
Blesta 3.0: Full Featured ACL (video)

September 28, 2011 | Posted by Paul

ACLs (Access Control Lists) allow refined control over resources in Blesta v3. There are a few notable differences in the way ACLs are implemented in Blesta vs other applications.

  1. Plugins can easily register resources into the permission system to be controlled within the Staff Groups settings page for seamless integration.
  2. The permission system automatically ties into the primary and secondary navigation elements, so even custom controllers can take advantage of the ACL.
  3. The ACL library can be invoked directly for even more refined control. You can design your own hierarchy of permissions and explicitly deny or allow any resource.

In this video, I touch on some of the basics. The ACL currently has 87 resources, but we’ll likely have over 100 in the initial release for the core. The Order and Support plugins will add to that.