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Cpanel Module With Extra Bonus

Blesta Addons

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i want to share with the community my modified cpanel module .

UPDATED TO 2.1.1 and now compatible with blesta 3.2.1


this module is based to the core cpanel module , this modification to files only , no database change , if you do'nt like it delate it and upload the core module .

this module has :

- some extra info account summary ;

- new tab for clients , that they can change thier cpanel password ;

- new tab for logins , client can now log to cpanel/webmail/phpmyadmin/whm -just for resellers)

this feature may exist in the extended cpanel module, but this one for who don't need to move from the core module .

i will try to add more options next time .

to install just upload the cpanel folder to the modules folders and ovveride the the old one .

any suggestion/bug report it here .



you can download from the github reposity


enjoy :)

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some sceen shoot haas ben added

but i can't upload more pictures . i have almost reached my limit (You can upload up to 31.07KB of files )


Have a word with Paul and he'll up it for us, You can link images aka image -> url :D i use that a lot to save my space.


Nice module mate, maybe can you have the buttons in 4s


[ ---- 4 ---- ] [ ---- 4 ---- ]  [ ---- 4 ---- ]


cPanel  - PHPmyAdmin - Webmail




[ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ]


cPanel - PHPmyAdmin - Webmail - WHM

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Nice module mate, maybe can you have the buttons in 4s


[ ---- 4 ---- ] [ ---- 4 ---- ]  [ ---- 4 ---- ]or:


[ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ]

cPanel - PHPmyAdmin - Webmail

cPanel - PHPmyAdmin - Webmail - WHM

thanks for the suggestion . i have another idea for this to implement in the next task , maybe you will like it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checked this out and it works really well - no bugs that I can see.


1 suggestion - for webmail, I personally think it would be better to take the client to the webmail screen where they can enter the email address they want to access instead of the system address that I think very few use or even know about. 


Just my 2 cents but thanks for the improvements!

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1 suggestion - for webmail, I personally think it would be better to take the client to the webmail screen where they can enter the email address they want to access instead of the system address that I think very few use or even know about.

Well Adressed this idea, i was thinking to add a modal windows that the client should enter the email +password then it will login to thier webmail .

the default user is bad idea .


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Pretty cool.

1) - Is there a way to restrict access for the "PHPMyAdmin" area ?

2) - Is there a way that I  modify the module so that people go to the "Webmail login page" instead of direct access the "default mail account" ?

3) - In what way is this module different from "C-Panel extended" ?  ( https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5552-module-cpanel-extended-module-for-blesta/ )

4) - Are there any know security issues with the "C-Panel" reloaded module ?


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Concerning #1

We just went ahead and commented out the PHPMyAdmin code...

<div class="martop10">
		<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->Html->safe(sprintf('https://%s:2083/login/', $server->meta->host_name)); ?>" target="_blank">
			<input type="hidden" name="user" value="<?php $this->Html->_($fields->cpanel_username); ?>">
			<input type="hidden" name="pass" value="<?php $this->Html->_($fields->cpanel_password); ?>">
			<input type="hidden" name="goto_uri" value="/frontend/x3/sql/PhpMyAdmin.html">
			<button class="btn btn-default btn-block" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> phpMyAdmin</button>


Concerning #2

We got the Default WebMail login page to show up with the following modification ...

<!--<input type="hidden" name="user" value="<?php $this->Html->_($fields->cpanel_username); ?>">-->
<!--<input type="hidden" name="pass" value="<?php $this->Html->_($fields->cpanel_password); ?>">-->
			<button class="btn btn-default btn-block" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> Webmail</button>


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