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Is Blesta able to, out of the box,       only preauth payments for new orders, and only capture when the order is accepted?



I have also started a post in the dev section, as I was writing my own merchant gateway module, however I feel like Blesta maybe does not actually function this way and maybe it was intended for the future?


I tried reading through the code looking for anywhere there are references to authorizepayment / authorizecc  vs processpayment/processcc  etc.






7 answers to this question

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If I'm not mistaken, it's a function of the individual payment gateway to support authorization only vs. authorization + capture. There is a feature to require manual approval for each order before being provisioned. This is selected on each order form.

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I have already created an orderform which requires manual approval which is great.  The issue is,  during the order process it is always calling  processCc  for the payment which  is a capture, despite the fact the gateway has authorizeCc capabilities.


so my question is,   what situation  is required  for   blesta to only execute an authorization, and then then later  complete it with a capture.   I even  tried having my gateway return "Pending" for payment status, however this cause unfavorable situation where there order did not appear as waiting for approval but only as pending,  and when I approved it nothing was done with the payment....  even if i went into the payment and  changed it from Pending to Approved,   no option came up to execute this change via the gateway.

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I dont think you are actually reading what I am saying.


The gateway module has  various  methods,    such as   processCc, authorizeCc, captureCc,  voidCc, etc.      However  Blesta  is only ever using the processCc,  so I am asking  in what situation does Blesta actually make use of the  authorize/capture,  because the module I have written based on the sdk clearly supports it, and looking in other modules that ship with  blesta such as authorize_net they support it, however I did  configure authorize_net     to try and set it, and again i could not get it to  authorize, it always went straight for a sale not authorization.

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I dont think you are actually reading what I am saying.


The gateway module has  various  methods,    such as   processCc, authorizeCc, captureCc,  voidCc, etc.      However  Blesta  is only ever using the processCc,  so I am asking  in what situation does Blesta actually make use of the  authorize/capture,  because the module I have written based on the sdk clearly supports it, and looking in other modules that ship with  blesta such as authorize_net they support it, however I did  configure authorize_net     to try and set it, and again i could not get it to  authorize, it always went straight for a sale not authorization.



Sorry if I misread this. Hopefully one of the developers will chime in soon and give you a better answer.

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Blesta doesn't make individual authorizations/captures in its normal operation as it processes them both at once using a single charge option with the gateway. The system supports performing authorizations and captures, depending on the gateway, but would require you to perform them yourself (e.g. from a plugin).

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We do have plans, in the future, to add an option when adding an order form, to choose whether to authorize only and capture when approved, or authorize + capture when checking out. However, as others have pointed out, authorize will only work for gateways that support it. So others would still need to process the capture immediately.

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