generator, this plugin was born since the Extension Generator by Blesta creates the skeleton or structure or sometimes called Base for plugins so all you have to do now is just build on top of the base what you want the plugin to be.

This plugin enables the following for you:

  • Have your own Reseller Program
  • Resell your own Licenses
  • Enjoy Revenue from having your own Reseller Program For your Licenses

Pictures of the Plugin(All Images redacted to ensure security of the information used during development & demo):



How does this plugin automate and enable you to have a reseller program for your licenses?

See Below:

  • Allow your customers & employees to resell your licenses from their own Blesta
  • Automatic Cron Check runs on a regular interval to auto suspend Resellers who have past due invoices so you don't have to
  • Permissions (Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate a Reseller Access to the System)
  • Customers & Employees can manage/change their allowed IPs to connect to the Reseller API.
  • System Access is restricted both by API Key & IP Address(es) of the Web server running Blesta

Do you prefer to have packages that are only available for Resellers but not to the General Public? 

Do you have packages you have in a different package group hidden to the general public? If so you can make Package Groups Accessible to Resellers but not visible to the public.

  • Separate Packages from the public by allowing Packages from a Hidden Package Group For Resellers Only
  • Enjoy Revenue from Resellers
  • Don't worry about the public seeing the packages while still allowing resellers to resell the packages.


What are you waiting for? 

If you are a developer and want to allow others to resell your product licenses, while you get the revenue for the products sold via Resellers, Purchase the plugin Today!

Go Here to Purchase the Product Today.

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