
Blesta 3.0: Staff Login

February 10, 2012 | Posted by Paul

We’ve shown you a fair amount of the staff interface, but I want to show you the staff login page today. Overall this video touches on three things..

  1. Staff Login Page: This is a first, no one outside our team has seen this login page before now.
  2. Two-Factor Authentication: This was originally developed for v3, then back-ported to 2.5.
  3. Resource Preservation: Session expire? Blesta remembers where you were headed.

The staff login page has previously never been shown, although I designed it before much of the interface. Two-Factor Authentication was originally developed early on for v3, and then back-ported to 2.5. As far as we know, no one else supports two-factor authentication, making Blesta uniquely secure. We don’t blame them though, it took plenty of R&D and most solutions are proprietary. Resource preservation is just a fancy term we coined to say that Blesta remembers where you were going, and takes you back there if your session expires and you get logged out and login again.

The video is below, as usual you can make the video full screen, and be sure to turn on your sound.

Note: Cody tells me, and I realized after that OATH is pronounced “oath”, not “oh-auth”, which is something completely different.