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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Deleting a client within the interface also removes any/all data associated with that customer. Transactions, services, etc. Only clients with no active services or open invoices can be deleted via the UI. If you simply delete the client, you may be leaving orphaned data. I would recommend digging deeper into how the delete client code works, it's possible you need to perform some other steps also.
  2. This has been added to version 5.11 already, so it will ship with 5.11 when released.
  3. You need to determine what module is required. MyOrderBox sounds like Logicboxes, but I'm not certain. Registrar modules can be installed under Packages > Domain Options: Registrars. TLDs configured under TLD Pricing, and to sell create an order form (Packages > Order Forms) of the type "Domain and Other".
  4. If this is the settings in the module for limits, then yes, set a reasonably high number for what you expect to fit on the server.
  5. Hi there, the default is no limit. When creating a Package, just leave both these options Unlimited.
  6. Paul

    WEB3 Domains/TLD's

    Can you provide some details/context? By WEB3 domains are you talking about crypto domains that do not work like typical domains? How would you see this working with Blesta? Please be specific.
  7. It looks like you are mixing the old Package method with the domain manager. The domain manager automatically creates and manages hidden Packages, so all your pricing should be set under Packages > Domain Options ONLY. The domain manager also never enables more than 1 TLD per hidden Package, that will break everything. You should delete any manually created Packages and use the Domain Manager to create your TLDs only. If the module does not support TLD import or price sync, then you need to add them manually in the pricing grid under Packages > Domain Options > TLD Pricing. Click the "+ Add TLD" button to manually add new TLDs one at a time, then click Edit to set pricing, and enable after pricing is set.
  8. That will likely cause other issues and we do not recommend anyone do this.
  9. Looks like a bug, I've created the following task: https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-5237 If you are not selling domains on the other company, you can uninstall the plugin. Then you should be able to install it on the other company. This one may be fairly complex to resolve.
  10. Why not do a service search? Smart search cannot search everything or it would be incredibly slow, which is why there are more specific options.
  11. Admin "cards" do not exist yet, there is no way to make or add them. We may add them in the future. The System Overview widget includes all of the information you've mocked up in the cards. The only way to create cards now is to create your own plugin that adds a widget, and then display your own cards within the widget.
  12. It looks like no CSS is being loaded. If you use your inspector you should be able to see the request for CSS files and the response of your web server. Maybe some files are missing? Or maybe they are being blocked or not loaded due to your .htaccess file.
  13. Are you running the free version Litespeed or a paid version? My understanding is that the free version does not emulate Apache's mod_rewrite rules. Do your Blesta URLs include index.php? For example, is it /index.php/admin/ or just /admin/ for the admin dashboard?
  14. And what does the theme look like that does not change? Are you running Apache and did you upload your .htaccess file? Theme colors are loaded dynamically. This typically works out of the box with Apache web servers, but if you are running something like Nginx, then you would need a custom Nginx configuration to rewrite the URLs properly. We have a sample Nginx config for experts here https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-Nginx
  15. It's possible that the custom language file is only loaded in the context of custom definitions in Blesta, like Payment Types (Under Settings > System > General > Payment Types) where custom definitions can be used. It may be necessary to wait for https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-5111 to be implemented, hopefully in 5.11, to allow any/all definitions to be overwritten here in an overrides file.
  16. Are you a real person? Why drudge up a 6 year old post about a company that no longer exists?
  17. Which PayPal gateway is this? If it's PayPal Payments Standard and the transaction in Blesta doesn't appear, make sure your IPN is enabled in your PayPal account, if it's disabled then PayPal won't make the request. https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/PayPal+Payments+Standard#PayPalPaymentsStandard-CommonIssues If the transaction does appear, and the invoice is paid, the cron will activate the service next time it runs, make sure you've set up the cron job correctly and that it's regularly running and updating the last ran date time under Settings > System > Automation. Blesta provisions paid pending services, so the invoice should be paid, and the service should be pending. If the service is in-review, then the order has not been approved, or was held for manual review due to your settings and/or fraud options.
  18. Paul

    .ca registrations

    What registrar module are you using? Howe are you trying to register the domain, as an admin or as a client during checkout? What fields are missing?
  19. What icon are you referring to, do you mean the QR code? The QR code image is generated on the fly internally and not saved, the key is stored in the user_otps table.
  20. You are good with these being on a client profile page above all the existing widgets? The Client Profile, Dashboard and Billing > Overview pages all support widgets, which plugins can create. They can be added and sorted. Client Cards were intended to show information is a sort of summary. If we add cards to the admin area, they will only appear under the Client Profile page (Viewing a particular client) I just want to make sure we're on the same page. So you want to see cards on a client's profile page, with a number/count of pending services, tickets waiting for staff reply, open invoices, and scheduled cancellations? Like the client dashboard, these would appear on a client's profile page at the top. Are we on the same page?
  21. Paul

    Manual available?

    https://docs.blesta.com contains the documentation. If you have questions on how to do something in particular, join our Discord (invite link above in forum navigation), there's a community of friendly helpful people.
  22. Packages > Edit, to edit a Package, the group assignment is at the bottom in the "Group Membership" package. Available groups on the right, Member groups on the left. Move from the right to the left and save the Package to add it to the group. Packages > Package Groups to create groups.
  23. Packages > Domain Options > Configuration: TLD Sync lets you set price margins and set auto sync. Manual sync can be done under TLD Pricing for existing domains, or under Import TLDs if importing new TLDs, which will do a price sync on import.
  24. What kind of cards would you like to see in the admin area, client profile page? If there are some good card ideas, we'll consider finalizing this feature.
  25. Not in our distribution no, since there are directories included that must go above your document root. If you want to unzip on the server, it's better to unzip in a temp directory, then copy the files to the correct location cp -Rf /path/to/temp/blesta/* /path/to/installation/ Of course, backup your files and database first anytime you upgrade.
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