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hi devs and fellow Blesta lovers,


We need a SEO plugin to do the following and not limited features.


1. Shorten the length of the url 

2. Has meta tags for each order form

3. Key words selection

4. Add Robots

5. Add XML Feed better faster

6. Send website details to Google or  Listed Directories


Happy days are here folks :)


hi devs and fellow Blesta lovers,


We need a SEO plugin to do the following and not limited features.

Blesta needs a SEO plugin? What benefit will that offer? Take for example the Blesta demo: http://demo.blesta.com/ the only area I could see any use if someone had an extensive knowledge base that they want to attract users to their site (similar to digital ocean's system ... but most of those are user submitted content in exchange for credits).

But I believe the wording of the knowledge base would be more beneficial for SEO then any metadata that would exist.


1. Shorten the length of the url

Ya, I think that could be solved with some rewrite rules from your webserver. But I can see some modifications that might need to be done to Blesta to support this.


2. Has meta tags for each order form

3. Key words selection

What do you mean? Like configuration fields supporting extra metadata information? What do you mean by keyword selection? Tag Cloud? This could be solved by editing your theme.


4. Add Robots

5. Add XML Feed better faster

6. Send website details to Google or  Listed Directories

Add Robots, like in robots.txt? Blesta can give suggestions for bots to not crawl some aspects of a blesta install, for example, the admin area or plugins folder. As for installation, robots.txt requires it to be installed at the root web folder of a domain. If your blesta is installed in a subfolder, out of the box it would not work (domain.tld/blesta/robots.txt for example).

What do you mean by XML feed better faster? What feeds would blesta publish? The only thing I can think of would be for the Blesta Announcement plugin: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3180-plugin-announcement-released/ Perhaps you should post your suggestion to that plugin (already on TODO list).

As for send website details to google or listing directories, I mean, google has an API for that https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/webmasters/v3/ but why is this needed? How many times are you going to be submitting the site to Google's Webmaster Tool? Seems like a lot of work on reinventing the wheel. Would be much easier, and update to date, if you used Google's interface rather then a plugin.

I just do not see the need for this. Maybe you and others can convince me I am wrong.



I don't believe in SEO, anything you want can be done manually (server or structure.pdt), a billing system doesn't need SEO minus the friendly URLs and languages.

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