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Change Package Belong To Universal Module To A Custom Module

Blesta Addons

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i want to change a package belong to universal module ,to a new coded module , the problem is in the universal module the main field is user1 , and the custom module has the field named ip_key .


when i change the package the main field is not shown in the new package in admin/client side i believe i should change the old name of field to the new one 


my question what is the best and the safe way to do this ?


any mysql code that can help is appreciated 



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i want to change a package belong to universal module ,to a new coded module , the problem is in the universal module the main field is user1 , and the custom module has the field named ip_key .


when i change the package the main field is not shown in the new package in admin/client side i believe i should change the old name of field to the new one 


my question what is the best and the safe way to do this ?


any mysql code that can help is appreciated 



Hello naja7host :)


I Have a Plugin for that alredy made :)


I have made for a blesta member some time ago to move from Universal Module to OpenSRS Module :)


I was working on it to be able to move from any Module as easy as a Drop Down to choose from :)


Give me until monday and I will try and release it here :)

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Hello naja7host :)


I Have a Plugin for that alredy made :)


I have made for a blesta member some time ago to move from Universal Module to OpenSRS Module :)


I was working on it to be able to move from any Module as easy as a Drop Down to choose from :)


Give me until monday and I will try and release it here :)


perfect , you will save me the time to code it again ;)

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perfect , you will save me the time to code it again ;)





It will take more time that I expected to finish the Plugin to work with any outher Module, But I will post below the Code I have iis working in my client case that I have "comment" below for you to understand :P


Im sure there are many outher ways, maybe more easy, but its working great :)


I have set the code below in a Plugin on Blesta, so you can use as you want :)

        // Set your email adress to send the report
        $universaltoany_email = "email@mydomain.com";

        // Set Universal Module module_row_id
        $universal_module_row_id = "1";

        // Set the main key to be changed to anouther module key
        $universal_key_change = "user1";

        // Set all Universal Module Keys to be deleted that dosent make sense on the new Module
        $universal_delete_key = array("opt1","opt2","pass","user2");

        // Set Outher Module to transfer to module_row_id
        $any_module_row_id = "2";

        // Set the main key for the new Module to be changed from $universal_key_change
        $any_key_change = "domain";

        // Add all Universal Package Pricing ID's you want to transfer here

        // Add all equivalent new Module Package Pricing ID's here to match the above "universal"

        // Now we map the array to match each Package Pricing
        $univ_to_opensrs_map = array_map(null, $universal, $any_module);

        // Now we start the processes for transfer
        foreach ($univ_to_opensrs_map as &$value) {

            // get all universal Packages mapped above
            $upackages = $this->Record->select(array("pricing_id","package_id"))->from("package_pricing")->where("package_pricing.package_id", "=", $value[0])->fetchAll();

            // we start logging the Transfer Report to recive as an email
            $sendreport .= "Universal Package ID = ". $value[0]."\n";

                    // start reading all Packages
        			foreach ($upackages as $upackage) {

                        // Now we get all Universal Pricing ID's to transfer
                        $upricings = $this->Record->select(array("id","period","term"))->from("pricings")->where("pricings.id", "=", $upackage->pricing_id)->fetchAll();

                        // we add all Universal Package Pricing ID's that will be converted
                        $sendreport .= "Universal Package Price ID = ". $upackage->pricing_id."\n";

                            // now we start reading all Universal Pricing ID's
                			foreach ($upricings as $upricing) {

                                // now we get the pricing term to check if its OK, because some times we onlly use months and in this client case we converted months to years for OpenSRS
                           		$gterm = $upricing->term;

        	                    if ($upricing->period == "month")
                            		$gterm = ($upricing->term / 12);

                                // We log the original period and the converted period just to make sure its OK
                                $sendreport .= "Universal Package Price Period = ". $upricing->period."\n";
                                $sendreport .= "Universal Package Price Term = ". $gterm." -> Original Term = ".$upricing->term." \n\n";

                                // we logs the outher Moduke Package ID that will convert to
                                $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package ID = ". $value[1]."\n";

                                // Now we strat getting all outher Module Package Pricing ID's
                                $opackages = $this->Record->select(array("pricing_id","package_id"))->from("package_pricing")->where("package_pricing.package_id", "=", $value[1])->fetchAll();

                                    // Now we start the process of transfer to the outher module
                        			foreach ($opackages as $opackage) {

                                        // we log the Other Module Package Pricing ID
                                        $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package Price ID = ". $opackage->pricing_id."\n";

                                        // now we get all all Package Princig ID's mapped (in this case we will get only the "period" by "year" but you can change that for your case)
                                        $opricings = $this->Record->select(array("id","period","term"))->from("pricings")->where("pricings.id", "=", $opackage->pricing_id)->where("pricings.period", "=", "year")->where("pricings.term", "=", $gterm)->fetchAll();

                                            // now we read all pricings
                                       	    foreach ($opricings as $opricing) {

                                                // we get the outher module princing ID
                                                $opricingid = $opricing->id;

                                                // we logs all pricing period and term
                                                $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package Price Period = ". $opricing->period."\n";
                                                $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package Price Term = ". $opricing->term."\n";

                                                $sendreport .= "\n\n---------------BEGINING---------------\n";

                                                // now we finally have all correct client/service princing ID and service ID we can convert/transfer
                                                $oservices = $this->Record->select(array("id"))->from("services")->where("pricing_id", "=", $upricing->id)->fetchAll();

                                                    // we strat the final process
                                    			    foreach ($oservices as $oservice) {

                                                        // we log all transfered service ID to make sure was transfer sucessfull
                                                        $sendreport .= "Universal to AnyModule Imported Service ID = ". $oservice->id."\n";

                                                        // we update the Universal Module ID to the new Module ID
                                                        $this->Record->where("pricing_id", "=", $upricing->id)->where("module_row_id", "=", $universal_module_row_id)->update("services", array("pricing_id"=>$opricingid, "module_row_id"=>$any_module_row_id));

                                                        // we change the Module "key" in this case "user1" to the new "key", in this case "domain"
                                                        $this->Record->where("service_id", "=", $oservice->id)->where("key", "=", $universal_key_change)->update("service_fields", array("key"=>$any_key_change));

                                                        // we remove all unecessary key's that dosent make sense for this Module, in this case we will remove "opt1","opt2","pass","user2"
                                                        $this->Record->from("service_fields")->where("service_id", "=", $oservice->id)->where("key", "in", $universal_delete_key)->delete();

                                                $sendreport .= "\n------------------END-------------------\n\n";


                                                $sendreport .= "\n\n";

        mail($universaltoany_email, "Blesta - Universal to AnyModule Report", $sendreport);
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